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Q&A for How to Record a Song
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QuestionHow can I publish my songs?Community AnswerI would recommend making a Youtube or Vimeo account and posting your songs on there. This will ensure the songs are still yours by copyright, but they will be released to the world which will give you a higher chance of being discovered.
QuestionCan I make a song at home?Jelke de JongCommunity AnswerYes! You will probably not get quite the quality sound you'd get in a studio, but with some practice and the right materials, you can make pretty good demos from home.
QuestionI have recorded. How do I make a video after that?Community AnswerYou can decide to do the video professionally or take things a bit more calmly and do it at home. If you do it at home, find a friend who knows at least a bit about filmmaking and cinematography to help you, or that at least you watch some other music videos beforehand to know what you're getting into. Find a video recording device and play the music in the background so that at least you know which part of the song you're recording. When you edit the video, take out the music from the background.
QuestionIf I record a song, can I put it on YouTube?Community AnswerAssuming the song is wholly original and entirely your own, then yes, you can definitely put it on YouTube.
QuestionAre vocal, drums, guitar, keyboard and every other instrument recorded separately?Shirsh ChhabraCommunity AnswerIf it can't be done simultaneously, then YES! But nothing's better than a live recording of the song.
QuestionI understand that a microphone is necessary for singing a song and there are many pieces of equipment available, but I do not have the budget for it all. Can we record on a mobile device?Jelke de JongCommunity AnswerWell, it is possible to record with a phone, but you are sacrificing a lot of quality there. I would recommend getting a cheap microphone, I would suggest something by Devine, since they have great bang for your buck microphones that are cheap but work wonders.
QuestionI don't know how to record a song. How do you record it?Johnjohnvball17Top AnswererThere are several ways to record a song. The simplest way would be to use a voice recording application on a smartphone or a handheld recording device. More complicated recording methods require having a digital audio workstation (DAW) program and analog to digital audio converters so that you can record multiple instruments and multiple parts of a song.
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