Q&A for How to Become a Strong Muslim

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    How can I be a better Muslim?
    Shaykh Mekaeel is an Imam at the Islamic Community of Salinas in Salinas, California. He is the founder of the Voyagers of Knowledge YouTube channel, which creates Islamic educational content. He attended the Islamic University of Madinah and earned a degree from the school of Da'wah and Usuluddeen.
    Expert Answer
    The first thing that you do is recognize that you're lacking. You have to recognize that none of us is going to be perfect at what we do. And once we identify the problem and realize it, we can come up with a solution. The best thing to do to be a better Muslim is to get closer to Allah, to realize the presence of Allah, and to know how, no matter what we do in our lives, we're going to find some form of mercy or blessing from Allah in our lives. And the best thing that you can do to get closer to Allah is to connect yourself with him. We have the Quranic words of Allah; we read them, try to comprehend them, and apply them to our daily lives, not just reading them as if they were historical pieces or fictional books. We read them, try to comprehend them, and then attribute them to our lives. Another thing we do is recognize that, as human beings, Allah created us, knowing that we're not perfect. Also, always perform the five daily prayers.
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    What if I commit a sin over and over and can't stop?
    Community Answer
    Then, ask Allah for His Help and seek His forgiveness. Pray and read the Qur'an a lot. Also, make sure that you understand the meaning of the Qur'an. Inshallah, you will stop commit the sin and become a good Muslim.
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    What if I'm the only Muslim in my family? What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Be a role model for all of your family. Be generous and kind. This will lead your family to think that you are much better as a Muslim. Bring a change in yourself, a good change. Always seek help from Allah. Sharing your belief may lead to someone converting, but don't pressure them to convert.
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    How can I have faith?
    Community Answer
    Read the Tafseer for inspiration, study the life of Muhammad and connect with other Muslims to hear their testimonies. Pray to Allah each day to strengthen your faith.
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    How do I act sincerely?
    Community Answer
    Pray on time, stick to your promises, never lie, and complete your work on time.
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    How can I have a strong faith?
    Community Answer
    Gain more knowledge. Read the Quran and its profound meaning; most importantly ask Allah for a strong bond, He has all powers to do so, "Allah the Exalted says: 'I am as my slave expects me to be, and I am with him when he remembers me. If he remembers me inwardly, I will remember him inwardly, and if he remembers me in an assembly, I will remember him in a better assembly (i.e., in the assembly of angels)."
  • Question
    How can I get Allah to forgive me?
    Community Answer
    Allah's mercy is infinite. As long as you repent and try to avoid repeating that sin, you will be forgiven.
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    What can I do if I am negative minded?
    Community Answer
    Listen to your heart because your heart never lies to you. Say to yourself that Allah is with you always.
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    Is it wrong for a Muslim to pray for death?
    Community Answer
    Why would you pray for death if Allah has given you this gift of life? If there is a severe problem, seek help from your friends and family, or from Allah himself. He will help you in the best way possible.
  • Question
    Is there any forgiveness in Islam for past mistakes?
    Community Answer
    Yes, Allah is the most merciful. Do not doubt Allah's mercy. Allah forgave a man who killed 100 people because he was sincere in his repentance.
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    What should I do when I commit a sin?
    Community Answer
    Repent by making a sincere Tawbah and turning to Allah for forgiveness.
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    How could I increase my knowledge?
    Community Answer
    There is knowledge everywhere about Islam. Buy an Islamic text and read it, or search online. Also, one of the best ways to gain and preserve your knowledge is to go to Madrasa.
  • Question
    People should know that Allah has put us in this world as a test. Why do people do bad things anyway?
    Community Answer
    People presume it's okay to do whatever they please, good or bad, as long as they repent for their sins afterwards. Obviously, that is not okay and if that is your intention, know that God is aware of all and will not forgive you for the sins you have done. Some people don't have a conscience or a strong belief in God and his superiority.
  • Question
    Is it alright to face any direction after failing to know the right direction to face when praying?
    Community Answer
    Yes it is. Allah is the most merciful and forgiving so he will forgive you if you do not know the right direction. Pray in the direction you believe to be right.
  • Question
    What will happen if we make qiblah in our house?
    Community Answer
    Qiblah is an Arabic word which means direction. All the Muslims are obliged to face in the direction of kabah. If you want to make kabah in the house, then first of all there is not such a necessity, secondly it is also not permissible.
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    How can I avoid sex?
    Community Answer
    By lowering your gaze to the opposite sex and not interacting with them frequently. Try to control your sexual desires by not looking at anything where the body is exposed. If you are not married, get married as soon as possible, at which point you can have sex.
  • Question
    How can I remember to not make the same sin again?
    Community Answer
    Whenever the opportunity comes to commit that sin, say "I do not want to make the same mistake again." And if you do make it again, repent and ask for forgiveness.
  • Question
    What if I repeat a sin?
    Community Answer
    If you repeat a sin, ask for Allah's help and forgiveness. Keep reading the Qur'an and make sure you pray, inshAllah you won't repeat it again.
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    How can I not think about sex?
    Community Answer
    Think about Allah.Think about the punishment in Jahannum that awaits you if you commit zina.
  • Question
    Does Islam forbid Terrorism?
    Community Answer
    Terrorism is absolutely forbidden in Islam, killing an innocent is a strictly forbidden, punishable offense.
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    How can I make my husband and kids convert? I always pray and cry for this.
    z m
    Community Answer
    The best way is to be patient and inform them constantly about religion. Make lots of Duas and in Shaa Allah it will help you surely.
  • Question
    What does tawbah mean?
    Community Answer
    Tawbah in Islam means forgiveness. It is realizing a mistake, turning to Allah and asking for forgiveness, and to promising to not to commit it again.
  • Question
    What is the most appropriate source for reading about Sufism?
    Community Answer
    Read a good translation of the Holy Quran translated by a Muslim. That's the most important resource.
  • Question
    Why can't Muslims fast during Ramadan?
    Top Answerer
    That is not true. Muslims are commanded to fast during Ramadan, unless they are on their menses, sick, or traveling.
  • Question
    If I'm doing an exam and I'm called to Jumah prayer, should I leave the exam to pray?
    Community Answer
    You should leave the exam and go to prayer as that is more important in the hereafter. However, make sure that this is allowed before doing so (since in some cases, leaving an exam can invalidate your results).
  • Question
    What's the reason I commit sins again and again and think that Allah will forgive me?
    Community Answer
    You just commit sin again and again because we are human beings. Allah will forgive you.
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    How will Allah (SWT) forgive my sins? I seem to be going back to same sins again and again. I ask for forgiveness, but I remain the same person inside.
    Top Answerer
    Engage yourself in thikr and constantly make du'a, repenting every day for your past sins. After you commit a sin, pray two rak'ah Salah al Tawbah.
  • Question
    I try to keep my mother happy, but sometime she is so mean and rude to me. How do I address this situation?
    Top Answerer
    Do not be mean to her. Continue to make her happy and make du'a for her always.
  • Question
    How can I get back in the habit of praying again?
    Community Answer
    Pray daily. Set a timer if you have to, but set aside 5-10 minutes per day to pray silently. This can be during work or school, in the morning, at night before bed, or several times throughout the day if you want.
  • Question
    Why do some Muslims celebrate Christmas?
    Top Answerer
    Christmas is a time of worship for Christians, and Muslims must not take part in such celebrations. That is worshiping other religions, which is haraam.
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