Q&A for How to Win at Monopoly

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    Can we play Monopoly faster?
    Our Family Plays Games
    Board Game Experts
    Our Family Plays Games, LLC is a family-owned business based in Omaha, Nebraska. Launched in 2018, their mission is to promote growth and awareness of the modern board game hobby and bring more BIPOCs and families into the board game community. In June 2020 they were featured on Good Morning America and have since been featured on NBC News Online, Senet Magazine (UK), Ligadas.com (Brazil), a variety of YouTube programs, podcasts, and on local television. In January of 2022, they launched a second program on their channel, called OFPG Voices to highlight other underrepresented voices in the hobby. In addition, they make special appearances at board game conventions all around the country and work with board game publishers from around the world.
    Board Game Experts
    Expert Answer
    Playing Monopoly faster is largely dependent on the individuals you play with. If your fellow players are eager to move quickly, the game will naturally progress at a faster pace. Conversely, if participants tend to take more time and engage in extensive analysis paralysis when deciding their moves, the game may proceed at a slower rate. Playing by yourself could potentially expedite the game, but when playing with others, the speed is contingent on their playing style and preferences.
  • Question
    When I first started playing, I won almost every time. I would not be quick to spend money and I didn't have many monopolies. Lately, I've been advised to turn around all of my income and invest in houses. But this strategy has got me bankrupt every time, what is your recommendation?
    Reece Orton
    Community Answer
    Use your old strategy if your new strategy never works.
  • Question
    How do I beat a really good player?!
    Community Answer
    Learn from him. What makes him better? Are there patterns to his play? How does he play differently than you are playing?
  • Question
    Why am I not winning at Monopoly when I have the most properties?
    Community Answer
    It's not always about how many more properties you have. The properties in which players more frequently stumble upon will make more money. Watch how often each property gets landed on and try to buy these up.
  • Question
    What is a mortgage exactly?
    Iain Turville
    Community Answer
    When you sell a property back to the bank. You get half of your money back.
  • Question
    My brother ALWAYS wins, but my grandma won't team up to help. What can I do in this situation?
    Community Answer
    Try and put up houses where you think he's gonna go. If your grandma doesn't want to team up, try to act like a team player to her, and she might make an alliance.
  • Question
    Is it a good idea to spend most of my money buying houses?
    Community Answer
    I think that is a good strategy because you will get all of that money back if someone lands on your site with a hotel.
  • Question
    How do I win if someone cheats?
    Community Answer
    You need to spot them cheating, and make sure you are not the only one that noticed.
  • Question
    What should I do if I get caught cheating in a manner that can't be easily explained, like moving my piece when it's not my turn?
    Community Answer
    Don't cheat. It's not a real win if you cheated. If you get caught cheating, just admit it and don't do it again.
  • Question
    How does the jail system/bailing system work?
    Community Answer
    You can either pay $50 immediately, or you have three turns to roll doubles. If you don't roll doubles, you are required to pay the $50.
  • Question
    Is buying railroads a good choice?
    Community Answer
    Railroads and utilities are considered good early game properties, but only if you have them all. Most players do not buy utilities as they quickly become pointless, while railroads can be good bargaining chips later on in the game. It depends on the situation -- don't buy them if someone else already has one unless you want to trade with them later though.
  • Question
    How do I get houses quickly?
    Community Answer
    Pay attention to the properties that others tend to land on and invest in those whenever you can.
  • Question
    I never get good trades with my opponents. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    It takes two people to trade. If your opponent offers you a bad trade, do not accept it. If you want an opponent to accept a trade that benefits you more than them, you will have to trick and persuade them into doing the trade. If they still don't, they are too smart and you may have to settle with a fair trade or work with an opponent to get them to trade with you.
  • Question
    How can I get a lot of money early in the game?
    Community Answer
    You can't really but spending money on property that is orange red yellow and green are really quite profitable later in the game.
  • Question
    Which ones am I most likely to land on?
    Community Answer
    The most landed on property is Illinois, but the most landed on square is jail.
  • Question
    How do I get money fast?
    Community Answer
    First, Go -- this is the simplest and most effective way. Second, chance and community chest cards -- they don't give much, so don't worry so much about them. Third, mortgages -- they are the best way to get large sums instantly. And last, trades -- give your opponent something in exchange for cash.
  • Question
    How do I stop players who have more houses than me?
    Community Answer
    If you don't have a color set yet, there is not much hope. However, if you own a color set, you should aim to catch up with them, and ultimately beat them, by building faster than they do. For example, you may want to go all in and mortgage all your other properties to raise cash and build houses. You can also trade for cash with a non-threatening competitor and use this cash to build houses.
  • Question
    How do I make trades that are wise and reasonable, but somehow gives me advantages?
    Community Answer
    Be humble when trading and don't trade your expensive properties.
  • Question
    How much money do you need to win Monopoly?
    Community Answer
    There isn't a money limit. It really depends on your opponent; if he or she is not playing very astutely, you wouldn't need that much cash to win. If he or she is a savvy player, you will need every ounce and every cent that you have to win.
  • Question
    What do I do when I want to pay for expensive things like Boardwalk, but can't afford it? Do I mortgage my stuff to stop other players from getting them, or pass on the opportunity?
    Community Answer
    It is always best to mortgage your properties to buy expensive ones, as you can always trade it back for more money in the long term. The only time you don't want to buy something expensive is when you have no way of making money (like monopolies with houses) and other players do, since you could go bankrupt.
  • Question
    How do I stop someone from getting a space I want?
    Community Answer
    Well, you can't, but you may propose a trade for that space later on in the game.
  • Question
    When playing with only two people, if I don't buy a property, should I give it to my opponent?
    Community Answer
    No, the rule is if the buying person doesn't buy it, then it goes up for auction and all players can bid, including the original buyer. Each player can say what they're willing to buy the property for, and whoever bids highest buys the property.
  • Question
    How can I find a winning strategy?
    Community Answer
    Different strategies will work for different people. They also depend on who you are playing with, and how many people you are playing with. You should test each strategy out, and find the one that works best for you.
  • Question
    Can I use the Get-Out-of-Jail-Free card more than once?
    Community Answer
    No. After one use, you have to put the card under the Chance/Community Chest deck.
  • Question
    Any good tips for playing Monopoly?
    Community Answer
    You are statistically more likely to roll a seven. For these reasons, buy properties that coincide with a seven dice roll.
  • Question
    What property is most likely to be landed on?
    Community Answer
    The property landed on most frequently is Illinois Avenue. The orange-colored properties are very common too.
  • Question
    What happens if I stay in jail near the start of the game?
    Community Answer
    No matter what , after your third turn in jail, you have to pay the fine of $50 and continue.
  • Question
    If I roll a double and land on an opponent's property, do I still have to pay?
    Community Answer
    Yes, because rolling a double is not connected to paying the rent on an opponent's property.
  • Question
    What if you get jail every single turn in the game and you keep losing your turns and money?
    Community Answer
    You have a 1 percent chance of that happening, so don't worry about it. You also don't have to win, just enjoy the game.
  • Question
    If a Chance Card sent me back three spaces onto an opponent's property, do I still pay rent?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you do.
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