Q&A for How to Sprout Seeds on a Paper Towel

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    How do I secure the paper towels with the seeds in them?
    Jovace Nelson
    Landscaping Expert
    Jovace Nelson is a Landscaping Expert and the CEO of Vacetime, based in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Vacetime, launched in 2018, is an agricultural building management service. Jovace and his team specialize in creating custom landscaping makeover services for both residential and commercial properties, living walls, and environmental education. Jovace studied Business and Management at Penn State University.
    Landscaping Expert
    Expert Answer
    I suggest using a rubber band to enclose the paper towels and leaving them that way until the seed sprouts. You can wet or sprinkle the towel with water every now and then to maintain its moisture, but not so much that it gets too soaked.
  • Question
    Would this make the plants less healthy?
    Top Answerer
    No, you can start perfectly healthy plants this way. All a seed needs for germination is moisture, and it will grow surprisingly large without soil, because it contains its own food. Just be careful to treat the seedling very gently when you transplant it into soil.
  • Question
    Should the plastic baggie be open or closed?
    Community Answer
    You should keep the plastic bag closed because it keeps the moisture inside.
  • Question
    I got a seedling but I don't know how to plant it. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Dig a hole in a suitable part of the garden or a container. Plant the seedling in the soil. Cover the hole with soil and make sure the seedling sits firmly. Water it regularly but don't waterlog it. Wait for it to grow big and strong.
  • Question
    Should I water the seeds when I use the paper towel method?
    Community Answer
    Only if the paper towel dries out before the seeds germinate (though this shouldn't happen if you keep the baggie zipped closed).
  • Question
    Can any size seed be paper towel sprouted?
    Community Answer
    Many seeds can be sprouted this way but the germination might take longer depending on the genus. Also, some seeds won't sprout as they need different conditions, such as seeds that need fire to germinate or to go through a bird gut first. You also may need to dampen the paper towel a few times a day or each day until the sprouting happens.
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    Should the water I germinate with have pH?
    Community Answer
    You don’t need to add pH to your water because the seed will feed itself. You won’t need pH unless your doing hydroponics to grow. Hydroponic chambers allow a constant water supply which replaces the soil so you’ll need to add pH to feed your plant. If you use soil then the soil will feed the plant.
  • Question
    After the seeds have sprouted, should I bury the seed and mini plant under the soil, or should I plant it with the greenery above the soil?
    Community Answer
    Keep the greenery above the soil. Try not to touch the new stalk, as it's easily crushed. Instead, only lift the sprout by the leaves.
  • Question
    How do I know what seeds will germinate successfully on a paper towel?
    Community Answer
    You will only know by trying. If the seed is successful, a tap root will sprout. Plant that in soil pointing downward. Sometimes a little green will start sprouting. If that happens, plant that above soil surface.
  • Question
    What happens if mold is growing on the seeds?
    Community Answer
    That means you left them in the paper towel for too long. They are sick and won't grow now.
  • Question
    Is it better to grow seeds in soil or in the paper towel?
    Community Answer
    You can't grow the plant itself in the paper towel, the paper towel is just an easier way to start the growing process. Once they have begun to grow roots you can place them in soil, cover them lightly and water them regularly and you will grow a healthy strong plant.
  • Question
    Can I use cotton instead of paper towels?
    Community Answer
    The seed will germinate into the cotton and have tangled roots or not stay moist enough (paper towel has more surface area).
  • Question
    I just put a damp towel with the seeds on it and put in a dark place. How long until I should check it to see if it spouts?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what type of seed, but most seeds should start sprouting after about 5 days.
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