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XML, which stands for Extensible Markup Language, is a markup language designed to carry data and text. While XML is similar to HTML, XML carries data instead of displaying it. HTML displays data. For this reason XML is sometimes considered hard to understand. However, XML is an important component of many websites, so understanding how to edit XML files can be to your advantage.

  1. There are a number of XML editors available, including Liquid XML Editor .
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  3. The file will open and display the existing code.
    • Be sure all XML elements have an opening and closing tag. Keep in mind that XML tags are case sensitive.
    • Be sure your XML file contains one root element.
    • Be sure the attribute values within your XML file are surrounded by quotation marks. Attributes are items within the XML code that provide further information about an element that is not available elsewhere in the data.
    • Be sure all XML elements are properly nested.
  4. Your XML document will not run if it contains errors.
  5. If your XML file is invalid, it will not display.
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      • XML files can also be edited using your computer's notepad program and even with certain word processing and spreadsheet programs. However, XML editors are considered advantageous because they are able to validate your code and ensure you remain within a valid XML structure.
      • XML is the basis for many new Internet languages such as RSS, which is used in news feeds, and WAP and WML, which are used by mobile devices. Using XML to format information also makes it compatible across multiple platforms, languages and applications and can make data more easily accessible by web users with disabilities.
      • XML was developed for structuring, storing and transporting data. It has no other function. Therefore, XML's focus is on the data itself, rather than how the data looks. You can use HTML or some other WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) web editor to format the design of your web page.
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      Things You'll Need

      • Computer
      • XML file or files
      • Internet access
      • Basic understanding of HTML and JavaScript.

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