Q&A for How to Write a Horror Story

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    How do you make a funny horror story?
    Christopher Taylor, PhD
    English Professor
    Christopher Taylor is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of English at Austin Community College in Texas. He received his PhD in English Literature and Medieval Studies from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014.
    English Professor
    Expert Answer
    Humor can be an effective element of horror, as both humor and horror rely on surprise. Try building in funny, unexpected moments into your story.
  • Question
    How do you create suspense in a story?
    Christopher Taylor, PhD
    English Professor
    Christopher Taylor is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of English at Austin Community College in Texas. He received his PhD in English Literature and Medieval Studies from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014.
    English Professor
    Expert Answer
    To effectively create suspense in a story, carefully build the tension between your characters and their environment, alternate between intense and bizarre moments, and hint at a horrific climax.
  • Question
    How can I make horror stories more mysterious?
    Community Answer
    Have plot twists everywhere! And then make that plot twist false, obliging the reader to want to know the real truth. Or, you could reveal the guilty one at the beginning, so that reader is like "I can't wait for him to die!", only to have some other twist added later, such as mistaken identity or a twin. Or, you can even foreshadow it little by little and when it's obvious, change it to something that will cancel out the hints to the "truth".
  • Question
    How do I write a horror story about a spirit?
    Community Answer
    Describe the spirit's intention, its story, how it died, its specific traits and how it reaches the protagonist. Then discuss the ways in which it attacks the protagonist and makes life difficult at first, then scary for the protagonist. Take the scariness up a notch each time, until the protagonist is ready to be scared to death or needs to run away (perhaps only to have the spirit pursue it).
  • Question
    How can I make a plot twist actually shock?
    Community Answer
    You can make a plot twist shock by giving closure to the story yet still adding a question that will linger in the reader's mind. Twists can include a sudden realization, discovery, or final scare.
  • Question
    What is a good name for a horror story?
    Community Answer
    Depends on what the horror is. A single word might be enough. For example, if it's about a spirit that chokes people, "Strangle" or "Gasp," might work.
  • Question
    How do I write a story about a person with evil powers?
    Community Answer
    Give the character with the powers an interesting backstory, show how they handle their powers, and don't overpower them to the extent that they become comical.
  • Question
    How long does a story have to be?
    Community Answer
    It can be as long or as short as you need to tell a good story. You can create a horror story in as little as a few sentence or many book volumes.
  • Question
    How do I make my horror story memorable for the reader?
    Community Answer
    The key to making a horror story more memorable for the reader is to make special, distinct features in the story that other horror stories do not have. Include vivid, even eccentric descriptions and keep the reader lingering in fear of what might happen.
  • Question
    How do I set the scene?
    Community Answer
    Find a picture on the internet that suits your story. Roughly describe that photo, but add a bit of a twist. For example, suppose the picture was of a forest: you could change it so that the trees have no leaves; there could be a thick/heavy fog; in the distance there could be a burned down house that is said to be haunted; and so on. Use your imagination.
  • Question
    How can I scare the reader the most with a story?
    Community Answer
    Question the readers' sanity, their perceptions of innocence and guilt, their sense of logic...Play on their fears of what they may not understand or what they may lose. Use these elements of horror at perfect levels, and you'll scare them spectacularly.
  • Question
    Should I be the narrator or a character in my story?
    Community Answer
    You can do either! I once read a book which had the author as the narrator. It was like "Reader, do you thing he should have done that?" I found it interesting.
  • Question
    I'm writing a story about campers who discover that the camping sight is haunted. How exactly should I make the camping sight "haunted?"
    Community Answer
    Maybe it's a ghost of someone who died in a brutal way there. A lot of people are afraid of dolls, so maybe a camper had a doll which was possessed or such. Whatever scares you the most, tie it into the campsite.
  • Question
    I am writing a zombie horror story in which a catacomb like structure full of zombies opened. What time period should it take place in?
    Community Answer
    it should probably be in the future, like 2085. It would be more interesting than the present or the past.
  • Question
    How do I write a science fiction horror novel?
    Community Answer
    In general, horror novels are easier to write compared to other genres. You should have a good plot and try to describe monsters or whatever with great detail. For the science fiction aspect, include other planetary stuff, star voyages, aliens, weird happenings without explanation that needs investigation, and so forth.
  • Question
    Should I start things calm in the beginning before the action starts?
    Community Answer
    Personally, I like to hop right into the guts and blood because I just can't help myself. If you are the sort of person that likes their stories calm in the beginning, then do that! If you want more mystery or something, then don't tell the reader anything in the beginning in order to make them collect more knowledge along the way.
  • Question
    I know I should have twists, but should there be a twist in every chapter, or would the reader get bored if I used that strategy?
    Community Answer
    If you use a twist every chapter, the reader is likely to get confused. It's okay to have one or two big twists, but try to keep it from getting too complicated. It's easy to forget that the reader doesn't know the story as well as you do, and might not follow the plot if there are too many twists and turns.
  • Question
    How can I write a horror story about an abandoned house?
    Community Answer
    Abandoned houses are perfect places for horror stories so when you're writing, use the setting to your advantage. Maybe your character gets stuck in the house, maybe they move in and don't know it's haunted, or get kidnapped and taken there. Make sure to add scary descriptions about the house to get the readers heart racing.
  • Question
    Is it possible to create a horror story without blood or gore?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Say you want to write a story about some sort of ghost. Ghosts don't necessarily have to have gore. They can do horrific stuff, like windows shutting and opening. But blood and gore are just some things to take your story to another level.
  • Question
    My horror story is about a group of teenagers running from a monster. Should the main character suspect the quiet, strong, mysterious teen, or her closest friend?
    Community Answer
    Her closest friend sounds interesting. Maybe it would show character development from the mysterious teen.
  • Question
    Any tips on making the Antagonist a shadow of the Protagonist? Like that funny moment when the hero is really running from themselves?
    Community Answer
    You could 1) create a world in which people's thoughts become reality. 2) make the entire story inside the character's head, (but wait to reveal this fact until the end). 3) have the main character suffer from a mental disorder. WARNING: if you choose to do this be very careful. Make sure the character isn't portrayed as being dangerous, evil etc. because of their illness. Also do your research!! Use their pain/ mental distress as the horror factor, not them being scary/terrorizing others.
  • Question
    How do I lead up to a creature jumping out of the dark to kill or maim someone?
    Community Answer
    Try to make sure the reader knows something the protagonist might not. You will also want to make sure you show that the protagonist is paranoid. Humans react to emotion; if the character is brave, the readers will be less scared.
  • Question
    Any tips on how to write a solution?
    Community Answer
    Remember that a good solution has to fix or achieve someone's goal (like the antagonist's desire for revenge), twist readers' POV, and lead to the ending of the story. Basically you can think of this as a chess game between the antagonist and protagonist: each character's motives and actions will lead to more actions, and that action will lead to the conclusion.
  • Question
    How can I write a good horror story with no blood or gore?
    Community Answer
    You can write a good horror story without any blood or gore by playing on people's other fears, like the supernatural.
  • Question
    How do I write a story that involves a mutant animal of some sort without it being pathetic?
    Community Answer
    Describe the mutant animal in a noble sense. Don't describe it as a scary thing, but give it a little dignity. Remember, a mutant's life is normal looking from its own perspective. Also think out the mechanics of the animal. If you are writing about a two-headed frog, do both heads have a different personality? Do both heads blink, lick their eyes etc, or is one just hanging there dead, attached to the other. Describe the animal honestly and your readers will be horrified if it scares them.
  • Question
    How can I make it so scary the reader might have nightmares?
    Community Answer
    Add a lot of tension and go heavy on details when you describe a really gory or revolting sight. Make the situation relatable so the reader feels like the threat could really happen.
  • Question
    How I can write a story involving a nightmare?
    Community Answer
    You could try regularly switching between the nightmare and the real world, showing how they affect each other. Or, you could allow something from the nightmare to travel between the two worlds.
  • Question
    What POV is best to write a good horror story? My strength is first person, but I've seen stories written in second person or third person.
    Community Answer
    A good horror story can be written from any POV. If first person POV is your strength, then I'd suggest going with that. You can choose to write from the protagonist's side or the villain's side, and either one has room to make a great story.
  • Question
    How do I make my story feel like reality?
    Community Answer
    Make it consistent. Take your time on world building and ask yourself what the characters can and cannot do. If the entire world throughout remains consistent, and what is "normal" in the world doesn't change (aside from characters with super powers and whatnot), then it should be more believable.
  • Question
    How do I write a horror comedy?
    Community Answer
    One way would be to make jokes during macabre or scary scenes. For example, in a story where the protagonist gets her hand chopped off, the villain says, "Thanks for lending me a hand!" Though it might seem like a lame joke, it's funny when the reader is in a suspenseful moment.
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