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Learn how to promote someone to help moderate your Twitch chat
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Has your Twitch stream grown to the point where you need to start adding moderators? Adding a mod on Twitch might seem to be complicated, but the process is actually pretty easy—and there are a few different ways you can go about it, either during a stream or without streaming. Keep reading to learn the three ways that you can make someone a moderator on Twitch to decide which will work best for you.

Things You Should Know

  • You can use the /mod [username] command to make someone a mod directly from your Twitch chat.
  • If you click on a potential mod's username, you can make them a mod by clicking the icon of a person with a plus sign next to them.
  • You can also add mods from your Creator Dashboard by going to the Roles Manager and searching for the username of your mod.
Method 1
Method 1 of 4:

With Mod Command

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  1. You can mod another user directly from your Twitch chat, even if the user is not watching your stream currently.
  2. Replace the [username] placeholder with the username of the person you want to make a mod. Make sure you spell the name correctly, as inputting the wrong name will either result in an error or will make the incorrect person a mod.
  3. A chat message will appear that says "[your username] granted moderator privileges to [username]."
    • To remove a mod, send /unmod [username] into your stream chat.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 4:

In Stream Chat

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  1. You can also grant moderator status from stream chat if the person is watching your stream.
  2. This will bring up an overview of their profile.
  3. If you hover the button, it will say "Mod [username]" and it's to the right of the ban and timeout buttons. The user will now be a moderator in your chat.
    • To remove a mod, click the icon of a person with a plus sign again. This will remove the moderator role from that user.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 4:

Via Roles Manager

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  1. This option is directly below the Community option and above the Activity option. [1]
  2. If you don't have any roles assigned in your stream yet, you will see the Add a Role button. If you have some people assigned to roles, those people will populate in the Roles Manager and you'll see the Add New button.
  3. Type in their username and select them from the list. This method has a bit more room for error, because you do not immediately assign a role like you do with the mod command; however, you should still ensure to click the right person on the list.
  4. The moderator role has a green sword icon and will be the top option on the list.
  5. The role will be applied to the user immediately.
    • To remove a mod while in the Roles Manager, click the black circle button with a line through it on the Moderator role tag.
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Method 4
Method 4 of 4:

Mod Commands

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  1. Below is a list of the commands your mods can use and what they do (not including the basic commands available to all Twitch users) [2] :
    • /pin [DESCRIPTION]: Pins a high-value chat message so it appears for longer in-chat
    • /shoutout [USERNAME]: Shares another streamer's channel in the chat with a follow button
    • /announce [DESCRIPTION]: Highlights a message
    • /monitor [USERNAME]: Start monitoring a user's messages
    • /unmonitor [USERNAME]: Stop monitoring a user's messages
    • /restrict [USERNAME]: Start restricting a user's messages
    • /unrestrict [USERNAME]: Stop restricting a user's messages
    • /user [USERNAME]: Opens a user's profile card
    • /timeout [USERNAME] [SECONDS]: Temporarily bans someone from chat. If you don't include a [SECONDS] parameter the default is 10 minutes
    • /ban [USERNAME]: Bans a user from the chatroom
    • /unban [USERNAME]: Unbans a user from the chatroom
    • /slow [SECONDS]: Sets a limit on how often users are allowed to send messages
    • /slowoff: Disables slow mode
    • /followers [TIME LENGTH]: Restricts chat to only followers, where the "time length" parameter is anywhere from zero minutes (0m) to three months (3mo).
    • /followersoff: Turns off followers-only mode
    • /subscribers: Restricts chat to only subscribers
    • /subscribersoff: Turns off subscribers-only mode
    • /clear: Wipes the chat history
    • /request: Opens the Channel Points request queue
    • /uniquechat: Disables users from posting non-unique messages (i.e. stops users from spamming copy/paste messages)
    • /uniquechatoff: Disables unique chat mode
    • /emoteonly: Disables users from posting anything other than emotes
    • /emoteonlyoff: Disables emote only mode
    • /poll: Opens the menu to create a poll
    • /endpoll: Ends the active poll
    • /deletepoll: Deletes the active poll

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