Q&A for How to Talk to Your Chickens

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    Do chickens recognize voices?
    Community Answer
    Yes, they do. They can also recognize up to a hundred individual human faces.
  • Question
    Why do my chickens run away as soon as they see me?
    Community Answer
    They are likely intimated by your height. Try a different approach, such as crouching down and letting them come to you. When they learn that you're not a threat to them, they'll no longer run from you.
  • Question
    Why is my rooster scared of everyone?
    Community Answer
    Someone may have abused or harmed it when it was fairly young and he has never gotten over the mental trauma.
  • Question
    Why does my rooster crow so much?
    Community Answer
    Roosters crow because they feel good about themselves and crowing is their way of expressing themselves.
  • Question
    I have been putting drops into my hen's eyes for a week and now she hides whenever she hears my voice. When I finally pick her up to put the drops in, she's outraged! Have I ruined our relationship forever?
    Top Answerer
    No. After you're finished with the eye drops, just be very calm and gentle with her, and she'll gradually trust you again.
  • Question
    Why is my chicken calling differently?
    Community Answer
    All chickens have different calls; some may be high pitched, others may be low.
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    I'm scared that they will hurt or peck me, but I love them. How can I get over this fear?
    Top Answerer
    Wear gloves, pants, and long sleeves at first. Be gentle with them, and they will accept your attention gladly.
  • Question
    How do you deal with broody chickens?
    Community Answer
    A huge problem with chickens is their constant need to brood. Check our article on broodiness in hens, which can be found here: How to Stop a Broody Hen .
  • Question
    Why does my chicken make a loud noise when coming into the house?
    Community Answer
    Chickens make noises all the time. Maybe it has something it wants to tell you, or it may want to stay outside for longer. If the sound seems painful, talk to your vet.
  • Question
    My chicken sits on my lap and sleeps on me at night. Is she friendly with me?
    Community Answer
    It seems pretty clear that your chicken is friendly with you.
  • Question
    Do chickens purr? My chicken makes a funny high pitch purring sound if she's cozy or happy. She's also a house chicken, so she makes a wapwapwap sound when I walk in the house. What does this mean?
    Community Answer
    Yes, chickens can do something like purring. That means they are happy. If you have ever had a dog, you will notice that they wag their tail, or bark when you walk in, well, chickens are the same way.
  • Question
    How do I determine whether a hen is a broody one or not?
    Community Answer
    If your hen stays in her nesting box all night, then she is definitely broody.
  • Question
    My chicken laid eggs but she doesn't want to sit on them. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Provide a heat lamp if she absolutely refuses to provide warmth herself.
  • Question
    Why do some of my sex link chickens almost 4 months old have waddles and crests and the rest do not?
    Community Answer
    You have possibly both pullets and cockerels. Chickens at that age start showing signs of which sex they are at this time. Pullets (Young hens) tend to not show much redness in the face as they do not need the large and intimidating wattles and combs like roosters need to help them get up the pecking order so that they can get the best mates and food scraps. Cockerels (young roosters) start growing larger in the face as they will start competing with each other for the statement already said. Around this time would be good to listen for crowing for you to find out who is the boy and to also laugh at them (as first timers are amusing to listen to!).
  • Question
    How do I get my chickens close enough to talk to them?
    Community Answer
    Bait them with food, treats, or something flashy that will get their attention (like a toy). Chickens are curious, and sometimes like to investigate different things in their territory.
  • Question
    My 6-week-old chickens won't go in the coop at night. They fall asleep in the run and I have to pick them up and put them in the coop. What can I do to get them to go in the coop?
    Community Answer
    Really the only solution would be to put them in the coop and use something to block the door. They will eventually get used to it. Sleeping in the run could be dangerous for them.
  • Question
    How do I get a chicken to stay near my home?
    Community Answer
    Chickens will always stay where they are comfortable. They will not stray to far from their home.
  • Question
    Why does my rooster peck me when I am feeding him or giving him water?
    Community Answer
    He might feel threatened or unsafe. If you are feeding him by hand, he might peck your palms to get the seeds.
  • Question
    My rooster keeps attacking me, what should I do?
    Community Answer
    Your rooster is attacking you because he thinks you are after his hens. He thinks of you as a threat to his hens. If your rooster tries it again, try to calm him down by giving him his favorite food or mealworms.
  • Question
    My chickens make the "kuh-kuh-kuh-KACK" call when they see me. Can I do anything to make them trust me?
    Community Answer
    With my chickens, it took a good year to build their trust. I spent plenty of time with them, hand fed them, and let them get used to my voice. Never walk up to your chickens or chase them, because that will only slow the process. I would recommend spending more time outside with them, maybe sit outside while you do your work or read and let them approach you when they feel comfortable. It could take a week or it could take a year, you just have to be patient.
  • Question
    Why does my chicken peck me?
    MysticRider 101
    Community Answer
    Pecking can be a sign of aggression, fear, curiosity or hunger. Sometimes it can be accidental, like if you are hand feeding them.
  • Question
    How can I get rid of weasels in a chicken coop?
    Community Answer
    To protect your flock against weasels, make the coops sturdy and durable (long lasting). Fit 1/2 inch plastic-coated hardware cloth (do not use chicken wire). This cloth should be heavily gauged. Attach to the coop windows and over any other openings. Chicken wire is good for keeping chickens in, but it won't keep predators, such as weasels, out. This is why you need a different material for keeping them out of the coop.
  • Question
    Why do chickens attack new members of a flock?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    Chickens follow a hierarchy commonly known as a "pecking order". The oldest members of the flock will attack new members to let them know who is in charge.
  • Question
    Why does my rooster peck me when I am feeding it or giving it water?
    Amy Harrison
    Top Answerer
    Chickens do not have the greatest eyesight. He may accidentally peck you if he mistakes your hand as food, especially if you are hand-feeding him. Otherwise, specks of dirt or beauty spots on your hands may look like food to your rooster. If your rooster pecks you harshly and aggressively, he may be signalling to you that he wants you to go away.
  • Question
    How can I create a stronger bond with my chick?
    Lily Bostick
    Community Answer
    It is important to start handling your chicks physically as soon as they have down feathers. You will make a bond with your chick when you start holding it. Just be sure to be very gentle!
  • Question
    How do I know if my chicks like me?
    Community Answer
    You will know if they like you if they run to you, crowd around the door when you are coming or if they trust you when you go to their coop!
  • Question
    Why does a rooster climb up on a hen. Is it trying to attack the hen?
    Top Answerer
    No, the rooster is mating with the hen. That's how eggs become fertile and produce chicks.
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