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How to interpret and respond to this salivating smiley
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Someone just texted you the 🤤 (drooling) emoji. Could they be hungry? Sleepy? Excited? This smiling face that can’t seem to keep its mouth from watering is used to express all kinds of emotions, and we’re here to explain exactly how to interpret this pixelated pal. Be sure to read until the very end to also see some great examples of how you can respond when someone sends you the 🤤 emoji and what other fun emojis people usually pair with it. Once you’re finished, you’ll be an expert on using 🤤 in all of your texts and social media posts.

Things You Should Know

  • People usually send the 🤤 emoji to indicate that they just ate or are thinking about some delicious food.
  • 🤤 can also represent someone’s desire for an object or another person they find attractive.
  • Share in the other person’s excitement when they send 🤤. Send an enthusiastic message agreeing with them about how good something looks.
Section 1 of 4:

🤤 (Drooling) Emoji Meanings & Uses

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  1. This emoji is the perfect depiction of how your mouth waters when you’re about to eat a delicious meal. When someone sends you 🤤, it might mean that they’ve just sat down to eat and want to let you know how much they’re looking forward to their meal. Or, maybe they’re drooling at the thought of eating something delicious soon. Expect to also get some pictures of their yummy-looking food soon after. [1]
    • “My mom just made tacos 🤤🌮 My mouth is already watering.”
    • “I could really go for some sushi right now 🤤🤤”
    • “Are you gonna make me noodles when I get back? 🍜🤤 I’ll love you forever if you do 🥺”
  2. Maybe your friend just saw a nice bag that they really want to buy, or maybe they’re completely obsessed with the new model of a laptop that just got released. Whatever it may be, sending the 🤤 emoji means that they really want some object—so much that they’re figuratively (and maybe literally) drooling over it.
    • “Did you see the new iPhone? 🤤🤩 I need it.”
    • “Okay tell me what you think of this shirt. I think I’m going to buy it 🤤”
    • “I just saw the cutest pair of shoes 🤤🤤”
  3. Have you ever seen someone who’s so good-looking that you couldn’t stop your jaw from dropping? That’s pretty much the feeling the 🤤 emoji conveys. If someone sends 🤤 to you, they might have just laid eyes on a very attractive person, whether it’s their crush or a particularly handsome or pretty celebrity. Along the same lines, they may also be saying they find someone sexually attractive by sending 🤤. [2]
    • “Did you see his recent Instagram post? Why does he look SO good?? 🤤😭”
    • “She looks so pretty today 😍🤤 Maybe I should go and talk to her.”
    • “They just look so hot it honestly makes me angry 😤🤤”
  4. When someone’s particularly excited about a suggestion you or someone else just made, they might send 🤤 to express their excitement and anticipation. If you’re making plans with a friend, just know that receiving 🤤 as a reply is usually a good sign.
    • “Ooh yes, we should totally go to that new cafe after class 🤤🤤”
    • “I’m so down to go out Friday 🤤”
    • “Who suggested getting drinks? Count me in 🤤”
  5. Admit it, most of us are probably guilty of waking up with a bit of drool on our chin after a particularly deep sleep. If someone sends you 🤤, they might be trying to tell you that they’re feeling a bit sleepy, or maybe they just got up from a really great nap.
    • “Today was exhausting. I feel like I could sleep for a year 🤤🥱”
    • “Just had the best nap of my life 🤤”
    • “How are you still awake? I’m literally about to fall asleep standing up 🧍😴🤤”
  6. The 🤤 emoji kind of resembles a person’s slack-jawed appearance when they don’t really know what’s going on. So, a friend might send 🤤 when someone they know is acting foolishly or being a bit slow to keep up with what’s going on.
    • “He seriously has no idea what’s going on 🤤🙄”
    • “I’ll have to explain it to them again because I know for a fact that they weren’t listening the first time 🤤”
    • “It appalls me how dense some people can be 🤤😤”
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Section 2 of 4:

Responding to the 🤤 (Drooling) Emoji

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  1. When someone sends you a picture of their mouth-watering meal accompanied by 🤤, feel free to respond with a message letting them know how good their food looks. If you’re jealous that it’s not you in their place, throw in a couple crying emojis to express your sadness.
    • “OMG that looks sooooo good 😭 Wanna bring me some too? 🥺”
    • “Did you make that yourself? It looks so yummy 🤤”
    • “That looks good. I wish I knew how to cook 😞 Guess I’ll just stick to my instant noodles 🍜”
  2. When someone comes to you raving about the newest thing they want to buy, go ahead and share your thoughts on the matter. If you’re talking to someone you’re not that close with, stick to a polite and positive comment. If it’s someone like a friend, feel free to give your honest thoughts.
    • “Oh that is pretty cool! Are you going to buy it?”
    • “Hmm 🤔 I’m not sure I’m a fan of the color. Are there other color options?”
    • “Good to know. I was in need of ideas for a birthday gift for you anyways 😏”
  3. If a friend sends you a message singing praises about how good someone looks, feel free to jump on board and give your own compliments. If they met someone attractive but are nervous to talk to them, send an encouraging message and let them know they have your full support.
    • “Woah he does look good 🥵”
    • “She’s so pretty 🤩 You should totally go talk to her!”
    • “No literally how can someone be that attractive??”
  4. If your friend is sending the 🤤 emoji to tell you they’re looking forward to some plans you made, keep that excitement going by suggesting even more fun things you can do when you ask them to hang out . Or, go ahead and give them more specific details about your plans to keep them in the loop.
    • “Ok so we’ll go to the mall after class. Ooh we could also go to that taco place nearby 🌮”
    • “You want me to pick you up? I can be at your place around 7 if that’s cool.”
    • “We could also catch a movie on Friday if we have time 🍿🎥”
  5. If someone’s sending you a message telling you how exhausted they’re feeling, send them a caring reminder to take care of themselves and get plenty of rest. Feel free to throw in lots of hearts and other lovely emojis to let them know that you’re thinking of them.
    • “You must be so tired. You should definitely go to sleep early tonight 😴”
    • “A nap might do you some good. Be sure to also eat something 🍔”
    • “If you need anything, let me know ❤️”
  6. If you get the sense that the other person is getting a bit annoyed by someone else’s foolish behavior, send a sympathizing message to make them feel better . On top of that, maybe crack a joke or say something to take their mind off of their frustrations.
    • “Oof that sounds rough 😞”
    • “Hey at least when you clock out they’ll be someone else’s responsibility 🤷”
    • “Bro I feel for you. Let me know if I need to come over and have a talk with them 🤨”
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Section 3 of 4:

Emojis to Pair with 🤤 (Drooling)

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  1. Say something’s super delicious by using a 😋 (face licking lips) emoji . When you really want to express how scrumptious your food is, the 😋 emoji paired with 🤤 will definitely get the message across.
    • “I just had the best burger of my life 🍔😋🤤”
    • “I could really go for some fries right about now 🤤😋”
  2. If you want to get across just how much you like or want something, pairing the heart eyes emoji with the drooling emoji is one of the best ways to express your emotions. Whether you’re talking about something you want to buy or plans you’re excited about, this is a great combo to use.
    • “I know I don’t have enough money, but that Gucci bag is just so pretty 🤤😍”
    • “I’m so down to take a vacation this summer 😍🤤 Let’s go somewhere with a beach 🌴”
  3. The 😏 emoji can imply that you find someone else attractive, usually in a sexual way. If you want to make a point about how good-looking you think someone is, pair 😏 and 🤤 together.
    • “They’re so hot 🤤😏 It’s literally not fair 😭”
    • “If he wasn’t a celebrity I’d totally go after him 🤤😏”
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Section 4 of 4:

Emojis Related to the 🤤 (Drooling) Emoji

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  1. The 🤤 emoji is related to other smiley emojis. Check out these similar emojis and what they mean:

Understand and Use Sexual Emojis with this Expert Series

We've all been there. You're flirting with someone over text, and then they send a confusing emoji. What does it mean? Read this expert series and learn how to use emojis to upgrade your flirting!

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