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So you’re looking for how to spice up your Minecraft gameplay with some mods, and you’ve decided to install The Aether II mod, but you have no idea how to start to build the portal to even enjoy the mod. Building the portal is a relatively easy process that doesn't take a Redstone Technician to create, so open Minecraft and load a world to begin.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

The Aether I

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  1. 1
    Gather wood. Chances are, you'll be in an area that has at least one tree. Starting off with breaking 4-6 logs is optimal.
    • As you're going through the world gathering resources, keep note of any lava source you find. Lava is a light-emitting fluid block that can harm you when coming into contact with it. Be cautious around lava.
  2. 2
    Craft wooden planks. To craft a wooden plank, place any log into the 2x2 crafting grid of your inventory. A single log will give you 4 wooden planks.
  3. 3
    Craft sticks. To craft a stick, place 2 wooden planks into the crafting grid with one being on top of the other.
  4. 4
    Craft a crafting table. You'll need this to be able to craft some slightly more complicated items. To craft this, fill each of the slots of the crafting grid with wooden planks.
    • Having a crafting table will allow you to craft an item that requires a 3x3 crafting grid.
    • To use one, you'll have to place one down and right clicking on it.
  5. 5
    Craft a wooden pickaxe. This can only be crafted in a crafting table. To craft one, 2 sticks and 3 wooden planks are required and must be placed into the crafting grid as shown.
  6. 6
    Gather cobblestone. Cobblestone is dropped from mining stone. Stone is one of the most abundant resources in Minecraft and can be found just about anywhere, but can only be mined with a pickaxe. Collect at least 14 of them.
  7. 7
    Craft a furnace. To craft this, place 8 cobblestones into each of the crafting table's crafting grid spaces, except for the middle one. You can place it down by right-clicking it onto the ground.
    • This is for smelting iron, a future resource.
  8. 8
    Craft a stone pickaxe. This recipe is similar to the wooden pickaxe, the difference being that instead of wooden planks, cobblestone is used.
  9. 9
    Gather iron ore. This can only be mined by a stone pickaxe (or iron and diamond pickaxe). Collect at least 4.
    • Iron can usually be found in caves, ravines, or mineshafts located throughout the world.
  10. 10
    Smelt iron ore. This requires a furnace to do, which can be used by right-clicking it. To smelt iron, place the ore on the top slot, and placing fuel into the lower slot. Coal, wooden logs and planks, saplings, wooden tools, and a large variety of other wooden items can be used as a fuel. It should output iron ingots. Smelt at least 4.
  11. 11
    Craft an iron bucket. This is done by putting 3 iron ingots into the crafting table, arranged as shown in the image.
  12. 12
    Collect water. By right-clicking a water source with an iron bucket, you can collect water.
    • You can create a pool of infinite water by placing water in a 2 by 2 hole.
  13. 13
    Collect flint. Do this by collecting gravel. When collecting gravel, there is a chance for flint to drop. You'll only need 1.
  14. 14
    Craft flint and steel. This is done by putting flint and an iron ingot anywhere in a crafting table.
  15. 15
    Collect Lava. Similarly to the water, you can collect this by right-clicking a lava source with an iron bucket. Be careful not to right click lava with a water source, as it may create a mess that can't be cleaned without a diamond pickaxe. It's best to find a source of 10 lava blocks or more, to make it easier for the next step.
  16. 16
    Build a Nether portal. To create this, you need to create a 5 by 4 frame out of obsidian, as shown above.
    • A trick to doing this is place a water block at any place 6 blocks above the ground, and then placing lava into the area where a block of the frame should be. Right-click the inside of the obsidian with flint and steel to finalize the Nether portal.
    • A Nether portal does not require the corners to be obsidian. You can place cobblestone in the corners to help build the rest of the portal.
  17. 17
    Enter the Nether portal. All you have to do is stand in the portal for a few seconds, and then you'll be teleported into the Nether.
    • It'll take a while for the Nether world to load.
  18. 18
    Get glowstone. When you break the glowstone, it'll turn into glowstone dust. You can then craft 4 glowstone dust back into glowstone. You'll need at least 40 glowstone dust to craft 10 glowstone.
    • You can always craft a little extra glowstone, just in case you make a mistake placing it down.
  19. 19
    Build the Aether portal. Like a Nether portal, this requires a 5 by 4 frame. The difference being with the Aether portal created by glowstone blocks. You still don't have to fill the corners with glowstone. Activate it by right-clicking the inside of the glowstone with a bucket of water.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

The Aether II

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  1. 1
    Gather wood. Chances are, you'll be in an area that has at least one tree. Starting off with breaking 4-6 logs is optimal.
    • As you're going through the world gathering resources, keep note of any lava source you find. Lava is a light-emitting fluid block that can harm you when coming into contact with it. Be cautious around lava.
  2. 2
    Craft wooden planks. To craft a wooden plank, place any log into the 2x2 crafting grid of your inventory. A single log will give you 4 wooden planks.
  3. 3
    Craft sticks. To craft a stick, place 2 wooden planks into the crafting grid with one being on top of the other.
  4. 4
    Craft a crafting table. You'll need this to be able to craft some slightly more complicated items. To craft this, fill each of the slots of the crafting grid with wooden planks.
    • Having a crafting table will allow you to craft an item that requires a 3x3 crafting grid.
    • To use one, you'll have to place one down and right clicking on it.
  5. 5
    Craft a wooden pickaxe. This can only be crafted in a crafting table. To craft one, 2 sticks and 3 wooden planks are required and must be placed into the crafting grid as shown.
  6. 6
    Gather cobblestone. Cobblestone is dropped from mining stone. Stone is one of the most abundant resources in Minecraft and can be found just about anywhere, but can only be mined with a pickaxe. Collect at least 14 of them.
  7. 7
    Craft a furnace. To craft this, place 8 cobblestones into each of the crafting table's crafting grid spaces, except for the middle one. You can place it down by right-clicking it onto the ground.
    • This is for smelting iron, a future resource.
  8. 8
    Craft a stone pickaxe. This recipe is similar to the wooden pickaxe, the difference being instead of wooden planks, cobblestone is used.
  9. 9
    Gather iron ore. This can only be mined by a stone pickaxe (or iron and diamond pickaxe). Collect at least 4.
    • Iron can usually be found in caves, ravines, or mineshafts located throughout the world.
  10. 10
    Smelt iron ore. This requires a furnace to do, which can be used by right-clicking it. To smelt iron, place the ore on the top slot, and placing fuel into the lower slot. Coal, wooden logs and planks, saplings, wooden tools, and a large variety of other wooden items can be used as a fuel. It should output iron ingots. Smelt at least 4.
  11. 11
    Smelt cobblestone. This is done in a similar fashion as the iron ore. This should produce stone. You'll need 4.
  12. 12
    Craft the Aether portal. This can be done by placing 4 stone and 4 iron ingots into the crafting table, as shown in the picture.
  13. 13
    Enter the portal. To enter, place the Aether portal you have crafted, and right-click it. It will teleport you to the Aether.
  14. Advertisement

Community Q&A

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  • Question
    Can I do this in Pocket Edition?
    Community Answer
    Sadly, no. You can only do this in Java edition Minecraft, upon installing the Aether Mod.
  • Question
    Can I make an aether portal in Xbox 360?
    Top Answerer
    The aether mod and aether II mod are not officially part of Minecraft, they are community made mods for the Java edition of Minecraft, this can only be run on a computer with the mod installed.
  • Question
    Can I do it on PS4?
    Community Answer
    No. The mod only works for PC/Mac.
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      • It helps to be prepared to fight mobs, such as by going to the Nether to practice. However, while in the Nether, try not to harm any zombified piglins. You can ignore all of this if you're playing on peaceful mode and/or in Creative mode.

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