Q&A for How to Stop Hating

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    Can you make one that says how to stop someone from disliking your videos?
    Aaliyah Love 37
    Community Answer
    No, people are going to say and do what they want. You have to learn how to ignore people. Everyone isn't going to like everything you do.
  • Question
    What should I do if time has made me only hate a person more?
    Community Answer
    Try your best to avoid the person you hate, and be as kind as possible when they are around. It's a difficult skill to master, but try not to think about them at all. At some point, you will stop caring about the person.
  • Question
    Why do people hate each other?
    Community Answer
    There are many different reasons people hate each other. Sometimes it is because of fear, a perceived wrong, a longstanding feud, one or both parties feels weak or insecure, conflicting viewpoints of values, etc.
  • Question
    I hate everyone and I don't want to stop hating everyone.
    Community Answer
    That is your choice, but it's not a very healthy attitude. I would recommend you think about letting someone in, and consider seeing a therapist if you don't feel capable of doing this.
  • Question
    I can't trust anybody anymore. Too many people manipulated me and betrayed my trust. I want to kill myself to escape this overwhelming hatred I feel for everybody.
    Community Answer
    Look in the mirror. Does that person hate you? If your answer is yes, then your self-esteem needs a boost. Check out this article on how to Boost Self Esteem . If no, think of all the times you made a mistake and hurt someone even though you did not mean to. Then remember, we are all just human. Life is what we choose to make of it and what we choose to see in it. If you're feeling legitimately suicidal, please talk to your doctor and/or a mental health professional. There are people out there who will want to help you.
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    How can I stop hating school?.
    Community Answer
    You should think about school as just another part of your life. Think about how lucky you are to be able to get an education so you can go far in this world. Try to make friends with someone in your classes to make it more enjoyable to be there.
  • Question
    I hurt a lot of people over a personal matter and one I regret, but they made it public and I hate them for making it public and myself for doing the inexcusable action. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    It's difficult, but you can try to forget. Don't be hard on yourself. You can only learn your lesson about that situation and move on.
  • Question
    What if the person I hate still wants to hate me?
    Community Answer
    Let that person hate you! You'll be amazed, though, at how someone can change once you take the initiative to be patient, civil, and kind so matter what the other person's response is.
  • Question
    How can I deal with a man I used to be with who totally disrespected me at work?
    Community Answer
    Let him know his disrepect is unacceptable and unprofessional, and that any future episodes of disrepect will be dealt with through his supervisor or HR. Avoid any direct confrontations.
  • Question
    How do I stop hate in the world?
    Community Answer
    Well, unfortunately, there will always be hate in the world. But if you want someone to stop hating you, try to give them a note, talk it out, or have someone else do it for you.
  • Question
    I hate gay people and I know I need to stop. How can I start respecting them?
    Community Answer
    Make friends with some gay people. Get to know them so you can see they're no different from you. Join a gay/straight alliance organization or donate your time to an LGBTQ+ charity/non-profit. Make a commitment to improve yourself and follow through.
  • Question
    How can I stop hating school when it is hard?
    Community Answer
    You should try your best, every day that you are there. If there are particular subjects that are more difficult for you, try seeking additional help in those areas. You can also rely on your friends and family as a support system, to help you through the tougher days.
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