Q&A for How to Survive a Flood

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    How will we evacuate?
    Community Answer
    Wait on high ground and try to signal rescuers if you are caught in the flood. If you still have time, try to walk to a secure location as soon as possible. Cars are deathtraps in floods and bicycles quickly become worthless.
  • Question
    What if you are at school?
    Community Answer
    Let school administrators tell you where to go. Sometimes schools are safe and will be used as community gathering grounds. If you can't stay, retreat to higher ground. Contact family when you get a chance.
  • Question
    Will I be safe if I live in a high house?
    Community Answer
    Most likely.
  • Question
    How long does it have to rain for there to be a flood?
    Community Answer
    For warnings and watches, it doesn't even have to rain for long for flood warnings. After the levee measurements get above 6 metres, start worrying. When the water levels get above 10 metres, you evacuate, and get to a safe place. If not, you're in danger.
  • Question
    How can I save/lift heavy furniture from flood waters that have entered the house?
    Community Answer
    Chances are you can't. It's too heavy to lift, and the floodwater is a very real threat. Retreat to higher ground and leave the furniture.
  • Question
    Where is the best place to go if there is a flood?
    Community Answer
    It is best to go to a high place and wait for rescuers to evacuate you from the area.
  • Question
    What if you're trapped inside your home during a flood?
    Community Answer
    All you can do is get to the highest level possible. Find a way out onto your roof. Hold onto anything you can and wait. Wave your arms and call for help to signal to rescuers. If you've got a phone handy, you can call in an emergency.
  • Question
    What happens if I am stuck in my car or at work or at the store?
    Bill Gu
    Community Answer
    Contact the police and tell them where you are. They will come and rescue you.
  • Question
    What about a flash flood?
    Community Answer
    Flash floods should be treated the same as regular floods, except that the floodwater gathers a lot quicker. This means that you'll have less time to get to shelter. Stay prepared in advance for these incidents.
  • Question
    Does the Drybag prevent floodwater from getting in?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but some of your supplies may get damaged. Drybags can't stop at least some water from seeping in.
  • Question
    When assembling a safety kit, could I put a pair of swimming goggles in it just in case?
    Community Answer
    You can, but you'll never need them. It's important to stay out of the water as long as you are able. If you get caught up in the water, you won't have a chance to put them on. Chances are water that you get stuck in will be too strong to swim through.
  • Question
    How long does the flood last?
    Community Answer
    Many floods will last days, but others can last for months. Big floods are a danger in urban areas where the water can't be absorbed, such as New Orleans during Hurricane Katrina. Even after the flood is gone, the damage caused by it persists for many years.
  • Question
    How can you save your pets?
    Community Answer
    Bring your pets with you. Leaving them caged or tied up means they can't escape to safety. If you have to evacuate, you won't know when you'll be allowed back. Also, pets are even more susceptible to moving water, so you'll have to have them close to you.
  • Question
    Does a flash flood make for a light flood?
    Community Answer
    No. These floods tend to be very dangerous because they mean a lot of water all of a sudden. Sometimes they can be confined to smaller areas, but always treat them as threats to your safety.
  • Question
    Where do floods usually happen?
    Community Answer
    Floods can happen anywhere, although some areas are more prone than others. Low-lying areas that get a lot of rain quickly are in danger. Channels, rivers, and streams can also fill with water quickly, which can include a city like Chicago as well as desert land in the American Southwest. Even so, mountainous areas are not always safe since melted ice or rain can cause a flood.
  • Question
    What if you lose your phone?
    Community Answer
    Not much can be done, just improvise with what you have. It's always a good idea to memorize the phone numbers of one or two of the people closest to you.
  • Question
    What happens when a flash flood warning happens?
    Community Answer
    Emergency services will put out a bulletin over the TV, radio, and online. There will be a large amount of rain causing the flood risk. The flood will develop faster than a normal flood. You'll be told to evacuate to higher ground.
  • Question
    How do I survive a hurricane?
    Community Answer
    Watch the news for warnings. Seal up your home to prepare. Escape to safe shelter when told to evacuate. If you're stuck at home, take shelter in a closet or other area low to the ground and away from threats like glass windows.
  • Question
    What do you do if you live in a bungalow?
    Community Answer
    Follow the same procedures as everyone else. Evacuate when you're told to do so. Head for shelter. Your community will have designated safe areas, but you can always look for higher ground. If you are unable to escape home, try heading for an upper floor or the roof.
  • Question
    Could I make an emergency exit in my home?
    Community Answer
    You could if you wanted to, but it's not really necessary for flood preparation. Floods happen very slowly, you would know it was coming in plenty of time to make your way out of the house through the front/back door.
  • Question
    Is a flood an artificial disaster?
    Community Answer
    It can be, in some sense. A dam can burst, for example, causing a flood. The way people dig channels or affect water flow can assist in flooding. However, flooding is considered a natural disaster and is caused by rain.
  • Question
    What is the biggest flood in history?
    Community Answer
    It depends on how you define "biggest." The deadliest floods in history were the China floods in 1931, which are estimated to have killed between 1 and 4 million people.
  • Question
    I need to know how floods form?
    Bill Gu
    Community Answer
    Floods can come from hurricanes, heavy rain and tsunamis. Tsunamis are formed as a result of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, or landslides that occur under the sea.
  • Question
    If I can't go to my roof, can I go to the highest floor in my house?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can do that as a last resort.
  • Question
    What if my house is flooded?
    Joshua Bishop
    Community Answer
    If possible, go to anattic. If you don't have an attic, evacuate and go to higher ground.
  • Question
    Why are floods so bad?
    Community Answer
    The water is very dangerous. You can drown or get swept away in a current. In addition, the waters cause plenty of damage to structures. They can happen just about anywhere in the world, blocking off roads and cutting power supplies.
  • Question
    What if my pet is stuck in the water?
    Ashwarrea B
    Community Answer
    Try to get them fast as possible. If they get swept away, remember that your life is more important than your furry friend, so you may not be able to save them.
  • Question
    What if the rescuers don't see us?
    Ashwarrea B
    Community Answer
    If you are on the roof, they could see you if you shoot flares up in the sky.
  • Question
    If you have a fish can you keep it in your house or bring it?
    Ashwarrea B
    Community Answer
    If it's trapped in the flood, there's a chance that it'll survive since it's a marine animal. But if you don't want this to happen, try keeping it in a bag full of water so when the flood hits, you won't have to pick up its fish bowl.
  • Question
    How fast is a flash flood?
    Community Answer
    By definition a flash flood is very fast, although there's no specific speed associated with one. If moving water suddenly causes significant property damage in a low-lying area, it's a flash flood.
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