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Kindle Books are a great gift idea for the special bookworms in your life, especially those who already read e-books using their Kindle. When you purchase Kindle Books from Amazon, you can go further and complete the surprise gift by having Amazon send the book directly to that lucky book lover. To learn more, scroll down to step 1.

  1. Go to https://www.amazon.com , and click on the “Sign In” button on the upper-right corner of the web page.
    • If you don’t have an account yet, click on the “Sign In” button just the same and then select “No, I’m a new customer.” Enter your personal information such as your full name and e-mail address to create an account.
  2. Once you’re logged into your Amazon account, click on the “Shop by Department” button on the upper-left section of the web page. Select “Kindle Books” from the list of store section choices.
  3. There is a wide selection of Kindle Books to choose from, and there’s something for everyone. Once you’ve made your choice, click on the item to view its product details.
  4. On the product details page, simply click on “Add to Basket” to start the process of purchasing the book.
  5. After adding the book to your basket, on the next page tick the box next to “This will be a gift,” and type in the e-mail address of your intended recipient.
    • If you don’t know the e-mail address of your giftee, you can select the “E-mail the gift to me” option instead. This way the e-book will be sent to your e-mail address after purchase.
  6. Choose the delivery date you wish the Kindle Book to be sent. The e-book can be delivered on any specific date you want.
    • You can add a special touch to your gift by writing a personal message on the text field provided on the page.
  7. Click on the “Proceed to checkout” button to pay for the Kindle Book and have it delivered.
    • To make sure that your gift has reached its destination, the person you sent the gift to will be prompted to confirm receiving the Kindle Book that you bought.
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Join the Discussion...

My bestie's birthday is coming up and she's a total bookworm, so of course I want to get her something related to this passion. I could get her a book, but I always get her books, so I would love to get her something a little more unexpected but still related, like a cool book light or book-themed mug or something. So, hit me with your best, most bookish ideas! Thanks in advance!
Do they have an e-reader? I love my Kindle. I used to swear I’d never use it because I always preferred actual books, but it’s actually so nice to have an e-reader. There are a lot of free books you can get for it, so your friend doesn’t even have to spend money on the e-reader if they don’t want to!
My absolute favorite thing to get my friends is candles and perfumes inspired by their favorite books/movies. Here are some of my favorites lately:

Paddywax makes a lot (even though it's spooky season I've got their spicy "Christmas Carol"-inspired candle lit right now; if her birthday is closer to Christmas I recommend i!).

Poesie makes a fragrance called "Library Ghost" that smells like marshmallows and vanilla and wood and ahh, it's perfect to wear while curled up with a good book, especially during spooky season.

The Little Book Eater on Etsy makes fragrance rollers inspired by books and literary characters like Rebecca or Hermione. Their "Reading at the Cafe" one is my favorite right now, smells just like coffee.

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  • Question
    Can I do this on the UK Amazon site?
    Community Answer
    As of Dec. 2016, the ability to gift books is still not available in the UK.
  • Question
    Does the gifted book go directly to the recipient's Kindle?
    Community Answer
    No, the book is added to their Fireplace, where they can add it to their Kindle.
  • Question
    Can the Kindle app on an Apple iPhone receive a gifted book?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but you cannot have more than one gifted book on the device at a time.
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