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Understand the secrets of attraction between Scorpio and Aries
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If you're a typical Aries woman (‘assertive,’ ‘bold,’ and ‘determined’ ringing a bell?), you love the thrill of the chase and the hunt for the perfect partner. Perhaps it's not surprising you've got your sights set on a Scorpio, the guy some call the "bad boy" of the zodiac, the one that seems so hard to tame with his mysterious, intense, and deeply intuitive traits. You may say you never back down from a challenge, but the magnetic and emotional Scorpio would likely say the same thing. Here, we've gathered some tips you can use to snag—and hold—that scorpion's attention (along with insight from expert astrologer Angel Eyedealism).

How an Aries Woman Attracts a Scorpio Man

Scorpio men are drawn to passion, emotion, and depth. To attract a Scorpio man, show him your personality has depth by sharing your intellect or (gradually) revealing emotional details of your life. Share things you’re passionate about, and listen attentively when he’s sharing his own interests and feelings with you.

Section 1 of 4:

Attracting a Scorpio Man as an Aries Woman

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  1. This step might be hard for you if you're the typical extroverted Aries who's always out with a bunch of people. But if you want to attract that Scorpio guy , make an effort to go out alone when you know you're likely to cross paths. The scorpion usually stays away if you're surrounded by friends, as they prefer pulling you away for a one-on-one convo. [1]
    • For example, if you always see him when you go to the local café with your friends, go by yourself at around the same time. If he's there, you'll have a greater chance of catching his eye.
    • Scorpio also tends to be attracted to confidence, and a woman out alone exudes confidence.
  2. Most Scorpio men get bored quickly by small talk. Unless you're majoring in meteorology or are really passionate about climate change, talking about the weather isn't usually a great opener with a Scorpio. Instead, ask him a question about his hopes and dreams or something he's really passionate about and watch him open up and engage. [2]
    • Remember that both Aries and Scorpio are ruled by Mars, the planet of passion. Stick to topics that ignite interest (yours or his)—even if you're into something he's not familiar with, he'll find your passion for the subject fascinating. Aries is a fire sign, so let him see some of that spark!
  3. Scorpio, like Aries, is also ruled by Mars, the planet of passion. Your scorpion typically loves seeing you get really excited and enthralled by something. You don't have to worry about holding back with him—seeing you get really into something will make you attractive to him and help you to seduce him further. [3]
    • As an Aries, you're known to be eager and enthusiastic, so it shouldn't be hard for you to find something you love that you can share. [4] It's even better if it's something he's not that familiar with, so you can teach him all about it.
    • Be careful if you tend to jump from one thing to another. Scorpios tend to get obsessive about their interests, so if he sees you bouncing around from one thing to the next, he might think you're flaky or superficial—two traits he's not a fan of.
  4. The typical Scorpio is a bit of an onion himself—layers and layers—and he appreciates the same in another person. You'll catch his interest if it seems like you've got more going on under the surface than would appear at first glance.
    • Just a little something unexpected or out of the ordinary will stoke his curiosity. He'll be attracted because he'll feel like he has to learn more about you to find out all the different layers of your psyche.
    • Try writing in a journal or reading a book around him.
    • But speaking of layers, you want to peel those back slowly . Don't tell him your whole life story on the first date—he's not likely to stick around if there's no mystery left.
    • Eyedealism recommends providing “a little bit of mystery that [Scorpio] needs to unravel—that will keep him pulling on the yarn forever. So don’t give it all up right away, leave a veil of mystery, and then [he] will be intrigued and obsess over you.”
  5. Scorpios are known to love indulging in quality food and drinks. Going to a new restaurant can help satisfy your mutual craving for something different, something exotic—and it gives him the opportunity to pamper his taste buds, which he's always going to be down for. Win-win! [5]
    • If, like a typical Aries, you're one for the grand romantic gesture, you might call the restaurant ahead of time and set up a special table and tasting menu for the two of you to savor.
  6. Both Aries and Scorpio are known as adventurous signs. The typical Aries is pretty active, so a hiking or camping adventure might be right up your alley. If you're not that into roughing it, you'll still have a lot of fun on a road trip going somewhere off the beaten path that the two of you can discover on your own. [6]
    • For example, you might book a cabin in the woods next to a pristine lake. You can go boating or fishing during the day and cuddle up by the fire at night.
  7. A Scorpio man typically enjoys opportunities to think strategically. [7] If you're a typical Aries woman, you have a competitive streak a mile wide—indulge it in a game of strategy, such as chess or checkers, that puts the two of you head-to-head. As the two of you become engaged in the game, the sparks are sure to fly.
    • There are plenty of other games that require strategic thinking if chess isn't your bag. Some classic 2-player games include Stratego, Scrabble, and Go. If you've got a couple of other players, you might try Risk or Catan.
  8. Scorpio guys tend to enjoy deep dives into psychological subjects—they love analyzing things and figuring out what makes people tick. If you find something kind of out there, dealing with the paranormal or the occult, he'll probably really eat it up.
    • Plan on plenty of discussion afterward—your scorpion is sure to have lots of thoughts about what you just watched. If you're watching something at home, be prepared for frequent pauses so he can digest what just happened on screen.
  9. Scorpios have a reputation for having a strong sense of smell. A floral, spicy, or fruity signature scent will capture his attention and he'll notice it every time you're together. Over time, he'll come to associate it with you, and it will fuel his attraction to you.
    • Essential oils work great for signature scents because they're often scents he'll come across throughout his day. Every time he smells it, he'll be reminded of you.
  10. One place scorpions typically aren't shy is in bed, so get ready for some sparks. Scorpio men are known for their passion and sexual magnetism. And don't be surprised if he breaks out the handcuffs!
    • Since both of your signs are ruled by Mars, it's likely that the two of you will fight for dominance and really push each other's sexual limits—but your chemistry is raw, passionate, and primal.
    • As Eyedealism confirms, “if a Scorpio doesn’t feel engaged and enthralled with you, and sexual and intimate with you, then they’re not going to have interest in you. There has to be something intriguing.”
  11. Scorpio guys are usually attracted to people who are different. The cookie-cutter type won't turn a scorpion's head. He wants someone who has her own thing going on and is confident enough to own it. This doesn't mean faking it—he can smell that a mile away. Instead, give him a glimpse of who you really are through little things that make you so uniquely "you."
    • For example, maybe you have a conservative career and dress the part, but you have an eye-catching keychain that hints at your passion for the occult. Scorpios are known to be interested in the occult as well, so that's something he'll definitely notice.
    • A small accessory with a story behind it is also great. If he asks you about it, you have a ready-made conversation starter.
    • Aries women are known for their assertiveness, but don’t be scared to hide that part of you from your Scorpio man. As Eyedealism says, a Scorpio man “would admire [an Aries’] strength and her sense of aggression.”
  12. A Scorpio guy won't stick around if he feels like you're putting on a front. Above all, your scorpion needs you to be open and honest with him. If you're just saying whatever you think he wants to hear or trying to change yourself into his ideal woman so he'll fall for you, he'll figure it out eventually—and he won't like it. [8]
    • The best thing you can do is open yourself up to him and let him get to know you as a person—warts and all! Don't pretend to be someone you're not. He'll have more appreciation for you if he can see that you're not putting on an act with him.
  13. Getting to know a Scorpio man sometimes requires a little bit of patience. Don't expect him to tell you everything about him on the first date. This sensitive guy prefers to keep his vulnerabilities hidden until he's sure that he can trust you. Show him that you are trustworthy and solid, and eventually, he will relax.
    • When he does reveal something deeper about himself, show that you understand and appreciate the trust that he's placed in you. You might say, "thank you so much for sharing that with me, it means a lot to know you trust me enough to talk about something so personal."
    • Keep in mind that “Scorpio is a sign of obsession,” says Eyedealism. “They’re looking to find someone to obsess over, so they're going to provide a series of tests…to gauge your loyalty to them. For example, [they might] play hard to get or…be obsequious in some way.”
    • These “tests” may make you feel like the Scorpio is closed off, but he really just needs time to get to know you and trust you.
  14. Emotions can be extremely important to the sensitive scorpion. [9] This might be a bit hard for you, Aries, since you typically want to talk about actions and results. The Scorpio guy often wants to talk about how he feels, and sometimes he just wants to vent—he's looking for empathy, not a solution.
    • You might get in the habit of asking him, "Are you looking for solutions, or do you just want me to listen?" That helps you understand what he wants from you so he won't get upset at your reaction.
  15. Your quick, Aries temper can overwhelm an emotional Scorpio. You're a fire sign, and you're known for a hot temper that can evaporate the still waters of your scorpion if you're not careful. [10] Step away and take a few deep breaths to calm down and ground yourself before you bring up problems.
    • If you do blow up on your scorpion, take ownership of your actions and your words and apologize as soon as possible. He'll forgive you—in time—if you show how much he means to you.
  16. Scorpio guys tend to be more introverted and emotional and, if you're a typical extroverted Aries, you might not understand his need for alone time. If your guy's this way, take it seriously when he says he needs some time alone. It's not you, it's him! Without enough alone time to recharge his batteries, he'll get cranky and shut down.
    • As an extrovert, this might be difficult for you to understand. Just think of it as the opposite of the antsyness you feel if you're sitting at home alone with nowhere to go.
  17. “Scorpios tend to be pissed off at how flirtatious the Aries woman is,” comments Eyedealism, “and how she shows off.” A typical Scorpio gets jealous easily and isn't one to get involved with someone who's got eyes for anyone but him, so clear your dance card before you make a move. And, although this can be difficult for a typical Aries, try to keep your flirting with others to a minimum—especially when you're out with him.
    • This is an area where a Scorpio and an Aries can have problems, so you might find that you have to really watch yourself. Something that you see as harmless, meaningless flirting can really stoke a Scorpio's jealousy.
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Section 2 of 4:

Scorpio Man and Aries Woman Relationship Compatibility

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  1. The combination of these two strong-willed and emotional signs can lead to an exciting and magical relationship—but it’ll take some work to get there. Aries women are known for energy and extroversion, which can help to bring the more introverted Scorpio man out of his shell. Meanwhile, Scorpio’s depth and thoughtfulness can help Aries to be more grounded and attuned to her emotions. This push-and-pull of relying on each other’s respective strengths can lead to a spicy and ever-evolving relationship dynamic. [11]
    • Aries and Scorpio will also have no trouble developing a fulfilling and intimate sex life together—their high sex drives make for a perfect match, especially since their mutual planetary ruler (Mars) is known to rule over passionate intimacy.
    • However, this pairing usually requires a lot of work to be done with communication . As Eyedealism affirms, “there’s not a real love or affinity between these two signs.” Aries tends toward aggression, while Scorpio often resorts to moody intensity, so it may be difficult for these two to see eye to eye.
    • Both signs also share a love for competition. While this trait can bond them when working as a team, it may also result in power struggles if they’re in conflict or competition with each other.
    • Like any relationship, ultimately, the Scorpio man and Aries woman must work hard to communicate with each other and be mindful of the interplay between their respective traits. If they’re able to acknowledge their differences and be patient with each other , they may have an incredible and exhilarating love story ahead of them.
  2. Aries and Scorpio must work not to become ‘ frenemies ’ in platonic pairings. As colleagues in the workplace or platonic BFFs, Aries and Scorpio can develop a relationship of drive, loyalty, and mutual respect. Aries’ boldness and energy can help to lighten and motivate Scorpio, while Scorpio’s skilled insight and introversion may help to focus and guide the Aries. When it comes to competition, these two fierce signs also make a great team to take down any other competing pairs. [12]
    • However, Aries and Scorpio also tend to fall into a ‘frenemy’ or ‘work nemesis’ dynamic if they’re not careful. It’s easy for these two Mars-led signs to butt heads, so they must be willing to agree to disagree from time to time.
    • Aries also must remember to respect Scorpio’s need for privacy and space. “Aries women are very open and straightforward,” adds Eyedealism, “and Scorpios want privacy,...so [the Aries woman] will have to respect the obsessive need for privacy and control that a Scorpio man would have.”
    • On the other hand, Scorpio needs to be careful not to let their intense and mysterious persona put a damper on Aries's fiery extroversion.
    • Overall, Aries and Scorpio can make for a great platonic friendship or workplace pairing— if both individuals are willing to recognize the other’s strengths and foster mutual respect.
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Section 3 of 4:

How to Build a Relationship Between Scorpio and Aries

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  1. Aries and Scorpio need to recognize each other’s opposite traits and develop a two-way respect for those differences. The pair must openly communicate about their feelings and emotions, as consistently active and empathetic listening is the only way that these strong and expressive personalities will truly see eye to eye. [13]
    • When communicating with a Scorpio, Eyedealism gives the following advice to their romantic partners: “Look them straight in the eye. If they meet your gaze, be accountable, upfront, and solid so that there’s no room for reproach…If you're…very trustworthy and solid, they will finally relax.”
    • Although it’s important for Scorpio and Aries to communicate their respective emotions, it's also important to manage the intensity of these emotions. Both Scorpio and Aries must learn to process and present their emotions in a constructive way, rather than letting emotions run high and spiral into a heated argument. When needed, give each other space to cool off, recharge, and pursue their own needs for a time.
    • When it comes to bonding outside of conflict, Aries and Scorpio should focus on consistently demonstrating their loyalty to their partner. Both of these signs highly value trust and loyalty, and both will struggle to rebuild that trust once it's broken. Supporting each other’s ambitions, being reliable, and avoiding any minor or major infidelities all go a long way to cement trust.
    • On the more fun side, Aries and Scorpio can also strengthen their relationship by embracing adventure together. Travel, new activities, and shared adventures are all great ways to strengthen the bond between this pair.
Section 4 of 4:

Why Aries Is Attracted to Scorpio

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  1. Although the fiery Aries and water-based Scorpio are different in many ways, they share a sense of adventure and desire to explore uncharted territories that draws them together. Plus, while these two signs express their emotions in different ways, they both share a deep emotional intensity that creates a passionate spark in both intellectual conversations and in the bedroom. [14]
    • Like many other signs, Aries is also captivated by Scorpio’s aura of mystery and allure. Scorpios are known for being enigmatic yet magnetic, which piques the curiosity of the ever-curious Aries. Aries just wants to peel all the layers of that Scorpi-onion!
    • Part of the allure between Scorpio and Aries also comes down to their opposite qualities—they complement each other! With proper communication and acknowledgment of their contrasting traits, Aries’ assertive spirit can provide a great balance to Scorpio’s quiet intensity.
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