Q&A for How to Use a Ouija Board

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    What if the planchette doesn't move to "Goodbye"?
    Community Answer
    If the planchette doesn't move there, then you must move it to "Goodbye" yourself. Not doing this will leave the "portal" open, and can be very dangerous.
  • Question
    How do I know when I should stop playing because I have either annoyed the spirit or contacted a bad one?
    Community Answer
    You should be polite at all times, to avoid the problem in the first place. If you have annoyed the spirit, its replies might be short, curt, or rude. If you have reached a bad spirit, it might be ill-tempered or deceitful. You should also trust your intuition. If something doesn't feel right, politely end the session, and move the planchette to "goodbye."
  • Question
    Does the Ouija board work if I use it in the morning?
    Community Answer
    Ouija is about contacting spirits, so it doesn't matter when you use it. As long as things are safe, you can use it whenever.
  • Question
    Are dogs allowed while using the spirit board?
    Community Answer
    Dogs are allowed during sessions, yes. However, it is said dogs can be more sensitive to spiritual information, so they may "see" an entity and become upset and bark, which might disturb the whole session.
  • Question
    How do I contact the same spirit if I like them?
    Community Answer
    When you get a spirit on your board, as it politely to come back again. If yes is the reply, then the spirit will return. Beware not to order it about. It's all up to the spirit.
  • Question
    Can I choose which spirit I am going to talk to? For example, can I talk to my grandmother or someone I knew?
    Community Answer
    You can't. And if a spirit is trying to tell you that they are someone you know, you should not believe them. Bad spirits can often trick you into thinking that you know them and have something not so good in mind.
  • Question
    What comes if 21 comes again and again?
    Community Answer
    This can be a reference to coming of age, especially in older times but also now. Perhaps you are channeling something related to a birthday coming up or something that happened at a twenty first birthday in the past. Or, it could be a message directed to someone in the group who is 21. Some believe the number to refer to war or rebellion. But really, it could be so many things, you need to determine this from the context.
  • Question
    What if the spirit doesn't leave?
    Community Answer
    Ask the spirit again to leave, but firmly. You can also move the planchette to the "goodbye." This will terminate any spiritual contact. Lastly, you can also perform a ritual cleansing on your board to get rid of any residual negative energy.
  • Question
    Can I actually talk with ghosts using a Ouija board?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can speak to the ghost, but the ghost can only communicate back through the board. You should be careful when using the Ouija board; ghosts and spirits can be just as deceitful as people.
  • Question
    Will my significant other become a lesbian?
    Community Answer
    Not because she has used the ouija board, no. It's unclear why you've asked this question here.
  • Question
    What should I do if I want to use a Ouija Board alone, and it doesn't say goodbye?
    Community Answer
    If the spirit doesn't move to goodbye, you need to move the planchette to goodbye. Otherwise, it is just an open doorway, and a spirit could end up holding dominion over the board.
  • Question
    Does the ouija board really work?
    Community Answer
    As a parlor game that you've all consented to play, yes, it does work. In terms of what you get out of it, that's entirely up to you. People who prefer to go by facts and scientific analysis would disagree that it actually does anything more than create imagined thrills, while people who analyze everything by faith and mystique would probably consider that it has an effect of some sort.
  • Question
    How do I get an answer if I'm playing alone?
    Community Answer
    The board will work exactly the same way, but the movement of the planchette may not be as strong.
  • Question
    Can I ask that spirit something about my future?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You can ask anything you like.
  • Question
    Do the players need to put a finger on the planchette to ask questions?
    Community Answer
    There is usually a leader who is the one who is speaking to it, and others who are energizers, who hold onto the planchette. Do not leave a planchette on the board without laying fingers on it, as some believe this is a way for evil spirits to get out of the board.
  • Question
    What should I do if someone gets scared?
    Community Answer
    Stop immediately and release them. This is a parlor trick, not an excuse to scare your family, friends, neighbors and local dignitaries. Give them a hot drink, or if it's an adult, a swig of whiskey. Apologize and bring out a game everyone can play in peace, such as Snap or Monopoly. This will take their minds off your failed attempt to entertain them with the occult.
  • Question
    How do I call the spirit in the start?
    Community Answer
    "Oh spirit, come to me/us now. Please." Then wait.
  • Question
    On which side of the board can we put the silver coin?
    Community Answer
    You can put it anywhere on the board, but remember, the spirit needs to be able to move the pointer. Don't put it anywhere where it won't be able to move.
  • Question
    What happens to the planchette when the spirit answers me? Does it stop moving?
    Community Answer
    Yes, it will hopefully stop moving if the spirit is completely done answering (unless it's a bad spirit and wants to mess with you).
  • Question
    Which questions are considered rude, is asking the age or method of death rude?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the spirit, some might find it rude and some might fine it perfectly acceptable. So ask what you think is appropriate for the individual spirit.
  • Question
    Can I contact good spirits with a ouija board or just bad spirits?
    Community Answer
    If you are certain that this is a profitable way to spend one of the 30,000 days of life you've been granted on this Earth, then you would probably conjure up both sorts of spirits. Remember that this is a parlor game and that anything conjured up is in the mind of the beholder.
  • Question
    What happens if the spirit gets out and starts possessing people in my home?
    Community Answer
    The Ouija is just a tool and not something spirits can get into, or out of.
  • Question
    How many fingers do I put on the board?
    Community Answer
    Some people say two fingers, some say three. You should have no less than two fingers.
  • Question
    Will the Ouija board do weird things like misspell words or make them go backwards?
    Danielle Husband
    Community Answer
    It's possible the spirit doesn't know how to spell well, so it might misspell words. However, it's unlikely that it'll spell the words backwards.
  • Question
    Can you use a Ouija board to talk to your past lives? 🎭
    Danielle Husband
    Community Answer
    Ouija boards are supposed to help you connect to the spirit world. They're not really made to talk to your past lives. However, you could try connecting to your unconscious, which might have some information about your past life.
  • Question
    Can I store my planchette in a wooden box separated from the board?
    Danielle Husband
    Community Answer
    Yes, that sounds like a great way to store your planchette and board. You could also store your planchette in a cloth pouch.
  • Question
    How do you who is talking to you?
    Danielle Husband
    Community Answer
    You can ask them for their name and information about them. However, keep in mind that spirits can lie.
  • Question
    If I'm in a non English speaking country, can I talk to the spirit in English?
    Danielle Husband
    Community Answer
    You can try talking to the spirits in any language. You might connect with a ghost that understands you anyway, and some people believe that spirits understand all languages.
  • Question
    Does a homemade Ouija board work the same as original?
    Danielle Husband
    Community Answer
    Yes! Homemade Ouija boards work great and will be just as good as a store-bought board.
  • Question
    Can you record the session while playing?
    Danielle Husband
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can totally record your Ouija board session. You might try that to help you remember what the spirit spells out on the board.
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