Q&A for How to Bag and Ship Live Fish

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    What should I do when I receive the fish?
    Joe Perez
    Aquatic and Terrarium Specialist
    Joe Perez is an Aquatic and Terrarium Specialist and the Manager of the Chlorophyll Corner, based in Tempe, Arizona. Joe has been part of the aquatic and reptile industry and hobby for almost 30 years. His specialty is in creating planted aquariums and full-setup terrariums. The Chlorophyll Corner started as a small family plant store and has grown to a full-planted aquarium shop with an Instagram following of over 82,000 people.
    Aquatic and Terrarium Specialist
    Expert Answer
    After receiving your live pet fish, begin by drip-acclimating them to their new environment. This process is essential because the pH of the water they were transported in is typically low due to waste buildup during travel, like urine and feces. To drip acclimate, slowly introduce small amounts of your tank water into the bag or container holding the fish over a period of time, allowing them to adjust gradually to the new water conditions. 
  • Question
    Does it matter what kind of bag is used?
    Community Answer
    It depends how long it takes to get to the customer. Use specially designed breathing bags that allow carbon dioxide to escape and oxygen to enter the bag.
  • Question
    When you say fill with air or oxygen, do you mean pure oxygen or a scuba dive mix?
    Community Answer
    What you can do is put the fish in the bag, and try to grab some of the air in the room into the bag, meaning pulling it up, and closing the bag quickly so there is some air or oxygen in the bag. Make sure the bag is half-filled with water, the other half air.
  • Question
    Should I put each fish in a separate bag? Can I ship like 12-15 fish on the same box?
    Community Answer
    If you have small fish (e.g, mollies, guppies, neon tetras), you can put up to 5 fish in a bag. With larger fish, do 2 fish a bag at the absolute maximum. You can ship however many fish you like in a box as log as they all fit.
  • Question
    Is there any difference between shipping normal fish and black Mollie fish?
    Community Answer
    No. There is no difference. You should ship black Mollie fish the same way you would any other live fish.
  • Question
    Why don't we want to feed the fish for two days? It will starve the fish and cause stress while on the way.
    Community Answer
    If you feed the fish in the hours leading up to packing and shipping it, it will produce far more waste and foul the water more quickly. The ammonia buildup will likely kill the fish before it arrives at its destination.
  • Question
    What do shipped fish feed on?
    Community Answer
    Fish should not eat during shipping, as their waste will produce ammonia and foul the water. If the trip is very long (seven days or more), you could arrange a stop for the fish to recover midway.
  • Question
    How do I know what size bag to use for the fish?
    Community Answer
    The bigger the fish, the bigger the bag. You'll likely just have to estimate.
  • Question
    I'm worried about my betta fish. I've had him for a year, how big are his chances of surviving?
    Community Answer
    Bettas live around four years, but they have been known to live for ten or more! Check out the wikiHow article on making your betta live longer . Make sure his water isn't too cold, that you feed him correctly, and that you clean his tank regularly.
  • Question
    When I order a fish, will the fish come directly to my house or a nearby post office?
    Community Answer
    It will get to your local post office first then be shipped to your house through your mailman. I believe you can contact your local post office and ask them to notify you when your package is in and available for you to pick up.
  • Question
    How long can they survive in the shipping box?
    Community Answer
    Three days, at most.
  • Question
    Does the ten day feed rule apply to babies? I want to ship a couple plecos.
    Top Answerer
    Babies need more food than adults and are more delicate, so shipping them is not a good idea.
  • Question
    How can I ship a large Piranha fish?
    Community Answer
    Buy fish shipping bags that are about 2-3 times as wide as the fish is long, and follow the steps outlined above. Add only 1 fish per bag.
  • Question
    If I starve my betta fish for about two days before shipping, do I feed it right before boxing it, or how do I make sure it doesn't die from starvation?
    Community Answer
    Your fish can go about 10 days without food, don't stress. Starve it two days before, and don't feed it before boxing it.
  • Question
    What is a reputable airline?
    Community Answer
    You can use FedEx or any shipping airline.
  • Question
    Do I need a permit to ship ornamental fish?
    Jacqueline Lee
    Community Answer
    For domestic delivery, no. You may ship any kind of fish as long as it is not endangered or threatened or poisonous, venomous, or threatening in any way. If your package is going out of the country, then you will need to go through a process with customs.
  • Question
    I have received live fish in mail, they are always in water that is tinted blue - can anyone please share what has been added, in what amount and why?
    Community Answer
    I can't get specific, but a sort of tranquilizer is added to the water. It can't hurt the fish, but keeps them calm and healthy on their long journey to you.
  • Question
    Where do I get bags for shipping fish?
    Luxquine Johnson
    Community Answer
    Aquarium stores or online would be your best bet. Try Amazon or specialty fish websites.
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