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Agar.io is a game in which cells and viruses are targeted and you have to be careful to not get eaten. Here is a guide on how to be good at it.

Part 1
Part 1 of 4:

The Basic Steps

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  1. When you first join the game, you are going to be small. As such, avoid people and try to eat just the cells that are not players.
  2. If someone big is chasing you, hide in the green spiky circles. These are called viruses.
    • If you are bigger than the virus, you will split, so make sure to only do this when you are small.
    • If the player that is chasing you is smaller than the virus, or the same size, then this will not work.
  3. This is where it's recommended that you begin chasing other players. Be careful, though, as you cannot eat cells that are larger than your own cell.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 4:

Split Strategy

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  1. Many players split themselves to try and eat other players. This can be done by pushing the space bar.
    • Splitting can send your cell forward, allowing you to eat another cell as long as your split piece is bigger than their entire cell.
  2. That is how to catch them.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 4:

There's no "I" in Team!

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  1. This allows you to lose some mass and give it to another player, which makes that player bigger and you smaller.
  2. If you have a loyal team you can feed each other, and protect each other from threats. Teaming is a great way to survive longer. However, Anti-Teaming is added to agar.io, so play in Party mode if you want to team.
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Part 4
Part 4 of 4:

Other strategies

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  1. Then just collect the food it produces without you having to eject mass.
  2. However, they probably won't fall for it.
    • You can get about 120 mass and stay still directly over a virus thus hiding the virus, and wait for a bigger player to try to eat you. They will explode and you will get huge instantly.
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Community Q&A

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  • Question
    How can I stop the cell from moving?
    Community Answer
    You can if you put your cursor in the middle of the cell, but it will still inch forward slowly. It takes a few tries to get your cell to stay still. I only stay still when I'm in a virus, because if you are out in the open, it makes you easy prey.
  • Question
    How do I get away from a very big cell that can split?
    Community Answer
    If you're small, you have speed as your advantage. And if you want, you can split to make you move farther away, but note that this decreases your mass.
  • Question
    After I split, how do I become one again?
    Community Answer
    There's no way to merge on command. Wait approximately 30 seconds and you should come back together.
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      Tips from our Readers

      The advice in this section is based on the lived experiences of wikiHow readers like you. If you have a helpful tip you’d like to share on wikiHow, please submit it in the field below.
      • If someone bigger then you gets fed by someone else, it’s best if you run away and not try to steal what they were eating.
      • When huge cells are feeding each other get in the way to get fed as well.
      • Try to attack people who just spawned as they will be easy prey.
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      • Don't fall for people that say 'Ctrl+R=Speed" etc., these commands can mess you up (They can reload page, make another tab, etc.)
      • Don't always trust people with names as "W = team"; sometimes they do not press W back and just eat you instead.
      • Do not ever team on FFA, or Experimental mode; you and your teammate will shrink when the Anti-Teaming penalty is activated. It is not worth it. There is Party for that: Team mode is a special server in which there are different teams signified by colors, and where you can only eat the other teams' cells. (In Team mode, your team may try to destroy your cross-teaming with a different color cell. They will not like it. Team with your own color.)

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