Q&A for How to Choose a Roblox Username

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    How do I make a unique Roblox name?
    Community Answer
    Take an ordinary word and change letters with other letters, numbers, or maybe and underscore. Make it your own and try to make it something that looks like it is not referenced off of a well-known person, or people will think you got it from him/her. Things that you like will be nice, for example if you like pie it could be Pie_Lover, or PiesAreKool. Just remember to make it something you will keep for a while, because if you want to change it, it costs 1,000 robux. And nothing like Marcy13853, instead it could be Mxrcy, Marxy, or Marcxy!
  • Question
    Is "4q4g" a good name?
    Community Answer
    That's known as a "namesnipe," a very desirable name. There's a group called "Group of Name Snipes" that likes these sorts of names. Try joining it, if you haven't already.
  • Question
    Is "IiPinkaffles" a good name for roblox? I really like that name but I'm not really sure.
    Community Answer
    If you like it, do it! It doesn't matter what other people think, just do it your own way, and if they say mean things about it, report them.
  • Question
    Can you give me name ideas? I love foxes.
    Community Answer
    How about AboutFoxes or AboutFox? You can also add II or XXs.
  • Question
    Could you give me some examples of good Roblox names?
    Community Answer
    Try something like your name, with a twist. For example, Keith to iKeith or Mazie to AMazie. Or maybe you like a food and a color, so a good name would iPinkcakes.
  • Question
    How do I get rid of Safe Chat on Roblox?
    Community Answer
    When you're 13 or older, this turns off.
  • Question
    If I get bullied for my username, should I change it or just leave it as it is?
    Community Answer
    Changing your username costs 1000 robux, but blocking the person that's bullying you costs nothing.
  • Question
    How do I get an email address and password?
    Community Answer
    You can create an email address for free at Yahoo, Gmail, or other services. You create your own password by stringing together words, numbers, symbols and letters in a way that only you will be able to remember.
  • Question
    May I get an example of a Roblox name like these?
    Community Answer
    If your name is Jordan, here are some examples; J0rdan or OmqJordan omq like omg or LOLItzJordan, be creative and have fun with it.
  • Question
    Is WrecklessNightmare OK?
    Community Answer
    Sure, that's fine, as long as you're aware that the word is usually spelled "reckless." It's fine if you're just doing a play on that word, though.
  • Question
    How do I know if a Roblox name is any good?
    Top Answerer
    Whether or not your name is good is subjective. Some people may like a certain username, while others won't. It's good as long as you like it.
  • Question
    What's a good username that has "Kae" in it? I'd like something unique and cool, but short and only one word.
    Meenal Singla
    Community Answer
    How about "Kaemazing"? You could edit this further if you like. Just try to choose a word and then mix it up with "Kae." "Kaenificent"? Or "Kaeistic"?
  • Question
    Is LuckyBigbro29 a good username?
    Community Answer
    Yes, as long as it suits you.
  • Question
    Why does it cost 1000 robux to change my username?
    Community Answer
    Companies like Roblox need to have some source of income to keep the company running. You buying robux gives them money to allow them to run the website, etc.
  • Question
    Why do people judge others for their looks?
    Community Answer
    These are just negative people who feel bad about themselves and want to make other people feel bad too. Don't pay any attention to them.
  • Question
    How can you make an alternate account name like your main one without being banned for copying?
    Community Answer
    Put the alternative user in the main user's blurb.
  • Question
    Are five letter names rare?
    Community Answer
    Yes but it depends on if it is an actual word or random letters. Random letters aren't rare.
  • Question
    Is WxiteSushi a good username?
    Community Answer
    Yes! if it is new and original and you love it, then use it as your username.
  • Question
    Is "CatslikeNoodles" good?
    Community Answer
    Sure! That's cute. Just make sure that you like, because it costs money to change it.
  • Question
    How can I get Robux on Roblox?
    Community Answer
    Click on the "R$" button and select "Buy Robux." Keep in mind this costs real money.
  • Question
    How do I make a unique Roblox user name?
    Community Answer
    Just think of what you like. For instance, I love doughnuts so I'm DoughnutLover. I would suggest being creative and original, but also be a bit quirky and cute.
  • Question
    How do I find a good username when all of them are taken?
    Community Answer
    Add symbols and/or capitals to your name to make it different from other existing names. If you still have no idea, try online username generators.
  • Question
    Can you help me? i like hedgehogs and I want my name to be cute, simple, and catchy.
    Community Answer
    Here are some suggestions: iiSonicHedgehog, xxLoveCuteHedgehogs, NLXCuteHedgehogs, or SimpleHedgehog.
  • Question
    Any aesthetic girl username ideas?
    Community Answer
    Things like, XEmilyII or SiruisXD. Be creative! Find a girl's name add to it, for example, iiEmilyX.
  • Question
    How long can the username be?
    Community Answer
    Up to 20 characters.
  • Question
    I want a username with "Hannah" in it. Any suggestions?
    Community Answer
    Maybe something like HannahLovesCake or Hannah123, maybe even HannahLovesGaming, HannahLovesRoblox, or HannahHannahyoutube.
  • Question
    What is a namesnipe?
    NY Blossom
    Top Answerer
    A namesnipe is a person who makes an account for the sake of taking a certain name, usually a unique one.
  • Question
    How do I pick a good Roblox username?
    Community Answer
    Try making funny/weird ones. For example, TigerAlgebra, LoveCakiiies, etc.
  • Question
    Can you give me name ideas? I love dinosaurs.
    Meenal Singla
    Community Answer
    How about "D!no$aurus"? Or maybe you can just pick a random word, like "magnificent" and add something dinosaur-related, like "Magnifisaurus." It's your choice, really. Just be creative!
  • Question
    What are some cute foods I could incorporate into my username?
    Community Answer
    There is "cookie," "pop-tart," "ginger," "sprout," or you could go with something slangy like "yummalicious" or "tum-yums"!
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