Q&A for How to Stop Saying the Word "Like"

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    What other words can I use for like? I have to many "likes" in my paragraph.
    Community Answer
    You can use "similar to" in the sense of "The noodles were like rubber." When using the word "like" to express approval, as in "I like pie," you can say "I enjoy pie" or "I love pie" or "Pie is awesome." If you're using the word "like" as a filler word, the way this article is talking about, just remove it entirely.
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    What form of speech is "like" considered?
    Community Answer
    As a term of enjoyment, like is used as a verb, or an action word. When saying it as a term of similarity of comparison, it is a preposition.
  • Question
    Why do people overuse the word "like"?
    Community Answer
    Some people have trouble thinking of the words they want to use, so they'll use "like" as a placeholder. Other people might not have a very large vocabulary, so "like" is a fallback word that they use often.
  • Question
    My friend is almost addicted to saying "like." He will say it in every sentence. How can I tell him and help him without sounding rude?
    Hannah Madden
    Community Answer
    You could pretend that you're working on cutting down the number of times you say "like" yourself. Have him record you and count how many times you say it in 1 minute. Then, ask him if he wants to try, and record him next. You can gently point out how many times he's saying it without being mean or talking down to him.
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