Q&A for How to Set up a Tropical Freshwater Aquarium

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    How long does it take for tap water to be safe for fish?
    Doug Ludemann
    Professional Aquarist
    Doug Ludemann is the owner and operator of Fish Geeks, LLC, an aquarium services company based in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Doug has worked in the aquarium and fish-care industry for over 20 years, including having worked as a professional aquarist for the Minnesota Zoo and Shedd Aquarium in Chicago. He received his Bachelor of Science in Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior from the University of Minnesota.
    Professional Aquarist
    Expert Answer
    It may take several days for it to be safe. I would suggest buying a pH strip test kit as well as a CO2 injection and CO2 monitor. These tools can be set up inside of the tank and automatically respond to changes in CO2, which keeps the water in the tank from ever getting below a safe level.
  • Question
    Can rocks be used that are from tropical fish tanks?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what kind of rocks they are. If they are slate, that is perfectly fine, but it takes longer to cycle the tank. If they are rocks other than slate, do some research to be sure they are safe for aquarium use.
  • Question
    Can I add a heater to a tank that's already established as a hold water tank?
    Dieyun Ding
    Top Answerer
    Yes, you can, if you're planning to hold tropical fish instead of cold water fish.
  • Question
    Can an aquarium be kept outside?
    Dieyun Ding
    Top Answerer
    With tropical fish, the answer is usually no. The smaller fish probably won't withstand the large temperature fluctuations and the outdoor pollution in cities. Koi and plecos, on the other hand, are two foot beauties that would love an outdoor pond. But, this is a pond, not an aquarium.
  • Question
    Do I have to use a heater?
    Community Answer
    This depends on what type of fish you are keeping and the time of year. Most tropical freshwater fish thrive in waters that are 74F or warmer. You may not end up using a heater in the warm summer months, but you may need to use one during the cooler winter months. If your fish species requires cooler temperatures, you may not need a heater at all.
  • Question
    Why is the water in my tank cloudy?
    Community Answer
    This could be due to a number of reasons: dirty gravel, bacteria, too many minerals in the water, etc. If you just set the tank up, take the gravel out and rinse it again. If the tank is established and has fish in it, you will need to clean it using an aquarium gravel vacuum. Lastly, get a special water conditioner meant for treating green or cloudy water; you can find them at most fish tank or pet stores. This will remove any bacteria.
  • Question
    Do I turn off the filter and temperature before bed?
    Dieyun Ding
    Top Answerer
    No. Turning off the filter and heater might result in large consequences, including the very pungent odor of rotting fish.
  • Question
    How long do I leave the lights on for?
    Community Answer
    Plan on having the lights on between 8 and 10 hours each day. The lighting is mainly for viewing purposes, and too much of it can encourage algae growth. A good routine to follow would be turning the lights on in the morning when you wake up, and off before you go to sleep in the evening. If you notice that the fish are getting stressed, or that there is too much algae growing, turn the lights off sooner.
  • Question
    Is a rectangular tank or a long, slim tank best?
    Dieyun Ding
    Top Answerer
    Go with the rectangular tank as it provides more surface area of water and can hold more fish. It also gives room for fish to swim more, and makes maintenance easier.
  • Question
    How long will it take for the water to heat up?
    Community Answer
    This depends on where you place the aquarium, what season it is, and whether or not you are using a heater. If you placed the aquarium near a window, it might take 1 to 3 hours (depending on the season) for it to heat up. If you placed the aquarium away from the window, it may take even longer. If you are using a heater, however, it will take only about 1 hour for the aquarium to heat up.
  • Question
    What do I do if my fish keep dying in my fish tank?
    Community Answer
    Be sure you've cycled the tank. If so, check your the pH of your water and the temperature, and use a chlorine inhibitor if necessary for your tap water.
  • Question
    How do I reduce the water hardness? I have 1/2 emptied tank 2 days in a row but still too high.
    Community Answer
    If your water is hard after 2 tank changes, it may be that the water source you are filling with is hard. That's not necessarily bad, depending on the fish you have, but if you are worried, just go to your local (or chain) pet store and get a water softener.
  • Question
    How often do I clean the entire tank?
    Community Answer
    On average, once every two months. But it depends on how quickly the tank gets dirty. If you have several fish, once a month would be better.
  • Question
    Where do I get good bacteria?
    Community Answer
    You grow it. Get a filter that can house "live media". The pet store will know what you need.
  • Question
    Is the cycling and all of the level checking totally necessary?
    Community Answer
    If you want living, healthy fish, yes, it is absolutely necessary.
  • Question
    Can I just put the bacteria right in, or do I have to let it get used to the temperature of the water?
    Community Answer
    It doesn't matter too much. The bacteria is pretty hardy. It's probably been stored in a bottle for months with the heat fluctuating.
  • Question
    Should I use salt water or fresh water?
    Community Answer
    If you are new to the hobby, go with fresh water. Fresh water is a lot easier to take care of and you will learn the things that you will need to know if you decide to go to salt water. Salt water is about 30 per fish v.s 7 for fresh. And salt water is hard to keep fish alive. Start up costs with salt are extreme.
  • Question
    Do electric diffusers that continuously spray out fragrances affect the water quality?
    Community Answer
    Not unless the spray is right over the tank. Get a top to cover your tank if its not already covered.
  • Question
    Do I need colored lights in the fish tank?
    Dieyun Ding
    Top Answerer
    No, but you should have a light, though, because fish are calmer when they can sense a day and night.
  • Question
    What if I have fish that school, like neon tetra - do I add all of them in the tank at once?
    Community Answer
    No. It's a good idea to add two or three once a week, until you have the amount of tetras that you want. I tried adding all my schooling fish at once, and most of them died or contracted disease.
  • Question
    What would be the best sized tank for a beginner?
    Terry Shelton
    Community Answer
    If freshwater is what you want, I would say a 10 gallon tank to start. That way it's not too expensive in the beginning. If you decide you want a bigger tank, you can buy a second tank and use the 10 gallon tank as a quarantine tank.
  • Question
    Can I keep all male guppies together in a tank?
    Joseph Hendren
    Community Answer
    While it might seem that a tank of all male guppies would be an aggressive aquarium, without females to compete over the male guppies should be quite relaxed and comfortable with each other. You can happily keep 4 to 5 male guppies in a tank together.
  • Question
    How do I clean the gravel in an aquarium?
    Community Answer
    Use a water siphon. They're inexpensive, and you can get them from a store that sells fish supplies.
  • Question
    What kind of fish is good for beginners to keep?
    Dieyun Ding
    Top Answerer
    The best beginner fish is the betta, also known as the Siamese Fighting Fish. It requires the least amount of space and maintenance out of all pet fish, only requiring a 2 gallon tank with gravel and decor, daily feedings of 3-5 pellets, and 20% water changes every other week if the tank is filtered.
  • Question
    How long does it take for the bubbles to go off the glass, and can you put fish in with bubbles still there?
    Seahawks12thGamer Girl
    Community Answer
    The bubbles will go away after about 24 hours, but if you decide to put fish in -- which is safe -- the bubbles will go away when the fish rub against the glass.
  • Question
    Can I have aerators in a tropical fish tank?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can.
  • Question
    Can I keep clownfish and blue tangs in the same tank?
    Joseph Hendren
    Community Answer
    You absolutely can! Finding Nemo was right about clownfish and blue tangs making great friends. They can happily share a tank together.
  • Question
    Does it matter if a fish came from a bigger tank than I have at home?
    Community Answer
    It depends, the fish shop may hold them in larger tanks, but some fish do have space requirements. Just find out how large your tank is and check with the store. You can also research the species online to see how big it will grow. Overstocking can lead to massive problems.
  • Question
    Can I clean my fish water without taking the fish out?
    Community Answer
    Yes, removing the fish will actually cause more stress than leaving them in the tank.
  • Question
    What do I feed tropical fish; can I just give them flakes?
    Community Answer
    This answer depends solely on the type of fish you have in your aquarium. It may vary from one fish to another. Research on this topic depending on the fish you aquire.
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