Q&A for How to Read Binary

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    How can I turn binary into a sentence?
    Community Answer
    You translate a string of binary code to decimals and then translate the decimals into html code. For example, 111011= 123, 123= { . Write multiple strings of binary code and you'll get a sentence.
  • Question
    Can I learn to read binary if I am frightened of math?
    Community Answer
    You will need some basic understanding of math (addition and multiplication) or a calculator.
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    How do I add two lines of binary numbers together?
    Community Answer
    It really depends on the method you're using. If you're looking for a sentence conversion, then the computer automatically reads in sets of eight e.g 00111111 (?), 00111101 (=), 01000001 (A) etc. However, the process the computer goes through is much more complicated than that. Essentially, every five digits is equal to either a symbol, number, or letter.
  • Question
    Are all sets of numbers in groups of 6 or can it be more or less?
    Community Answer
    Bytes are groups of 8 bits, but you can encode numbers with any amount of bits, each place keeps increasing by a power of two as you read along from right to left.
  • Question
    Why does method 2 start with a power of 0?
    Community Answer
    Because using that method, the first number read has no numerical value, regardless of it either being 1 or 0. It is what is necessary to get that particular method to work.
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    How do you communicate with a binary language?
    Community Answer
    You can encode letters as binary using an encoding scheme (Unicode, etc.) and send the binary to someone else. The other person has to decode the binary back into letters using that encoding. Bytes (8 bits) can be thought of as numbers between 0-256, and most characters can be encoded as single bytes.
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    How would you write 12 in binary?
    Community Answer
    1100: that's one 8, plus one 4.
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    What if I add a 2 to binary?
    Top Answerer
    The numeral 2 does not exist in the binary system. The binary equivalent of 2 is 10 ("one-zero"), which means one 2 and zero 1's. Adding in the binary system is done the same way it's done in the ten-based (or "decimal") system. See Add Binary Numbers .
  • Question
    Is there a converter for binary to letters?
    Community Answer
    Yes, simply search online for a "binary to text" converter. There are many so you shouldn't have any problems finding one.
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    How do I tell the difference between binary letters and numbers?
    Community Answer
    Binary is always a number. However, when converted to denary (decimal numbers), that number can be compared to the ASCII chart to see what letter/symbol it represents in ASCII code. For example, 01000001 is 65 in denary. 65 is Capital A in ASCII. Binary to be translated into ASCII is typically written in sets of eight binary digits, like in the example. Sometimes the leftmost zeroes are dropped to remove redundancy.
  • Question
    Are there more detailed instructions that can help me understand this concept?
    Top Answerer
    There are several other useful wikiHow articles about the binary system. Search for them on the search bar at the top of this page.
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    How can I turn binary into the alphabet?
    Community Answer
    Binary is only in numbers. ASCII is one of many ways to represent an alphabet using binary.
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    Can I use binary code for software?
    Community Answer
    In reality, all computer software is binary when it is translated into "machine code".
  • Question
    Can I use 3 instead of 2 on Method 1?
    Top Answerer
    No, that will give you a completely different number. For example, binary 10 would be decimal 2, while trinary 10 would be decimal 3. A system that uses 3 as base instead of 2 is called trinary and used quite rarely.
  • Question
    How do I install binary coding hardware?
    Community Answer
    There are a few apps you can install where you type in values or generally what you want and it will return in binary code. Look for one and download it, the enter your information according to the app's instructions.
  • Question
    How do I convert between bases?
    Top Answerer
    To convert from one base to a second base, the easiest way is to covert the first base to base-10 and then covert the base-10 number to the second base.
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    What do you use binary codes for?
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    Binary codes are useful for machine instructions in which "on" and "off" are the only two allowed states of a given component (switch, LED, memory cell, etc).
  • Question
    How do I turn binary numbers into letters manually or without using converters?
    Community Answer
    Become proficient in reading binary numbers and memorize their associated values on the ASCII chart.
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    How do you get binary?
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    Why do you put zeros on the left if they don't count?
    Top Answerer
    Zeros are not usually inserted on the left. In normal usage the left-most digit is always a 1. (In the above article, they've placed some zeros on the left merely as a teaching point.)
  • Question
    Divide binary numbers 1101001 by 11111?
    Top Answerer
    The easiest way to do this is to translate the binary numbers into base-10, perform the division, and then translate the quotient back into binary. However, there's another way to do it. See Divide Binary Numbers .
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