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Waterfall is one of the HM's used in Pokémon Gold version. It can be pretty difficult to get, not knowing where to get it if you don't know Johto that well and no one in the game explaining how to get it. This article will clarify how to get the Waterfall HM move quick and simple.

  1. You can fly to Mahogany town using a Flying-type Pokémon.
    • Make sure you cleared all of the Team Rocket events that happen at Mahogany Town first before proceeding. A man near the exit of Mahogany Town will deny you access until you finish it.
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  3. [1]
  4. [2]
  5. Then go left, forward, right, forward, right, down, left, forwards, left, down, right, down, right, forward, and right.
  6. That is the HM for Waterfall.
  7. To get Waterfall, go right to the first rock you see in the second puzzle, forward, right, down, right, forward, left, down, left, forward, and then right. [3]
    • You should be right next to the Poké Ball. Press down A to pick it up, and congratulations; you successfully obtained Waterfall!
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  • Question
    How do I go to Victory Road?
    Top Answerer
    After getting all 8 Johto badges, surf east of New Bark Town, then go through the routes until you get to Victory Road (you need Waterfall to get there).
  • Question
    How do I get the seventh badge?
    Community Answer
    Go to Mahogany Town which is right next to Ecruteak City and go into the gym. Then, beat the leader and you will have successfully gotten the seventh gym badge.
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      • Put your low-level Pokémon in party first then switch at the start of the battle. Your low-level Pokémon gains lots of EXP and level up fast here.
      • Use Repels in the cave to avoid any wild Pokémon from appearing. The Zubats and Golbats are irritating.
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      • HM's do not get deleted off, unless you find the Move Deleter. Move Deleter is in Blackthorn City in House west of the Poké Mart.

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