Everyone has the ability to see auras, however, it can take time and energy to see them clearly. Auras are energy vibrations that surround every living thing, and reading them can be a great way to understand the people around you. You can hone your auric sight by softening your vision and staring at other people or living beings until you see a shadow of color surrounding them. We interviewed Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist and Spiritual Life Coach Jennifer McVey to find out how you can reawaken your ability to see auras. Keep reading to learn more.
Things You Should Know
- Look at a partner standing in front of a white wall. Focus on their nose until you see a shadowy outline around them, then look at their aura color.
- To see your own aura, rub your index fingers together and then pull them 1⁄2 inch (1.3 cm) apart. Look for colors in the space between them.
- Auras are oval-shaped fields of energy surrounding the body. The color(s) you see convey messages about a person’s thoughts and feelings.
Seeing Someone Else’s Aura
Ask the person to stand 10 ft (3 m) away against a white wall. Have a person stand in front of a completely blank, white wall in a room that’s not too bright or dark—natural light works best. You can also turn on a couple of different lights around the person so you can see an evenly lit white wall behind them.
- Auras are believed to be made of energy in the form of electromagnetic fields (EMF). Auric energy surrounds the body in an oval-shaped field, called an “auric egg,” and emits out from the body about 2–3 feet (0.6–0.9 m) on all sides.
Focus on the person’s nose until you see a shadow around them. With a relaxed gaze, keep your eyes on the other person’s nose until you begin to see a shadowy outline around them. [1] X Research source Using your peripheral vision, observe the outline while keeping your eyes glued to the person.
- Try not to blink while looking at the person—the aura might fade or disappear completely. If you have to, blink quickly, then refocus your gaze.
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Shift your gaze to the person’s forehead and note any color you see. Gently move your eyes from the person’s nose up to their forehead to get a better view of the aura. Take note of the color you see. [2] X Research source
- Once you've identified the color, you can ask the person to sway from side to side. Their energy field should move with them.
- Practice for only a few minutes and avoid straining your eyes. Each individual develops this skill at a different pace.
- A person feels happy, their aura may be stronger, larger, and brighter. Try playing the person’s favorite music to help energize their aura and make it easier to see.
Seeing Your Own Aura
Unfocus your eyes and look for color between your fingers. Spiritual Life Coach Jennifer McVey recommends standing in front of a white wall, “Put your hand up in front of your face, spread your fingers wide… look [between your fingers] and unfocus your eyes.” As you unfocus your eyes, look at the color of the shadow around your fingers.
- According to McVey, this shadow is the “first layer of your aura.”
Rub your index fingers together and look for color between them. Press and rub your index fingers together. After about 10 seconds, move your fingers apart, leaving about a 1⁄2 inch (1.3 cm) of space between them—the energy will “hang” between your fingers and you may be able to make out a colored mist. [3] X Research source
- If you’re having trouble concentrating, try sitting in a dimly lit room and meditating before you try this exercise.
- With continued training, you’ll be able to see your aura more clearly.
Community Q&A
QuestionWhat does it mean if you can see auras?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerSome people believe that there is a spiritual explanation—that if you see auras, this means you are attuned to the spiritual energies of other beings. It’s also possible that there’s a neurological reason for seeing auras in some cases. For example, some people may see auras due to a cross-wiring of their senses known as synesthesia, which causes people to “see” sounds or “taste” colors, for instance. Certain medical conditions, like migraines, can also cause visual auras.
QuestionCan I see an aura in a photograph?This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.wikiHow Staff EditorStaff AnswerSome spiritualists believe that you can see auras in photographs. There is also a photographic technique called Kirlian photography that can capture electrical discharges from objects in contact with a photographic plate. Some people believe that the resulting images depict auras.
QuestionHow can I tell if I see an aura?Community AnswerWhen you see a matching outline surrounding a person or an object. It usually looks clear at first, but you may see color.
- Try not to strain your eyes. Relax, breathe deeply, and concentrate.Thanks
- Be careful not to look obvious when looking at other people's auras—they might think that you're staring at them.Thanks
Tips from our Readers
- Start a dream journal recording night visions, including any aura details. Dreams reveal intuitive insights from the subconscious mind. Record immediately upon waking.
- If struggling to see auras, cultivate daily meditation practice first. Meditation awakens intuition and third eye abilities like auric sight. Patience pays off.
- Spend time studying chakra charts to understand connections between aura colors, chakras and emotions. This provides context when reading unfamiliar auras.
- Interpret auras holistically by considering the person’s body language, mood and personality too. Energy reading complements human interactions.
- Carry a small quartz crystal when outside to help strengthen your third eye chakra, enhancing aura perception. Clear quartz amplifies energies.
- To see your own aura, cup your hands together with fingertips touching, palms facing out. Slowly draw hands apart, gaze at the energy between.
Expert Interview

Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about spirituality, check out our in-depth interview with Jennifer McVey, Cht .
- ↑ https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/aura-colors-and-their-meanings
- ↑ https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/aura-colors-and-their-meanings
- ↑ https://crystalearthspirit.com/pages/exercises-for-seeing-and-sensing-auras
- ↑ https://www.mindbodygreen.com/articles/aura-colors-and-their-meanings
- ↑ https://www.healingwithcrystals.net.au/seven-auric-bodies.html
- ↑ https://thelawofattraction.com/aura-colors/
- ↑ https://www.worldtrans.org/spir/aura.html
- ↑ https://www.worldtrans.org/spir/aura.html
- ↑ https://www.worldtrans.org/spir/aura.html
- ↑ http://psychiclibrary.com/beyondBooks/aura-sensing
- ↑ http://psychiclibrary.com/beyondBooks/aura-cleansing
- ↑ https://goop.com/wellness/spirituality/cord-cutting-for-starting-over/
- ↑ https://www.spiritualityhealth.com/articles/2016/04/18/17-affirmations-release-negative-thoughts
- ↑ https://health.clevelandclinic.org/reiki/
- ↑ https://health.clevelandclinic.org/reiki/
About This Article
To see auras, practice with a friend by having them stand in front of a white or neutral-colored wall. Then, focus on the wall behind your friend so you're staring a couple of inches away from their body. Keep staring like this until the wall around the edge of their body starts to look like a different color. If the color is big and vibrant, it could mean they have a happy and energetic aura, and if it's small and faint, they may be feeling stressed or distracted. To learn how to interpret different aura colors, scroll down!
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- "In the Hindu system this has been explained, only terms are slightly different. The article confirms the 7 layers of skin above the physically visible skin. The methods to strengthen the aura is also similar." ..." more