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Find the perfect line to drop over text or IRL
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Looking to add a little playful charm to your flirting game in person and over text? Whether you want to spark a connection or make someone smile a good pick-up line can work wonders. We’ve compiled a list of 130 corny, cute, funny, clever, and sexy pick-up lines to use on guys to make them roll their eyes, laugh, blush, or all three. Plus, we spoke to dating coaches John Keegan and Cher Gopman to get their advice on the best way to use lines to win the man of your dreams. So, take a chance and try out these flirtatious one-liners, or let them inspire you to come up with your own!

Section 1 of 11:

Cute Pick-Up Lines to Use on Guys

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  1. Use a sweet and innocent pick-up line to make a guy feel special without coming on too strong. Keep your vibe light-hearted and your delivery genuine, and pair your line with a warm smile for maximum effect. Here is a list of cute pick-up lines to get you started.
    • “Did the sun come up, or did you just smile at me?”
    • “You’re so sweet; you might give me a toothache.”
    • “Do you have a band-aid? Because I hurt my knee when I fell for you.”
    • “I know a girl who is interested in you. If I weren’t so shy, I’d have told you sooner!”
    • “Well, here I am. What are your other two wishes?”
    • “Are you a magician? Because whenever I look at you, everyone else disappears.
    • “If you were a vegetable, you’d be a cutecumber.”
    • “I must be a snowflake because I’ve fallen for you.”
    • “I'd like to take you to the movies, but they don't let you bring your own snacks.”
    • “Let's make like fabric softener and snuggle!”
    • “Hershey’s factories make millions of kisses a day. I’m only asking you for one.”
    • “Are you a keyboard? Because you’re just my type.”
    • “Anyone who says Disney is the happiest place on earth has never stood next to you.
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Section 2 of 11:

Cheesy Pick-Up Lines for Him

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  1. When you want to make a guy laugh, embracing the cheese can work in your favor. Use a cheesy pick-up line with a playful grin and a dash of confidence that tells him you know just how silly they are. Mr. Right will appreciate your willingness to be a little goofy from time to time. Try one of these lines to sprinkle a little cheese on your flirting:
    • “You don’t need a car to drive me crazy.”
    • “Are you a parking ticket? Cause you got FINE written all over you.”
    • “I was wondering if you were an artist because you are so good at drawing me in.”
    • “Can you give me directions…to your heart?”
    • “Your eyes are IKEA. I can get lost in them all day.”
    • “Can I borrow your library card? Because I’m checking you out.”
    • “If you were a dessert, you’d be a temptation I couldn’t resist.”
    • “Are you religious? Because you’re the answer to my prayers.”
    • “Do you like bananas? ‘Cause I find you a-peel-ing!”
    • “I’m lost. Can you give me directions to your heart?”
    • “Did they just take you out of the oven? Because you’re piping hot!”
    • “I may not be a genie, but I can make your wishes come true.”
    • “You look just like my future husband.”
Section 3 of 11:

Corny Pick-Up Lines for Guys

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  1. Fully commit to the ridiculousness of an old-school corny pick-up line to hit a flirting home run. These classic cornball lines work best when you’re in a relaxed, casual environment. Be willing to laugh at yourself, and he won’t be able to resist your silly charm when you lay one of these corny lines on him.
    • “If I could rearrange the alphabet, I would put U and I together.”
    • “Can I borrow a kiss? I promise I’ll give it back.”
    • “I hope you know CPR. ‘Cause you just took my breath away!”
    • “Is your smile from a power plant? It is electrifying.”
    • “Are you sure you’re not tired? ‘Cause you’ve been running through my mind all day.”
    • “Do you have a map? Because I just got lost in your eyes.”
    • “Did it hurt when you fell out of heaven?”
    • “You must be a broom ‘cause you just swept me off my feet.”
    • “Are your parents thieves? Because they stole the stars and put them into your eyes.”
    • “Would you grab my arm so I can tell my friends I’ve been touched by an angel?
    • “Are you from Tennessee? Because you’re the only ten I see.”
    • “Is it hot in here, or is it just you?”
    • “My doctor says I’m lacking vitamin U.”
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Section 4 of 11:

Funny Pick-Up Lines to Use on Guys

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  1. Everyone likes a person who can make them laugh. Laughing makes people feel good, so delivering a funny line might have them associating those good feelings with you. [1] Try one of these lines to give them a chuckle:
    • “Do you know what my shirt is made of? Girlfriend material!”
    • “If you were a flower, you'd be a daaaaaamn-delion!”
    • “You’re hotter than a tin roof in August.”
    • “Is your name Wi-Fi? Because I’m kind of feeling a connection.”
    • “Do you have a cold? Cause I can't stop looking ACHOO!”
    • “If you were a Transformer, you’d be Optimus Fine.”
    • “Were you a Boy Scout? Because you sure have tied my heart in knots.”
    • “Do you fish? You have me hooked.”
    • “Have you been to the doctor? You look like you’re lacking vitamin me.”
    • “Do you work at Starbucks? Because I like you a latte.”
    • “If you were a fruit, you’d be a ‘fine-apple.’”
    • “Do you have a sunburn, or do you always look this hot?”
    • “Is your name Dunkin? Because I donut want to spend another day without you.”

    Michelle Jacoby

    Matchmaker & Dating Coach
    Michelle Jacoby is a Matchmaker, Dating Coach, and the Founder and CEO of DC Matchmaking, a privately owned, boutique matchmaking company based in Washington, DC, Maryland, and Virginia. She is also the Co-Founder of The Matchmakers Alliance, an international industry organization for matchmakers. With over 12 years of experience, Michelle specializes in one-on-one matchmaking and group coaching to help singles find healthy, lasting relationships. She has been featured in several media publications such as The Washington Post, Self, and NPR. Michelle holds a BA in Psychology from George Washington University. She is also a Certified Matchmaker from The Matchmakers Institute as well as a Certified Body Language Expert from The Body Language Institute.
    Michelle Jacoby
    Matchmaker & Dating Coach

    Don't put too much pressure on yourself when you meet someone new. It’s hard to remember how to act. It’s so much easier to just be your authentic self. Sometimes, that means walking up to them and saying something simple, like, "I noticed you, and I just wanted to come over and say hi."

Section 5 of 11:

Clever Pick-Up Lines for Guys

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  1. Put some extra thought into your approach when trying to impress a smart guy. Try working in references to his job, hobbies, or something you noticed about him to make your line more memorable. Then, deliver your line with a knowing smile to let him know you appreciate a guy with smarts. Here are a few clever pick-up lines to use for inspiration.
    • “Did you invent the airplane? Because you’re clearly Mr. Wright.”
    • “My friends bet I can’t talk to the most handsome man in the bar! Want to have drinks on their dime?”
    • “Are you the French Revolution? Because I just lost my head over you!”
    • “You must be a talented thief because you managed to steal my heart from all the way over here.”
    • “If I were to ask you out, would your answer be the same as the answer to this question?”
    • “I’ve got all these forks and knives. All I need is a big spoon.”
    • “Are you my wisdom teeth? Because I have a feeling that I should take you out as soon as possible.”
    • “I’m really terrible at flirting. Try picking me up instead.”
    • “You could spam me all night, and I still wouldn’t unsubscribe.”
    • “Let me tie your shoes, ‘cause I don’t want you falling for anyone else.”
    • “Do you believe in love at first sight, or do I have to walk by again?”
    • “On a scale of 1 to 10, you’re a nine…because I’m the one you need.”
    • “If you were words on a page, you’d be fine print.”
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Section 6 of 11:

Witty Pick-up Lines for Him

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  1. Look for an opportunity to riff off something he’s wearing, doing, or saying to grab his interest with a little playful banter. Timing is extra important with witty pick-up lines, so make sure you’re paying close attention to the conversation. Practice with these lines so your line feels natural and spontaneous.
    • “I should complain to Spotify for not making you this week’s hottest single.”
    • “I know you! You’re the guy who's going to buy me a drink tonight!”
    • “Do you like Star Wars? Because Yoda one for me.”
    • “If you were a chicken, you’d be ‘im-peck-able.’”
    • “They say dating is a numbers game, so can I get yours?”
    • “I’m learning about important dates in history. Wanna be one of them?”
    • “Titanic. That’s my icebreaker. How are you?”
    • “Anyone who says Disney is the happiest place on earth has never stood next to you.”
    • “Are you French? Because Eiffel for you.”
    • “Let’s flip a coin! Heads, I’m yours. Tails, you’re mine!
    • “When I text you good morning tomorrow, what number should I text?”
    • “They say dating is a numbers game, so can I get yours?”
    • “You look so familiar…did we have class together? I could’ve sworn we had chemistry.”
Section 7 of 11:

Smooth Pick-Up Lines for Him

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  1. Smooth operators know that lines are best delivered with confidence and natural charm. Start by looking him in the eye, then flash a smile before delivering one of these smooth pick-up lines.
    • “Do you have a name, or can I just call you ‘mine’?”
    • “You’re so handsome; you made me forget my pick-up line!”
    • “Are you a time traveler? Because I see you in my future.”
    • “You are my GPS, darling! Without you, I’m lost.”
    • “I lost my phone number. Can I have yours?”
    • “Guess what I’m wearing right now. The smile you gave me!”
    • “Your hand looks heavy. Can I hold it for you?”
    • “Hi! Do you have a few minutes for me to hit on you?”
    • “Excuse me, but I think I dropped something. My jaw.”
    • “I’m worried about global warming…because you’re making it hot in here.”
    • “How does it feel to be the most charming man in the room?”
    • “Somebody call the cops! It’s got to be illegal to look that good.”
    • “I can’t tell if that was an earthquake or if you just seriously rocked my world.”
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Section 8 of 11:

Flirty Pick-Up Lines for Him

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  1. Make flirty pick-up lines work by matching them up with classic flirting techniques like smiling and making eye contact. [2] Be ready with a follow-up question to transition from the line to a real conversation. When you’re ready, try out one of these playful openers at a party or club where people expect this kind of light-hearted flirting.
    • “You better call 9-1-1 because when I’m done with you, we’ll be on fire!”
    • “If I bit my lip, would you kiss it better?”
    • “You spend so much time in my dreams I should charge rent!”
    • “Can I have your picture so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas?”
    • “If I followed you home, would you keep me?”
    • “Remember me? Oh, that’s right, I’ve only met you in my dreams.”
    • “I didn’t know what I wanted in a man…until now.”
    • “I’ve heard milk does a body good, but damn, boy, how much did you drink?”
    • “Is your dad a baker? Because you have some hot buns.”
    • “I’ve heard kissing burns about five calories a minute. How about a workout?”
    • “I’m feeling a little off today. Would you like to turn me on?”
    • “See my friend over there? She wants to know if you think I’m cute.”
    • “I’ve been wondering, do your lips taste as good as they look?”
Section 9 of 11:

Sexy Pick-Up Lines for Guys

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  1. Take things up a notch and show clear interest with pick-up lines that are more obviously sexy. Wait until you’ve had a chance to talk for a little while before bringing out the big guns. Watch for clues that he’s into you, like leaning in when you talk and casually touching you when he laughs. [3] When you start feeling the vibe get more intense, try one of these lines:
    • “If being sexy was a crime, you’d be arrested by now.”
    • “I lost my teddy bear. Can I sleep with you?”
    • “Are you cake? Because I want a piece of that.”
    • “Let’s go behind that rock and get a little boulder.”
    • “What do you say, we bounce like a bad email?”
    • “Apart from being sexy, what do you do for a living?”
    • “Do you mind if we share this cab to my house?”
    • “That’s a great pair of jeans. They’d look even better on my bedroom floor!”
    • “I’m not feeling myself today. Can I feel you?”
    • “What do you like for breakfast?”
    • “My bed’s broken, so can I sleep in yours?”
    • “Nice pants. Can I test the zipper?”
    • “We have to do our part to fight climate change. Let’s shower together to save water.”
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Section 10 of 11:

Dirty Pick-Up Lines to Use on Guys

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  1. They say that fortune favors the bold. However, it might be best to save bolder lines for when you know him a little better…and know he’s physically attracted to you. These might be him putting his hand on the small or your back, or you catch him checking out your curves. [4] If he’s giving you a green light, try one of these:
    • “Just an FYI: I’m psychic, and we’re hooking up tonight.”
    • “Your body is a wonderland. What’s the price of admission?”
    • “Do you have insurance? Because we’re smashing tonight.”
    • “If I said you had a beautiful body, would you hold it against me?”
    • “Your clothes are making me feel incredibly uncomfortable. Mind if we take them off?”
    • “Am I supposed to sign for your package?”
    • “What’s your name again? I just want to know what I’ll be screaming tonight.”
    • “Violets are blue. Roses are red. I suck at poetry. Now, let’s go to bed.”
    • “I’m not very disciplined. I think I need to be spanked more often.”
    • “Are you for sale? Because I can’t wait to close the deal with you.”
    • “You’re not a fan of casual sex? No problem, let me put on my tux, and we’ll make it more formal.”
    • “You look chilly. Would you like to use me as a blanket?”
    • “Are you Alexa? Because I want to request a few things from you later tonight!”
Section 11 of 11:

Using Pick-Up Lines Effectively

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  1. A great line can help give you confidence because you don’t have to worry about what you’re going to say, Keegan explains. Confidence can sell even the cheesiest pick-up line. Hold your head high and keep your shoulders back, which makes you feel more confident even when you’re texting. [5] In person, make plenty of eye contact and smile to give your line a little extra charm.
    • Try giving your crush a quick eyebrow flash – or quickly raising and lowering your eyebrows – to tell them you like what you see. [6]
    • Subtly mirror their body language to help them feel more connected to you. [7] For example, when they take a drink or shift their weight, do the same thing.
  2. Timing is everything when it comes to using pick-up lines. Follow the flow of the conversation and wait for a lull before dropping your line. The best way to use a line is to break the ice and start a conversation with someone new. But if they’re already talking, pay attention to what they’re saying and wait for a break in conversation. Interrupting them is rude and shows you don’t care what they have to say. [8]
    • Demonstrate you’re a good listener by giving them your full attention. Listening intently also shows you’re interested in who they are as a person and not just their looks.
    • Open with a complimentary pick-up line to start flirting with someone . Saying something nice makes your line that much more effective.
  3. Keegan recommends making comments that relate to the person or situation. Try to connect your line to what they’re doing, how they're acting, or the way they look, so it's not really about them.
    • Making your pick-up line more targeted to the person makes it feel more personal and less like a generic line you could use on just anyone.
  4. Using a person’s name causes their brain to perk up and pay attention no matter what they're thinking about. [9] It also helps show you’re interested in them personally. Once you have their attention, ask them thoughtful, open-ended questions like, “What’s the best piece of advice you’ve ever gotten?” or “If you could go to any concert, what would it be?”
    • Make sure you don’t use a person’s name with every sentence, or it might get awkward.
    • Once you get them talking about something, ask follow-up questions to keep the conversation interesting.
  5. “Flirting needs to be fun,” Gopman says. “You smile, and you laugh, and you really get that person you're with to have fun because the last thing someone wants at the end of the day after working hard to go on a date [is] to feel like, there's no laughter [or] fun.”
    • Trying to remember pick-up lines and how to deliver them isn’t always easy when you’re talking to your crush.
    • Just remember, if all else fails, be yourself! You probably have more rizz that you realize.
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