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Q&A for How to Say Shut Up in Spanish
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QuestionHow do I say "chocolate" in Spanish?Community AnswerThe spelling is the same, although the pronunciation is different: Choh-koh-LAW-teh
QuestionHow do I say "brother" and "sister" in SpanishJay PratapCommunity AnswerBrother is "hermano," and sister is "hermana." Be careful, as the -o masculine ending and -a feminine ending are crucial to the meaning. "Hermano" can also mean the neutral idea of a "sibling."
QuestionHow do you say "I am so grateful" in Spanish?DonaganTop AnswererEstoy muy agradecido.
QuestionHow do I say "listen" in Spanish?DonaganTop Answerer"Escuche" or "escucheme" (listen to me).
QuestionHow is "hocico" pronounced?DonaganTop Answereroh-SEE-koh.
QuestionHow can I say tree in Spanish?DonaganTop Answererárbol.
QuestionHow do I say Christmas in Spanish?DonaganTop AnswererNavidad.
QuestionHow do I say "I hate you" in Spanish?DonaganTop AnswererTe odio.
QuestionWhat does hocico mean in Spanish?DonaganTop AnswererSnout (nose).
QuestionHow do I say, "Your eyes are so beautiful"?DonaganTop Answerer"Tus ojos son tan hermosos."
QuestionHow can I tell someone I don’t like them in Spanish?DonaganTop AnswererNo me gusta usted.
QuestionHow do I say "I've missed you" in Spanish?DonaganTop AnswererTe he extrañado.
QuestionHow do I say "Christmas every day"?DonaganTop AnswererNavidad todos los días.
QuestionHow do I say "I love you" in Spanish?DonaganTop Answerer"Te amo."
QuestionHow do you say, "It's time for dinner"?Community AnswerYou would say: "Es hora de cenar."
QuestionWhy in Spanish sentences there is sometimes an a and seems like it does not belong? Exp: destruir a mi hermana. That sentence means kill my sister but why is there an a?DonaganTop Answerer"A" means "to." Spanish sentence construction sometimes uses "to" when an action is performed on (or to) someone or something when the English language does not.
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