Q&A for How to Use a Scientific Calculator For Algebra

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    How do I make 7/3 on a calculator?
    Community Answer
    Fractions mean division. Type in 7÷3.
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    How do I calculate 2 to the 64th power?
    Community Answer
    Press the "2" button, then the "xʸ" (the y is above the x on a calculator) button. Then type in "64".
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    How do I do brackets on the calculator?
    Community Answer
    You can't, but I'm sure parentheses will work fine in place of square/curly brackets. Brackets are used by some people because the expression has groups in groups (e.g. 1+[4(2+1)+3]).
  • Question
    How can I make the parenthesis with my scientific calculator?
    Top Answerer
    If your scientific calculator has them (and most of them do), press each parenthetical in the order you want it to be used. The calculator will base it's answer on the order of operations where the stuff inside the parenthesis would be evaluated first, if placed inside the parenthesis correctly. If you try to place the ending parenthesis before the starting parenthesis, the calculator should give you an error - making sure that you start again with the correct sign. Each scientific calculator has the parentheticals in a different spot, but your owner's manual should tell you where to find them.
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    How do I do x on a scientific calculator when doing an algebra problem?
    Community Answer
    When doing an equation that specifies an unknown as X, usually when you go to enter the equation as a posed question the calculator knows that you are going to use the X as the designation for an unknown amount, and reads it like all the other letters. See your instruction book where the topic is equations.
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    How can I use a calculator to solve a math question?
    Community Answer
    You probably have to figure out the formula first, if it's not already written down for you. Then, you just replace the formula with numbers and type it into the calculator.
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    How do I use my calculator to solve a variable equation? Like 5x = 25.
    Top Answerer
    Part of the process would be mental: in this example you'd have to recognize that both sides of the equation must be divided by 5, and then you'd use the calculator to divide 25 by 5.
  • Question
    How to do r2(3r+4)+6r(r-2)?
    Top Answerer
    First perform the indicated multiplications: (3r³ + 4r²) + (6r² - 12r). Now combine terms: 3r³ + 10r² - 12r. Finally, factor out an r: r(3r² + 10r - 12).
  • Question
    How do you enter a math question that involves x on a TI-30XIIS?
    Community Answer
    You would need a calculator that allows you to enter variables. Most calculators don't have that feature.
  • Question
    How can I slove 3(2x-1)=0
    Community Answer
    You don't need a calculator for that. 3(2x - 1) = 6x - 3 = 0. Then 6x = 3, and x = ½.
  • Question
    How do I do algebra step by step?
    Community Answer
    See Learn Algebra and wikiHow's many related articles. Also, search online "learn algebra."
  • Question
    How do I add variables like x and y into a calculator?
    Community Answer
    Most basic scientific calculators do not allow you to input variables like x and y directly. However, graphing calculators (such as the TI-84) have an option to enter and solve for variables. For a scientific calculator, you’ll usually need to assign a numerical value to x and y first and then perform calculations manually. Some advanced scientific calculators also allow you to store values for variables using the "STO" (Store) function.
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