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Plus, mesomorph, endomorph, & ectomorph diet and exercise tips
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You’ve probably heard people referring to themselves as endomorphs, mesomorphs, and ectomorphs. These body types come from a theory that there are specific diet and exercise plans that work best for different body shapes. This article gives an overview of what these body types (or somatotypes) are, diet and fitness tips for each type, and how to find your body type. We spoke with Fitness Trainer Laila Ajani and Celebrity Stylist & Confidence Coach Kalee Hewlett to learn more about working out and the different body types women use in fashion. Plus, we’ll tell you about some problems with the body type theory.

Introduction to the 3 Body Types

There are 3 main body types: endomorph, mesomorph, and ectomorph. Endomorphs have softer bodies and more body fat. Mesomorphs have lean, muscular bodies and tend to build muscle easily. Ectomorphs have slim bodies with little muscle or fat.

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What 3 body types are there?

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  1. The body type theory was first introduced in the 1940s by Dr. William H. Sheldon. His theory was that your body type is genetic, and it’s not possible to change it. He proposed 3 main body types, or somatotypes, that people fall into. Somatotyping is only one way of classifying the shape and structure of human bodies, but it is one of the most common. [1]
    • Ectomorph: Ectomorphs are thought to have a thin, wiry frame with small shoulders and hips, long limbs, and less muscle mass than other types.
    • Mesomorph: Mesomorphs are believed to be of a medium build with a low body fat percentage. They may have broad shoulders and a muscular chest, shoulders, arms, and legs.
    • Endomorph: Some believe endomorphs have a larger, rounder body shape, high levels of body fat and muscles, as well as shorter arms and legs. They tend to gain weight more easily.
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Diet & Exercise Tips for the 3 Major Body Types

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  1. People with this body type often gain weight and store fat easily, lose fat slowly, and have a naturally slow metabolism. Because of this, trainers often recommend a low-calorie diet and a mix of cardio and strength training lose weight to meet their fitness goals. [2]
    • Diet: Eat a high-protein diet with lean protein sources like turkey, eggs, and beans. Choose high-fiber fruits and vegetables like raspberries, apples, green beans, and broccoli. Add healthy fats from cold-water fish, nuts, and avocado. Track your calories to avoid eating more than you burn. Ajani says, “Controlling your caloric intake is the number one way to lose weight. It is impossible to lose weight if you don't have that in place.”
    • Exercise: Focus on burning fat and maintaining muscle mass with 2 High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) training sessions a week. HIIT workouts combine alternate periods of vigorous exercise with short breaks to help boost your metabolism.
      • For example, if you’re doing a circuit with jumping jacks, running, mountain climbers, and reverse crunches , you might start a circuit by doing as many jumping jacks as possible in 45 seconds and then rest for 30 seconds before repeating the pattern with running, mountain climbers, and crunches.
      • Ajani recommends planning out your workouts and putting them on your calendar so you know exactly what workout you have scheduled each day. Aim for 2 full-body strength training workouts per week, focusing on compound exercises like pushups and squats that use several muscle groups at once. [3]
  2. They’re naturally muscular and athletic, with an efficient metabolism that helps them gain muscle and lose weight easily. However, it’s still important to eat a healthy diet and get an adequate amount of exercise. [4]
    • Diet: Eat a healthy diet focusing on a balanced amount of lean protein, healthy fats, and smart carbs. Fill â…“ of your plate with healthy fruits and vegetables, â…“ with healthy grains, and â…“ with lean protein.
    • Exercise: Build muscle by pairing light cardio workouts (like walking, biking, or easy jogs) with more strength training . Ajani recommends trying a salsa dance class or getting together with your friends and signing up for a 5k to make exercising more fun.
      • Do at least 3 low-intensity, steady-state cardio sessions lasting 30-45 minutes. For strength training, perform 5 workouts a week, with each session targeting a different muscle group (leg day, arm day, abs day, etc.). Shoot for 8-12 reps of at least 4 exercises per muscle group with 60-90 seconds of rest between each set. Use moderate to heavy weights. [5]
  3. They often have less muscle mass than people with other body types. Their metabolism tends to be naturally fast, making it more difficult to gain weight or muscle. [6] Common recommendations for ectomorph body types are:
    • Diet: Pack your diet with high-protein, nutrient-rich foods like eggs, tofu, salmon, and Greek yogurt. Eat more calories than you burn to help gain weight and muscle. Choose healthy fats (seeds, nuts, and plants) and smart carbs like whole grains to make up the extra calories.
    • Exercise: Focus on heavy weight training to build muscles, but make sure you take more rest between sets. This prevents you from burning too many calories as you work out. [7]
      • Do 2 full-body weight workouts a week. Perform 3-5 sets of 5 total exercises. For the first set, do the highest number of reps with the lowest weight. Then, increase the weight and decrease the reps on each following set. For example, start with 10 lb (4.5 kg) weights and do 12 reps. On the next set, use 12 lb (5.4 kg) weights and do 10 reps, and so on. Don’t forget to keep the intensity low and take breaks up to 2 minutes between sets. [8]
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Are there separate body types for women?

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  1. Many think of the 3 somatotypes as “male body types.” However, the somatotypes also apply to women, with many personal trainers using them to make recommendations for diet plans and workout sessions. [9]
  2. Women use another body typing system to help them find clothing that better fits their unique shape. Hewlett says, “You have rectangle, hourglass, pear, inverted triangle, and apple shapes. Those are the five typical categories that cover all women in general.” Understanding how clothing fits different body shapes helps find pieces that accentuate and enhance their natural beauty. Hewlett explains that knowing your proportions and body type helps you understand what types of clothes are flattering for you.
    • Triangle or Pear: Women with this body shape tend to have larger hips, buttocks, and waists and smaller shoulders and busts.
    • Rectangle or Ruler: Women with the rectangle or ruler body shape have shoulders, waists, and hips that are roughly the same width.
    • Circle or Oval: Women with the circle body shape have a medium chest and visible belly with no defined waist.
    • Inverted Triangle or Apple: Women with this athletic body shape usually have shoulders that are wider than their hips and waist and a shorter lower torso.
    • Hourglass: Women with the hourglass body shape are usually proportional with hips and a bust that are roughly the same width. They also tend to have a smaller waist.
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How do I find my body type?

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  1. One of the easiest ways to find your body type is to take our Body Type Quiz ! The quiz only takes a few minutes, and it gives you an idea of which body type most likely fits you. So, take the quiz to find out if you are more of an ectomorph, a mesomorph, or an endomorph.
    • Your body is incredibly complex, and you may have to experiment a little to find out what diet and exercise plan works best for your fitness goals. Recommendations based on your body type are only a starting place.
    • Remember, every body type is beautiful and has its own strengths. Somatotypes are just one way to classify bodies and don’t reflect who you are as a person.
  2. If you aren’t sure where you fit on the body type spectrum, it might be time to talk to a pro! A personal trainer who uses body types to design diet and fitness plans can help determine your body type. When hiring a personal trainer, make sure to verify their credentials, ask for references, and make sure they’re a good fit for you and your goals. [10]
    • A personal trainer typically charges anywhere from $25-$100 per hour. The actual rate depends on your location, the trainer’s experience, and the type of facility you train in.
    • Personal training sessions range from 25-60 minutes or longer, depending on your goals and preferences.
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Mixed Body Types

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  1. There aren't many people out there who perfectly match one of the somatotypes. Some people have bodies that are so evenly balanced between 2 body types that additional mixed body types were created to describe their general characteristics. These mixed body types include: [11]
    • Ecto-mesomorphs: Ecto-mesomorphs tend to have the strong musculature of the mesomorph but with an overall shorter height and slighter build.
    • Endo-mesomorphs: The endo-mesomorph type builds lean muscle easily like the mesomorph but on a larger frame.
    • Meso-endomorphs: The meso-endomorph body type is strong, but they don’t have well-defined muscles. This is the most common body type for both men and women.
    • Ecto-endomorphs: Ecto-endomorphs may be naturally thin but have gained weight due to a poor diet or lack of exercise.
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Problems with the Body Type Theory

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  1. Sheldon created the theory to back up his psychological theories about criminology. He thought people with certain body types tended to act a certain way. He felt it was possible to predict which people would show criminal behavior just by looking at them. This theory was not backed up by research and has been thoroughly debunked. [12]
    • Additionally, Sheldon’s assistant, Barbara Honeyman Heath, claimed Sheldon’s somatotype theory was inaccurate and based on fraudulent data. [13]
    • People still find Sheldon’s body types useful and have adapted them to be more inclusive of women and minorities. The versions people use today are based on Heath’s adaptations of Sheldon’s theory.
    • However, only using body type to decide how to work out and what to eat may discourage you from trying a workout or eating plan that might be more effective for you.
  2. There’s no strong evidence that backs up the idea that there are set body types that accurately predict the best diet and exercise routine for a person. Plans that are targeted toward individual needs and goals seem to be more effective. The good news is that much of the advice geared toward the different body types could be effective for anyone. [14]
    • In reality, everyone is a mixture of 2 or even all 3 of the body types. [15]
    • There’s nothing wrong with starting an exercise and diet plan that matches your body type. If it works for you, great! If not, experiment with different approaches until you find something that’s more effective.
  3. Genetics, hormones, diet, and lifestyle all play a role in determining body shape. Relying on a body type to decide the best diet or way to work out might oversimplify weight loss and muscle gain. The truth is that some people build muscle and lose weight faster than others. It’s impossible to tell who will respond faster simply by looking at their body type. [16]
    • Part of the problem is that there are only 3 body types, and very few people fall into them perfectly.
    • There are also questions about whether a body type changes if you have lost fat or built muscle.
    • There isn’t actually a link between metabolism and body type. They can have a slow, average, or moderate metabolism regardless of their body size or composition. [17]
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