Q&A for How to Breed Turtles

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    If a turtle lays her eggs in water, will they hatch?
    Community Answer
    No, they will not hatch because they will drown. You should put 7" to 12" of soil around where she lays the eggs, and they should be fine to hatch.
  • Question
    What is the lifespan for a water turtle in captivity?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the type of turtle. Try to do some research on your turtle breed.
  • Question
    My turtles live in a tank and we don't have space for a nest. Can they still produce eggs without a proper nest?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but the eggs will die. If you have a land area anywhere with soil, you should use it. If you don't use it, the female turtle will deposit her eggs in the water and they will drown.
  • Question
    What is the easiest kind of turtle to take care of?
    Community Answer
    Most Emydid turtles are pretty easy to take care of because they don't require a strict temperature and their supplies aren't very costly (probably only about $150 in all). The red eared slider is probably your best bet. Box turtles are the hardest to care for.
  • Question
    The egg my turtle laid has not hatched for the past six months. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Female turtles can lay eggs, but in order to hatch, they need to have been fertilized by a male turtle. In this case, it sounds like the egg is not fertilized. It will not hatch, so you can dispose of it.
  • Question
    How do I put the turtle eggs into the soil?
    Community Answer
    By gently picking them up and transporting them to the soil.
  • Question
    My male yellow belly slider won't eat. He is in with two females and stopped eating a few weeks ago. What could be wrong?
    Community Answer
    It could be that he is intimidated by the females. If they are fed as a group, the the females may snap at him, which could cause him to become withdrawn. Try feeding him separately.
  • Question
    I have a Cumberland Slider and a Box Turtle mature enough to mate. Do you think they will mate?
    Community Answer
    Because these species are so genetically different, it is highly improbable that they will mate. Box turtles generally only mate with box turtles and sliders with sliders (and occasionally turtles of the genus pseudemys).
  • Question
    My turtle laid eggs in the water last night. Do I still have time to take the eggs out and put them somewhere else?
    Community Answer
    The eggs should die if not removed in about 5 hours after being laid.
  • Question
    I have a turtle whose rear end is swollen. All it wants to do is sit in water. What could be wrong?
    Community Answer
    It could be either bowel cancer or a really serious case of constipation. Take it to a vet.
  • Question
    I am planning to get a yellow belly slider turtle and red ear slider turtle. Since they are both sliders, can I make a hybrid?
    Community Answer
    Yes. It has been done.
  • Question
    How can I tell which side of the egg is the top?
    Ayushi Desai
    Community Answer
    The narrow peaked side is the top of the egg just like with chicken eggs.
  • Question
    How do I take care of my turtle eggs?
    Community Answer
    By checking on them periodically and removing damaged eggs.
  • Question
    Can different types of turtles crossbreed?
    Community Answer
    Yes, some closely related species can hybridize, like map turtles and red-eared sliders.
  • Question
    Do I really need an incubator?
    Community Answer
    You should ask your local pet expert at a pet store to find out more information and make an informed decision.
  • Question
    How long do turtles need to sleep?
    Community Answer
    Pet turtles do not sleep for very long (as they can drown underwater), but they do sleep! Pet turtles tend to sleep underwater, or in their basking spot (which you should definitely have for them if you have a pet turtle). Turtles will usually sleep for about two hours, then wake up and get some air, and then simply go back to sleep.
  • Question
    My aquatic turtle doesn't play and just swims. What could be wrong?
    Community Answer
    It may just be its personality. Some turtles are naturally not playful. There is probably nothing wrong.
  • Question
    If a wild turtle lays eggs in my yard, what do I do?
    Community Answer
    Make a net barrier around her nest to keep the eggs safe from predators. They should hatch in 50 days or so.
  • Question
    How do I get turtle eggs out of the water safely?
    Community Answer
    As gently as possible, pick up the eggs without turning them over. Lay them in loose sandy soil or peat moss, making an indentation with your thumb in the soil to keep them from rolling over. Remember, do not roll the eggs over; keep them in the same position as they were in the water.
  • Question
    I caught two turtles mating and they stopped. The male has not come out of his shell yet. Do you think he will? Also will my turtles mate again?
    Community Answer
    They mate might be hibernating or they are not for each other. It might be a bit cold for the turtles.
  • Question
    Will different turtles breed with each other?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but you should not do it. Only breed the same species together, you can't sell hybrids that easily.
  • Question
    I have a adult male and female, she laid but how do I know if eggs are fertile?
    Community Answer
    Take a flashlight and put it right on the egg. If you see a red 'blob' on the top it should be fertile. Make sure you do plenty of research on breeding geckos if you plan on breeding them.
  • Question
    I have a question on the container. Do you have to put the turtle eggs underneath the soil? Also, do I have to buy a heat lamp for the container?
    Pearl Therese Uy
    Community Answer
    No, because you already have your incubator and you are bringing up the heat to 90s; and you just need an incubator for it.
  • Question
    When is the time that a female turtle can lay eggs?
    Pearl Therese Uy
    Community Answer
    It depends on the species, what species of turtle do you have? There are turtle that take a long time to sexually mature, and some can reproduce fast.
  • Question
    Hoe old do leopard turtles get?
    Pearl Therese Uy
    Community Answer
    They can live up to 100 yrs, but in captivity they tend to only live for 30-75 years.
  • Question
    I have Egyptian desert turtle he is male and small I don’t know the exact age of him, but at which age does this type of turtle mate?
    Pearl Therese Uy
    Community Answer
    A desert tortoise can take 13-20 yrs to sexually mature. Most have high mortality rates in early life.
  • Question
    How long do yellow bellied turtles live?
    Community Answer
    If they are looked after properly, they can live up to 30 years.
  • Question
    Can a musk and a razor back mask mate?
    Community Answer
    You can keep them together but they probably won't mate. They are of the same family so while the act of mating itself might possible (although unlikely), even if they do the eggs are unlikely to be viable. Any hybrid young that did actually come to fruition would almost certainly be sterile.
  • Question
    Should I put sand or soil around the water in the tank for the turtles to lay their eggs on?
    Community Answer
    Sand should work fine. Make shore that the sand is always at about 80 degrees, same with dirt.
  • Question
    My turtle is swimming above my other turtle over and over. I don't know what their genders are. What does this mean?
    Community Answer
    The turtle could just be aggressive. You should be able to define the gender of the turtle once it reaches 3 inches. Be sure to mate the male only after it turns 3 years old, and the female when 5 years old.
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