There's nothing more frustrating than a parent saying “no” to something you really want, whether it's a dog, a new phone, or a later curfew/bedtime. You won’t always be able to persuade your parents to see things your way, but there are a lot of simple things you can do to help you convince your parents to give you what you want! Keep on reading: we’ve compiled a list of tricks and hacks to help you persuade your parents to let you do anything—well, almost anything.
Things You Should Know
- Be informed about what you're asking for so that when you present your case to your parents, you know exactly what to say and can argue confidently and calmly.
- Show your parents you're responsible in other areas of your life to convince them to give you what you want.
- Come up with compromises to help convince your parents to say yes. Work out an agreement that will make both of you happy.
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- You might end up having to scale back a bit. If you want a dog and they say no, keep your cool and think a little smaller. They might not let you have a German Shepherd, but they may be receptive to a goldfish or a hamster—something tiny and easy to take care of. Who knows? You may even be happier with your fishy friend anyway. And if you take good care of that fish, it just may show them you’re ready for a dog after all.Thanks
Tips from our Readers
- Before talking to your parents, make a list of the reasons they may say no and come up with a counterargument for each one. For example, counter "we don't want to pay for dog food" with "I'll start babysitting and save up my money to buy pet food."
- Remember that when you grow up, you can do whatever you want! Parents can't always say yes to what you want, even if you don't understanding their reasoning at the time. Before you know it, you won't have to ask for their permission anymore.
- Make a PowerPoint or presentation for your parents. Include relevant information on each slide to show you've done your research and are taking this decision seriously.
- Asking over and over again can frustrate parents and make them more likely to say no. It can make you seem childish and unable to maturely handle their decision.
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About This Article
If you want to convince your parents to let you do anything, make sure you know a lot of information about what you're asking for. Gather all of your information from credible sources, and write down all of your main arguments. When you're ready to approach your parents, do it at the appropriate time in place, such as a time when your parents are relaxed. Then, maintain a clam tone and ask them for what you want, describing how it benefits them as well as you. Remember to give them time to think before making their decision! For tips on figuring out how to respond if they say no, read on!