Q&A for How to Defend Yourself in a Fight at School

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    What is a Chinese burn?
    Community Answer
    It’s the same thing as an Indian burn. It involves gripping the top of somebody's forearm with both hands, then rotating the hands in opposite directions, causing immediate burning and irritation.
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    What if a small person in my school is a brute and loves to fight, but I'm bigger than him?
    Community Answer
    So what? If he is trying to fight you, you should be able to defend yourself. Size doesn't matter. Skill matters.
  • Question
    This guy in my class is always punching people at random. He punched my friend! If he tries to punch me, how do I defend myself?
    Community Answer
    Try NOT to fight him. Defend yourself by holding your fists under your eyes, but if necessary, fight him. Remember not to throw the first punch, as that will make you get in more trouble.
  • Question
    What if he uses a weapon and teachers are somewhere far away?
    Cobalt Gem
    Community Answer
    Your best option is to run to the nearest classroom where a teacher or security officer is and report it. Because this is a dangerous threat, you should also tell the police and your parents.
  • Question
    Is it okay that I do well in school and help stop bullies?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but do so in a responsible fashion. Tell teachers about the bullies in your school, and talk to the victims empathetically.
  • Question
    How do I know if he is throwing the first punch?
    Community Answer
    He will most likely draw his fist back. If he does, try your best to dodge the punch.
  • Question
    What if I have to deal with more than one person?
    Community Answer
    Retreat if you're outnumbered. It's best to leave instead of getting jumped.
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    What if I am in middle school and find that a girl has been talking behind my back?
    Community Answer
    Tell a teacher or a school administrator. If, for some reason, you want to say something back to her, take a long time to think about what you say, and make sure to walk away immediately after saying it. I recommend NOT confronting the gossiper.
  • Question
    When is it right to ignore my bully?
    Community Answer
    Always. The reason that bullies do what they do is to get a reaction from you; if you show them they can't get to you, you win.
  • Question
    What if I'm scared to hurt them because they are my friend, but we just got angry at each other?
    Community Answer
    Don't fight your friend. Walk away until you've both calmed down, then try to talk about the issue. If you feel like you can't resolve it yourselves, as a teacher or a school counselor for help.
  • Question
    How do I weaken a bully?
    Community Answer
    Tell them things like, "You only bully because you feel bad about your own life. Making others miserable wont help you," or, "I never did anything bad to you. What have I done to deserve this?" Try to make the enemy feel bad about themselves. This can help you AND the bully.
  • Question
    I got into a fight at summer school yesterday. Then I saw someone getting beat up. According to this, it's good I walked away, right?
    Community Answer
    If you see a fight at school, go find an adult and report it, preferably quickly. If you're not at school, call the police and report it.
  • Question
    What if they are making threats and I cannot just ignore them any more?
    Community Answer
    Tell a teacher or a school counselor that you're being threatened. They'll be happy to help you. Don't get yourself in trouble by fighting this person, it's not worth it.
  • Question
    How do I defend myself if I'm attacked from behind?
    Community Answer
    Honestly, run. If you are facing the other direction and are pushed, punched, or kicked, you have an advantage due to the momentum transferred to you from the attack. This momentum can be used to run away faster. If, for some reason, you can't run, try to focus on simply blocking and countering their attacks. Just remember - block and counter, block and counter. As soon as you see them incapacitated, run if possible, pin them down if not. During the confrontation, you should be yelling for help, but not to the point where you will lose your breath or get distracted from running/defending yourself.
  • Question
    What if I passed out?
    Noah Andersen
    Community Answer
    You cannot really do much then. When you wake up, tell a responsible adult what happened, and get medical attention.
  • Question
    What do I do if I got into a fight at school?
    Community Answer
    Be honest with your teacher and accept the punishment they give you. Don’t try and deflect the blame if you caused it. Also act very apologetic.
  • Question
    The last picture makes it seem like I shouldn't interfere with a bully situation. Should I?
    Community Answer
    Yes. You should try to help any victim by breaking up the fight or getting a teacher.
  • Question
    How do I fight fat people?
    Community Answer
    Use your speed to help dodge punches, wait for an opening and try clocking your opponent in the nose.
  • Question
    Are fights common in middle school?
    Community Answer
    That depends on the location and general attitude of the school, but they are generally uncommon in all schools.
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    What do I do if a popular girl threatens to put me in the hospital because of drama with a boy?
    Community Answer
    Tell an adult. If someone says they're going to hurt you, believe them. Tell someone at school you've been threatened and let them handle it.
  • Question
    What should I do if people are bullying me and I can't tell anyone?
    Community Answer
    You can tell someone, and you should. The best way to make sure this stops is to talk to an adult. When you're around the people who are bullying you, ignore them.
  • Question
    How would I defend myself if I'm on the floor getting busted up?
    Community Answer
    Cover your head and tuck into your body as best as possible, that way you can protect your head, stomach, and chest. Think of like a tight fetal position.
  • Question
    I want to fight a girl in my class, but these techniques have not been effective for me. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    The first thing you want to do is NOT fight on school grounds if you care about getting in trouble with the principal. But before you fight, you want to position yourself the right way, standing sideways to avoid stomach punches with your legs apart, your right hand below your hip, and your left hand up to your chest. If you want to throw the punch first, then punch the girl in her chest with your right hand, then punch her stomach with your left hand. Then grab her by the hair with both hands and knee her in between her legs. Keep your hands on her hair and drag her to the ground and just keep throwing punches.
  • Question
    Is it acceptable to fight someone who is younger than me?
    Community Answer
    It is really not acceptable to fight anyone at all, and you should be trying to set a good example for anyone who is younger than you. Do your best to avoid getting into a fight. Ask an adult to intervene if you need help.
  • Question
    A bully at school curses at me, pushes me and threatens me. What should I do if I am a wimp and don't know how to fight?
    Community Answer
    Either go to a teacher or bring friends if needed, so the bully would feel less motivated to attack you.
  • Question
    What do I do if someone hits me first at school? What would happen if I hit them back? Because I was in a fight and I put a chokehold on a girl on the bus and got suspended. Will there be consequences again?
    Community Answer
    Yes, there will probably be consequences, especially if you've been in trouble for fighting before. There's a possibility you can avoid being punished if there are a lot of witnesses that saw her hit you first, but even then, the authorities will want to know what you're doing to people that is causing you to get into fights all the time. If someone gets aggressive with you, try to walk away before it escalates into violence.
  • Question
    What if the guy after me is 6'5 and I'm 4'11 with no experience of fighting?
    Community Answer
    Use his height against him. Aim for his legs. If you hit his legs hard enough, he will probably fall to the ground, giving you an advantage.
  • Question
    How should I approach a group of girls who are bullying me?
    Community Answer
    Ignore them. They are most likely bullying you for entertainment. No one will want to bother you if you're not fun to bother. If they are becoming hostile toward you, get away and tell a teacher, parent or other trusted adult.
  • Question
    How do I defend myself in a fight at school if people in the crowd start attacking me?
    Community Answer
    If they've got you down, tuck your legs in as best as possible, and protect your head with your arms. Before the fight, call your friends so that they can back you up if needed. Hopefully, other people will try and help you out. But if you see a crowd of people coming for you and you know they want to fight, just run.
  • Question
    People are saying I got beat up because I got in a fight, what should I do?
    Community Answer
    Just ignore it. If you try to make a big deal out of correcting them, they'll think you're being defensive because what they're saying is true. If you must say something, just say, "That's not how it happened, but whatever."
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