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Even accomplished public speakers worry about whether or not their presentation is effective. Fortunately, improving your effectiveness as a public speaker is very simple! To be an effective public speaker, prepare a well-developed speech that fits your audience. Then, practice your delivery prior to giving the speech. Finally, connect with the audience, articulate your words, and use gestures as you give your speech.

Part 1
Part 1 of 3:

Preparing Your Speech

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  1. This includes the expected size of the audience, as well as their age, gender, educational background, and socioeconomic status. It’s also important to know their level of knowledge about the topic you’re presenting. Finally, consider how the audience views you and what they will likely expect to gain from your presentation. [1]
    • For example, will you be presenting to people who are relatively new to the topic, or are you speaking at a professional event where people will have some familiarity? You’ll need to adjust your material to fit their needs. You want to avoid talking over people’s heads, but you also want to avoid giving them a lot of information they already know.
    • Similarly, your presentation will differ depending on how the audience views you. If they see you as an expert on the topic, your speech should convey that knowledge and authority.
  2. You can think about the tone of your speech as the mood of the speech. It will be determined by the audience, occasion, topic, and purpose of your speech. You’ll also want to consider your personality, as you’ll want to use a tone that’s natural for you. [2]
    • If your topic is serious in nature, you may use a grave tone. Alternatively, you might choose a humorous tone for a speech delivered at a celebratory dinner.
    • Generally you can use a conversational tone for any speech, regardless of the topic or size of the audience. Most important is to be authentic!
    • Keep in mind that you don't need to use the same tone for your entire speech. For example, your presentation may start out serious but end with a fun, interactive segment. In this case, you'd want to adjust your tone as the presentation progressed.
  3. If you’re already an expert on your topic, then you may be able to compose your speech from memory or from your own notes. However, it’s important to do research if there are any gaps in your knowledge. Keep in mind that the audience may notice those gaps and ask questions. Also, audience members may appreciate statistics and facts that back up your points. [3]
    • If you know a lot about your topic, you might want to start writing your speech before doing research. This way you won’t waste time reviewing information you already know. For example, a biologist may be able to give a speech about cell division without doing additional research. Similarly, you'd likely be able to write a speech for your parents' anniversary without conducting research.
    • If you don’t know much about your topic, do a little research, and then start outlining your speech. For example, if you were giving a speech to celebrate a local landmark, you might want to look up the history of the landmark and important details before you start writing.
  4. Many people find that outlining helps them organize their thoughts and create a well-crafted speech. First, write your thesis, purpose, or controlling thought at the top of the page. Then, write out your main supporting points. Finally, write the conclusion that you want the audience to draw. [4]
    • Stick to 3-5 main points in a single speech. Avoid providing so much information that the reader can’t retain it.
    • After you have a basic outline, you can make notes about what you want to say under each bullet point.
    • You don’t need to write full sentences. Just write down enough words for you to remember what you want to say.
    • An example thesis for a speech might look like this: “In this new exhibit, the artist’s personal history and passion for color come together to recreate a world that the viewer can almost touch.”
  5. A hook is a sentence or phrase that captures the audience’s attention. In many cases, it gives them a personal stake in what you have to say. Alternatively, it may set up a question that you will answer in your speech. What’s important is that you give the audience a reason to want to listen. [5]
    • Ideally, your hook should come within the first 30 seconds of your speech.
    • For example, “Like you, I once struggled to organize my time. Now, I get more done in a day than I did in an entire week,” or “When I started my research, I asked myself one question: How can we achieve the impossible?”
  6. Although the audience wants to hear your speech, people lose attention quickly. Stories, particularly personal ones, and jokes help hold their attention and make your speech more enjoyable. Additionally, they help people relate to you. Just be sure not to say anything offensive or inappropriate.
    • Audiences love to hear personal stories! They are one of the best ways to make your speech engaging and to pull the audience in.
    • For example, you might start a speech about your scientific research by telling a story about a mishap from your first day in the lab.
    • You might open a training presentation at work with a joke about work meetings.
  7. If you have an idea about what the audience might ask, you can provide those answers in your speech. This ensures that your audience gets what they want from your presentation. Additionally, it’ll prevent you from getting caught off-guard if there’s a question-and-answer session.
    • Consider your audience again. What do they expect to get out of your speech? What is their knowledge level? Use this information to consider what kinds of questions they may ask.
  8. Although you don’t want to simply read your speech, having notes can keep you on track and ensure that nothing gets skipped. It’s a good idea to write out your major points so that you can glance down for a reminder, if you need it.
    • You may also want to jot down a few words to remind yourself of important concepts that you don’t want to forget.
    • Don’t write out full sentences, as this is more likely to trip you up. Just write the key words.
    • Note cards work well, but some people may prefer to print out an outline on paper.
  9. Planning is a big help, but it’s impossible to foresee everything. Don’t let last-minute changes throw you off. You don’t have to follow your prepared speech exactly.
    • For example, you may plan your speech for a group of experts but realize on the night of your presentation that the audience has less background knowledge than you expected. In this case, you could present less of the material you’d planned to share but provide more explanation so that a beginner will understand.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 3:

Practicing Your Delivery

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  1. It’s normal to be nervous before speaking in public, even if you’re used to it. You can alleviate your nervousness by practicing the speech beforehand. Give your speech out loud, preferably in front of a mirror. This will allow you to watch yourself so that you can practice how you’re going to stand, what gestures you’ll make, and any movements you’ll make. [6]
  2. Filming yourself is even more helpful than practicing in the mirror because you can experience what the audience will see! As you watch the video, pretend that you are an audience member. Make notes about what you like about your presentation, as well as what you might like to change. [7]
    • You may want to film yourself more than once if you have things you want to work on.
    • Alternatively, you could have your friend watch you practice the speech and then give a critique.
  3. Your speech likely has a time limit, so you want to make sure that you fit within that window. Similarly, you don’t want to end your speech too early. Luckily, practice can ensure that your speech fits into your time slot. Use the timer on your phone, a clock, or a handheld timer to time your speech. Make adjustments as necessary.
    • It’s best to practice your speech a few times before you start timing it, so that your delivery is smooth. At first, you might spend a few extra seconds here and there trying to remember what it is you wanted to say.
  4. This will make it easier for you to deliver your speech. Additionally, it’ll ensure that you cover all of your material. [8]
    • Don’t try to memorize your whole speech. Not only is this difficult, but it can make your delivery a bit robotic. Knowing just the main points will keep your flow natural.
  5. Visual aids like PowerPoint, posters, or video presentations can support your speech, but they can also detract from your presentation if you experience a glitch. Incorporate them into your practice sessions so that you get used to transitioning through them without issue. [9]
    • Get used to presenting alongside your visual aids without reading directly from them, as people don't like being read to.
    • Keep in mind that there may be technical issues and you may not be able to access a powerpoint or prezi. Make sure you can deliver your speech without these things, if necessary.
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Part 3
Part 3 of 3:

Giving Your Presentation

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  1. This gives you an opportunity to gauge their potential response so that you make adjustments in your delivery, such as omitting a joke. You can also get a better idea about what they hope to get from your speech. Finally, this allows the audience to see you as a person, making them more likely to relate positively to you. [10]
    • Stand by the door and greet people.
    • Introduce yourself to people as they find their seats.
    • If you’re sitting in the audience before your speech, talk to the people around you.
  2. Glance over them once or twice on the day of your presentation. This will refresh your memory so that you are less likely to forget information.
    • Don’t stress! Trust yourself to remember what you need to say.
  3. Speak in a slow, clear voice, taking the time to enunciate each word. At times, it can feel like you’re talking too slowly, but it actually makes it easier for the audience to follow your speech. [11]
    • It helps to breathe deeply as you’re giving your speech so that you’re less likely to talk too fast.
  4. This can include intentional hand movements and your movements on the stage. For example, you might want to use your fingers to indicate the point you’re on, or drive your hand down to emphasis a point. Use gestures that are natural for you, as forcing them will look fake. [12]
    • However, you should avoid nervous gestures. Make sure your movements are intentional, not a result of fidgeting.
  5. Sometimes audiences react differently than you expected, and that’s okay. For example, they may not enjoy your humorous elements. If this happens, adjust your tone and delivery slightly to meet their reactions.
    • For example, if your audience is laughing at your jokes, let the room quiet down before continuing. If they aren’t laughing, but are smiling or nodding, you don’t need to cut out your jokes. Recognize that larger audiences may provide more intense reactions than smaller ones, as people feel less self-conscious in large groups.
    • If your audience seems to be lost, you might lighten your tone and give more explanations.
  6. Unnecessary audio-visual aids can be distracting to audience members. This detracts from your speech.
    • Don’t read from slides, as people don’t enjoy being read to. [13]
    • You can use audio-visual aids in fun ways to add to your presentation. For example, you might include a short video about the latest discoveries in your field. [14]
  7. This is one of the best ways to keep your audience engaged. It can also help them remember more from your speech. You can do this by asking them to respond to you or allowing them to ask you questions. [15]
    • Ask the audience to repeat your key phrases.
    • You could also get the audience to make a particular sound or gesture at certain points in the speech.
    • Ask the audience to offer examples or suggestions.
    • Take audience questions.
  8. Although it might be tempting to adopt a persona, don’t try to be someone you aren’t. The audience is there to see you! Have the confidence to put a bit of yourself into your speech. Remember, it’s possible to give a professional speech and still be yourself. [16]
    • For example, if you are boisterous and lively in life, then be like that when you speak. However, don’t try to force yourself to act that way if it isn’t natural.
  9. Feeling nervous before speaking in public is totally normal, so don't give yourself a hard time. If you start to feel nervous, you can try a few techniques for calming yourself down: [17]
    • Imagine your presentation going well.
    • Focus on the purpose of your speech rather than your nervous feelings.
    • Breathe deeply to calm yourself.
    • Jog in place or wave your arms above your head to burn off nervous energy.
    • Limit your caffeine consumption before you're scheduled to present.
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What Are Tips For Improving As a Public Speaker?

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  • Question
    How do I find a mentor?
    Deb DiSandro
    Owner, Speak Up On Purpose
    Deb DiSandro is the Owner of Speak Up On Purpose, an organization dedicated to improving and teaching public speaking. Deb has over 30 years of experience as a national speaker and has presented at the Erma Bombeck Writer’s Conference and the National Society of Newspaper Columnists. She was awarded the National Speakers Association Member of the Year 2007 and has been published in Writer's Digest, Daily Herald, Women's Day, and Better Homes & Gardens.
    Owner, Speak Up On Purpose
    Expert Answer
    There are two national organizations with local chapters that can help you to become a better speaker. Toastmasters International helps you with the delivery of a speech, and the National Speaker’s Association helps with the business aspects of a speaking business.
  • Question
    I want to know how to speak at the right pace and tone of voice?
    Community Answer
    The best way to check yourself is to practice the speech and record your voice for 5 minutes. Then listen back to it and it will help to keep right pace and voice. Keep practicing it.
  • Question
    How do I keep my mouth from getting dry when I give a speech over ten minutes long?
    Community Answer
    Add in some rhetorical questions throughout your speech and give the audience a few seconds to think about your query while you rest your mouth and include a PowerPoint presentation to distract the audience for a moment. If your mouth still gets dry quickly, bring a small, open bottle of water with you to sip from after posing a rhetorical question or pointing out a PowerPoint slide.
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      • Don't let being anxious or nervous lower your confidence. Embrace it by expressing it as excitement and enthusiasm.
      • Remember that no one knows your speech but you.
      • With every speech, speaking will become easier. Don’t give up if you mess up the first few times you give a speech.
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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To be an effective public speaker, start by practicing your speech ahead of time in front of a mirror so you can see how you’ll appear to the audience. Then, make note cards you can refer to during your speech, but try to memorize the key points so you can speak smoothly to your listeners. Additionally, use gestures to emphasize your points, like holding up 1, 2, or 3 fingers to indicate your 1st, 2nd, or 3rd major idea. You should also try to engage your audience by having them ask questions or offer suggestions as part of your speech. For tips on how to prepare a speech that will capture your audience’s attention, read on!

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