Q&A for How to Trash Talk

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    What if they say I'm ugly?
    Community Answer
    If someone tells you that you are ugly, simply say "Yeah, we have something in common," because it will show them that you're not offended and that they have no power over you. And you're also calling them ugly right back.
  • Question
    What if they say something that is really hurtful? How can I keep from crying?
    Community Answer
    Think of something different, happier to get your mind off of crying. You could also come up with a exit strategy to get out of there before you start crying.
  • Question
    What if the guys give me grief for being overweight or small?
    Community Answer
    You can't do anything about your genes. If kids poke fun at you for your size, it's a reflection of the smallness of their thinking. You can let them know that you'd rather have a small body than a small mind.
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    What is the best insult?
    Community Answer
    It really depends on the person you're insulting. If you know the person at all, try to figure out what they're insecure about and use that in your insult. For example, if they get bad grades, insult their intelligence. If they're short or overweight, say something about their appearance.
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    What if they make fun of how smart I am?
    Community Answer
    Make fun of how dumb they are, or just be satisfied with the fact that they're clearly intimidated by your intelligence and walk away.
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    How do I respond to a bully?
    Community Answer
    Just believe in yourself, feel confident and say it.
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    What if you end up in a fight?
    Community Answer
    Try to calm down and stay that way. Just ignore him or her, but you can also be nice and stop the fight.
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    What if I injure someone in basketball and start talking trash?
    Community Answer
    If you hurt someone, you should sincerely apologize and stop trash talking immediately.
  • Question
    What if everyone is prejudiced against me?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Everyone is such a big word. There are 8 billion people here, so you're saying that 8 billion minus one (you) are against you; that seems unlikely. Make a list of people who are not prejudiced against you and spend time developing those friendships.
  • Question
    What if I cry a lot and when I insult people, their comebacks are worse?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    This may not be for you. Don't start what you can't finish. To trash talk requires the confidence to deliver your insults with eloquence and strength. Crying is not really part of that. But there's no need to compare the strength of your insult to theirs, and in any case, it's only worse if you agree it's worse. If you say "That's all you've got?", then just having said that diminishes their insult. In the end, it's always best to avoid these situations.
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    What if I need to slap someone?
    Community Answer
    Don't slap someone. If you feel like you're getting upset, just tell the person that they're not worth your time and walk away. Violence is never the answer, and it can get you in a lot of trouble.
  • Question
    How can I ignore trash talk if that person is better than me?
    Community Answer
    If they have a soul that is so ugly as to trash talk, then they're not better than you! Remind yourself that beauty comes from within, and that there's no standard as to whether you're good or not. It might get annoying or upsetting that someone says such things about you, but remember that not everyone is kind or caring, because this is not a perfect world.
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    What if they started talking about my grades?
    Community Answer
    Talking about your grades is not okay. Your grades should be private, and only three ideal people should know what your grades are: you, your teacher(s), and your parents. Do not let them get hold of your grades. For now, it's fine to tell a teacher, as this is considered bullying and is not tolerated at any school.
  • Question
    If someone start trash talking, should I trash talk back?
    Community Answer
    No. That is considered revenge, and revenge is never rational. If it is pointed toward you, tell them with confidence that they need to stop and show respect toward others. Virtues are important, and it helps you be the better person to not stoop to the same level.
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    What if they make fun of my height because I'm small?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    Assuming this is all in good humor, anything goes. You just toughen up, sit it out, and while they're talking, think of solid comebacks. Never take anything they say to heart; it's just trash talk. You can also keep one secret in mind and think "They may be making fun of my height, but at least they don't know about [insert secret here]." Extending on that, you could draw their focus on one thing to move it away from another: "Just please don't make jokes about my height" is an excellent way to make sure they'll make fun of exactly that, when you're wearing silly shoes they could make fun of, for example.
  • Question
    How do I respond to random kids who trash talk me?
    Tom De Backer
    Top Answerer
    The best response may well be to not respond at all. Sure, it can be hurtful, but honestly, why would you care what someone you're not friends with thinks of you? There are 8 billion people, most of whom are not your friends; it's far too exhausting to try and please them all, or reply to them all. So let random kids do what they like, get on with your own life and the things you're doing. Let insults slide off you like water off a duck's back.
  • Question
    What if someone calls you stupid?
    amaia colby
    Community Answer
    It doesn't matter what you're called, it matters what you answer to. If someone calls you stupid, ignore them.
  • Question
    What do I do when I get bullied for being an extremely small person?
    Community Answer
    First, don't believe anything bad someone says about you. You are amazing just the way you are and that bully is probably insecure and/or jealous of you. Also, stick up for yourself! Say something cool like "I may be smaller than you, but at least I don't have an ugly personality". By showing them that their words don't get to you, you automatically are cooler than them. If it continues or gets worse, seek an adult, counselor, therapist, or someone you can look up to. You deserve nothing but kindness and respect.
  • Question
    If a boy throws something at you, then what should you do? And how can you make a comeback to a rude person?
    Community Answer
    It really depends on what he says, but make sure you don't let it get to you. If it's something goofy, insult him back playfully (without being harsh). If it's something that's a little hurtful, be mature and say something that gets inside of his head. He'll expect you to feel and act hurt but don't fall for it. Instead, say something like "and what about it? that's just your opinion." or "thanks, you're actually really funny" (sarcastically).
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