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Cats are curious by nature, so your favorite plants might pose a huge temptation to your little friend. Cats enjoy playing with and even eating plant leaves, as well as digging in the soil around the plant. You should never keep plants toxic to cats around your home in case of ingestion— lilies are extremely poisonous to cats, for example. [1] [2] But even if the plant is safe for the cat, your pet's behavior can damage or kill your plants! Luckily, there are steps you can take to minimize the damage.

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Preventing Behavior that Damages Plants

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  1. Put tin foil down around the plant, or a plastic carpet protector with the knobby side up. Your cat may not be willing to walk across an unpleasant surface to get to your plants.
  2. You can find deterrent sprays in the pet store that won't harm your plant, but will discourage your cat from poking around it. A good example of a safe product is “Get Off,” but always make sure to check the label before buying a deterrent product. Some of these sprays might actually hurt your plant.
    • You can make your own deterrent spray at home, as well. Make a mixture of one part vinegar to three parts water, and spritz it onto the leaves of your plant. Cats hate the smell, and it doesn't hurt your plant!
  3. You can purchase hanging pots and hooks from any home and garden store. Hanging plants are both attractive and cat-proof!
  4. Collect and wash out empty cans — whether for canned vegetables or soft drinks. Line them up along the edge of the table where you keep your plants, then add more rows on top to form a wall. When your cat jumps up and knocks them down, the noisy clamor will send him flying. He'll think twice about approaching your plants after enough scares.
  5. This might sound quirky, but products like Silent Roar contain lion feces. Though you won't be able to smell it, your cat will, and he'll get the message that a powerful stranger has already claimed the plant as part of his territory.
  6. This is best done with "remote punishment." [3] The idea is to make the cat associate approaching the plant with something bad, like getting sprayed in the face with water. However, you don't want the cat to associate the punishment with you. You want your cat to think the punishment came out of nowhere.
    • Booby trap the plant by using putting a can of compressed air that's activated by a motion sensor near it. These pet-training aids can be purchased in pet stores or online.
    • When your cat approaches plant, he'll get a blast of compressed air. This doesn't hurt him, but it'll make him think twice about approaching the plant again.
  7. [4] For example, if you spray the cat with water or shout at him, your cat will associate the punishment with you. He may well stop eating the plant when you're around, but he'll probably keep doing what he wants when you're out of the room. Punishing the cat yourself actually makes him more devious. He also might grow a little frightened of you, which isn't the relationship you want with your pet.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Providing Your Cat with Alternatives to Play With

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  1. Your cat might just be bored to tears cooped up in your house. If moving leaves are the closest thing to toys or prey in his environment, it should be no surprise when your cat is drawn to them. To best curb plant-damaging behavior, you need to provide your cat with healthier alternatives. [5]
  2. Some breeds of cat are far more active than others, so you'll be the best judge of how much play your cat needs. As a general rule, though, it's best to play with your cat at least twice a day for 5-10 minutes each time.
  3. [8] Although your cat will love the attention either way, don't let your play sessions turn into cuddle sessions. You need to get your cat excited and winded to prevent him from chomping on your plants.
  4. Your cat might get especially bored when there's nobody around to keep him company. Leaving toys out for him when he's alone gives him more constructive outlets for his boredom than plant-chewing.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Choosing Your Plants

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  1. Pay attention to what kinds of plants draw his attention, then avoid plants like that in the future.
    • For example, your cat might love wispy, dangling leaves that flutter in the breeze.
    • In that case, buy plants with large, heavy leaves that don't look as much fun to play with.
  2. Yucca plants, for example, seem to be particularly irresistible, and your cat will chew on them without mercy. Zinnias and marigolds are other examples of "cat magnet" plants that you should avoid. [11]
    • If you already have an irresistible plant in your home, keep on a high shelf where the cat can't reach it. Make sure it's an unreachable shelf, or your nimble cat might just leap up there.
  3. [12] You can use your cat's attraction to certain species of plants to your benefit. Place trays of catnip or grass around your home for your cat. Munching on these plants will help satisfy his need to chew, and hopefully distract him from your more prized plants.
  4. There are also some plant species that cats just can't seem to stomach. They often have a strong smell, like lavender, rosemary, or citrus plants. While you can enjoy the pleasant aroma of these plants, the smell will discourage your cat from chomping on them.
    • You might also buy plants that have very high leaves that cats can’t reach, such as small trees.
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Expert Q&A

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  • Question
    Why does my cat eat plants and throw up?
    Molly DeVoss
    Certified Feline Training and Behavior Specialist & Certified Cat Behavior Consultant
    Molly DeVoss is a Certified Feline Training and Behavior Specialist (CFTBS), a Certified Cat Behavior Consultant (CCBC), a Fear Free Certified Trainer (FFCT), and the Founder of Cat Behavior Solutions. Molly specializes in using positive reinforcement to modify and prevent unwanted behaviors in cats and reduce cat shelter surrender. Molly has sat on the Dallas Animal Advisory committee since 2013 and was voted one of the Top 12 Extraordinary Cat Behaviorists of 2020 by Catpetclub.com. She is certified by both the Animal Behavior Institute and the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. She is also the host of the weekly podcast Cat Talk Radio.
    Certified Feline Training and Behavior Specialist & Certified Cat Behavior Consultant
    Expert Answer
    Cats will often throw up after eating plants because they lack the amylase enzyme needed to digest the starch/vegetable/plant matter. They instinctively know this and may feel the need to eliminate hairballs and other things they can't digest. Plants and grasses that don't get thrown up act like fiber and work similarly to a laxative.
  • Question
    How do you keep cats from digging in potted plants?
    Molly DeVoss
    Certified Feline Training and Behavior Specialist & Certified Cat Behavior Consultant
    Molly DeVoss is a Certified Feline Training and Behavior Specialist (CFTBS), a Certified Cat Behavior Consultant (CCBC), a Fear Free Certified Trainer (FFCT), and the Founder of Cat Behavior Solutions. Molly specializes in using positive reinforcement to modify and prevent unwanted behaviors in cats and reduce cat shelter surrender. Molly has sat on the Dallas Animal Advisory committee since 2013 and was voted one of the Top 12 Extraordinary Cat Behaviorists of 2020 by Catpetclub.com. She is certified by both the Animal Behavior Institute and the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. She is also the host of the weekly podcast Cat Talk Radio.
    Certified Feline Training and Behavior Specialist & Certified Cat Behavior Consultant
    Expert Answer
    Make their environment really interesting by adding high climbing spaces, tall cat trees, scratching posts, and catios. You can also keep your kitty entertained with mazes, food puzzles, and birdfeeders displayed in front of windows.
  • Question
    Why is my cat obsessed with eating plants?
    Molly DeVoss
    Certified Feline Training and Behavior Specialist & Certified Cat Behavior Consultant
    Molly DeVoss is a Certified Feline Training and Behavior Specialist (CFTBS), a Certified Cat Behavior Consultant (CCBC), a Fear Free Certified Trainer (FFCT), and the Founder of Cat Behavior Solutions. Molly specializes in using positive reinforcement to modify and prevent unwanted behaviors in cats and reduce cat shelter surrender. Molly has sat on the Dallas Animal Advisory committee since 2013 and was voted one of the Top 12 Extraordinary Cat Behaviorists of 2020 by Catpetclub.com. She is certified by both the Animal Behavior Institute and the International Association of Animal Behavior Consultants. She is also the host of the weekly podcast Cat Talk Radio.
    Certified Feline Training and Behavior Specialist & Certified Cat Behavior Consultant
    Expert Answer
    They might eat plants for "entertainment" if their environment doesn't seem stimulating enough. Other times, your cat may find the plant's scent interesting, which makes them want to taste it. If your plant is next to an air conditioner, the shifting leaves might also resemble a fun game of prey play.
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      • You can deter cats by placing moth balls in the pots; however, moth balls are toxic and cats can become very ill or die if they ingest any of the chemicals found in the balls. If you decide to use moth balls, be sure to place them inside a container that has holes in it so that the vapor can be released without the cat having access to the actual moth balls.
      • Get a list of poisonous plants (you can find them online) and avoid having any of them in your house as potted plants, even if they are kept away from your cat. Cats have a knack for jumping onto places that you would never consider they can reach or walking in very tight areas that you think are safe from them. Don't take a chance of an accidental poisoning by having toxic plants anywhere in your home.
      • Use only products that are veterinarian approved for the safety of your cat. Also, always spray a small part of your plant before applying the product to the entire plant to ensure that the plant is not damaged by it.
      • Never spray your plant or soil with a substance that can harm your cat, such as hot sauce. It may deter your cat but can also get into the eyes and fur and cause damage or even loss of eyesight.

      Things You'll Need

      • Plant hangers or high areas
      • Small tree-like plants with high leaves
      • Spray products to deter cats
      • Vinegar
      • Mouse traps
      • Moth balls
      • Plants that cats don't like
      • New toys, treats, hiding places and play time
      • Spray bottle, soda can and coins


      1. Small Animal Toxicology. Osweiler. Publisher: Blackwell.
      2. https://icatcare.org/advice/poisonous-plants
      3. Feline Behavior for the Veterinarian: Bonnie Beaver. Publisher: Saunders
      4. Feline Behavior for the Veterinarian: Bonnie Beaver. Publisher: Saunders
      5. Molly DeVoss. Certified Feline Training and Behavior Specialist & Certified Cat Behavior Consultant. Expert Interview. 15 July 2021.
      6. Molly DeVoss. Certified Feline Training and Behavior Specialist & Certified Cat Behavior Consultant. Expert Interview. 15 July 2021.
      7. Molly DeVoss. Certified Feline Training and Behavior Specialist & Certified Cat Behavior Consultant. Expert Interview. 15 July 2021.
      8. Feline Behavior for the Veterinarian: Bonnie Beaver. Publisher: Saunders
      9. Molly DeVoss. Certified Feline Training and Behavior Specialist & Certified Cat Behavior Consultant. Expert Interview. 15 July 2021.
      1. Molly DeVoss. Certified Feline Training and Behavior Specialist & Certified Cat Behavior Consultant. Expert Interview. 15 July 2021.
      2. http://articles.latimes.com/1992-06-27/home/hm-758_1_cat-food
      3. Feline Behavior for the Veterinarian: Bonnie Beaver. Publisher: Saunders

      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To prevent your cat from eating plants, try spraying your plants with diluted vinegar since cats hate the smell and taste of it. If that doesn’t work, try surrounding the plant with a material that is unpleasant for the cat, such as tin foil or a carpet protector, to deter them from coming near it. You can also line up empty soft drink cans around the plants to scare the cat when they’re knocked down and discourage it from trying again. For tips from our Veterinary reviewer on choosing plants that cats won’t be tempted to eat, read on.

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      • Ro Crumpler

        Jun 8, 2016

        "I didn't know about the moth balls. I put three or four moth balls inside plastic containers and tightly taped ..." more
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