Q&A for How to Get a Teacher to Raise Your Grade

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    Is it okay to ask a professor about a grade?
    Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.
    Educational Consultant
    Alexander Ruiz is an Educational Consultant and the Educational Director of Link Educational Institute, a tutoring business based in Claremont, California that provides customizable educational plans, subject and test prep tutoring, and college application consulting. With over a decade and a half of experience in the education industry, Alexander coaches students to increase their self-awareness and emotional intelligence while achieving skills and the goal of achieving skills and higher education. He holds a BA in Psychology from Florida International University and an MA in Education from Georgia Southern University.
    Educational Consultant
    Expert Answer
    Yeah, absolutely. Keep in mind, though, that teachers are humans and that you shouldn't always try to negotiate your grade. You should do it during the teacher's office hours so that you show that you're interested in what is being taught. Show that you're making an effort!
  • Question
    How do you ask a teacher why you got a certain grade?
    Alexander Ruiz, M.Ed.
    Educational Consultant
    Alexander Ruiz is an Educational Consultant and the Educational Director of Link Educational Institute, a tutoring business based in Claremont, California that provides customizable educational plans, subject and test prep tutoring, and college application consulting. With over a decade and a half of experience in the education industry, Alexander coaches students to increase their self-awareness and emotional intelligence while achieving skills and the goal of achieving skills and higher education. He holds a BA in Psychology from Florida International University and an MA in Education from Georgia Southern University.
    Educational Consultant
    Expert Answer
    Try talking to your teacher from a place of interest in learning as opposed to just getting a higher grade. Ask them something like, “How can I learn more from the situation? Can I take back my homework that I didn't do well with and then be able to answer those questions again?”
  • Question
    How do I ask for extra credit from a teacher whose syllabus says "Do not expect extra credit"?
    Community Answer
    Don't use those words. Meet with them before or after class and say something like, "I would really like to bring my grade up for this class, is there anything I can do to accomplish that?"
  • Question
    I am always afraid of asking my tutor questions that the whole class has understood except me. What do I do?
    Top Answerer
    Don't assume everyone else understands. Some may think they understand, but really they don't. Some may be sitting there confused and also too afraid to speak up. In any event, your tutor's job is to answer your questions. Let him/her do it. Learning the material is more important than potentially feeling silly for asking.
  • Question
    My teacher is often strict, and scolds me for asking questions. I am afraid to ask her anything now. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Approach her before or after class and tell her that you need help but you feel uncomfortable asking questions because she has scolded you in the past. Listen to what she has to say and try to see things from her perspective. Maybe she'd prefer you to wait until she's finished with the lesson to ask your questions instead of interrupting. If that's the case, write down your question so you won't forget it, and ask when you're permitted. If she has no explanation or if she scolds you just for approaching her, tell your parents what's going on.
  • Question
    I don't make good grades sometimes, and I am scared to ask my teacher a question. What should I do?
    Top Answerer
    Teachers go into that profession because they like helping kids learn. Give your teacher the chance to help you.
  • Question
    If I get a lower B grade, can I ask a teacher what I can do to make my grade better?
    Community Answer
    Yes. That's the question pretty much every good teacher is hoping to hear from their students. Teachers love to know that you're serious about doing well in their class and improving your work, and they'll be more than happy to give you advice on how you can get better grades in the future.
  • Question
    How do I deal with bad grades, especially when others don't think that it's that big of a deal?
    Community Answer
    You may find some helpful tips in wikiHow article Deal With a Bad Grade .
  • Question
    I have a tutor. She helped me to raise my grades, but my parents think that I did not learn anything. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Show your parents the grades you had before you started working with the tutor, and the grades you are getting now. Tell your parents that she really has been helping you with your school work, and that your current grades are evidence for that.
  • Question
    What if my teacher yells at me constantly and verbally abuses me about something I didn't even do?
    Community Answer
    If your teacher is legitimately verbally abusing you (insulting you, calling you names, etc.), then tell the principal, or tell your parents and ask them to call the school and file a complaint. If she's just reprimanding you, even if it's for something you didn't do, all you can do is calmly explain that you didn't do what she thinks you did. Don't argue, it will only make things worse for you.
  • Question
    What can I do if my teacher grades by a rubric and is hard to convince?
    Community Answer
    Steer clear of bribery in this situation; teachers who use rubrics won't bend the rules just for one student, no matter how hard you try to convince them. Find or ask your teacher for a copy of the general rubric, so you know what he or she is looking for while marking your assignments, and use it to produce better work in the future.
  • Question
    How do I know if my teacher marked my test wrong?
    Top Answerer
    Ask your teacher about it.
  • Question
    I always study well and try to do my best in tests, but for my first math test, I got a B+. My parents were really disappointed, what should I do?
    meg xo
    Community Answer
    You should try to explain to them that you did your best and studied for the test beforehand. Tell them that you'll be putting more effort next time, and make sure that you try to go over the material more than you usually do.
  • Question
    How can I find out what I need to do to keep my grades high without offending my teacher?
    Community Answer
    Innocently ask them what you can do to improve your work. Don't bring grades into the discussion; keep the impression that you're genuinely interested in the class and committed to studying hard. Go over homework and tests with your teacher, who can keep you on the right track. You could also ask if there are any extra assignments or projects you can do out of interest and to improve your understanding of the material - your teacher could even be generous enough to give you extra marks for these!
  • Question
    I always have questions, but my teacher never answers, so what do I do?
    Community Answer
    Approach him/her before or after class with your questions. They may have a policy where they don't want people interrupting the lecture to ask things. If they're completely unwilling to answer your questions at any time, talk to the principal about this, because your teacher is not doing their job.
  • Question
    How can I approach a very strict teacher about changing my grade after missing an assignment?
    Community Answer
    Just be polite and respectful. Approach them before or after class and begin by saying, "May I speak to you for a moment?" Then launch into your story. Explain how/why you missed the assignment and how you plan to make it up or make sure you don't miss another one in the future. As long as you're polite and humble about it, your teacher should at least be willing to hear you out.
  • Question
    I have a B, 85%, and I have emailed my teacher about extra credit points, but I don't know if she will give me some extra credit ideas before the quarter ends. How else can I raise my grade?
    Community Answer
    Keep up the hard work in class. Focus on studying, doing well in your homework, and passing your tests. Don't make bumping your grade up a big thing at the moment; having a B puts you in a good position already, even without the extra credit. Who knows, she could still offer you some!
  • Question
    I have a B+ (89.7%) in Math. It's the end of the semester, and I really want to ask my teacher to round my grade up to an A-. What is a good way to ask?
    Community Answer
    If you have an 89.7%, there's a good chance your teacher is going to round your grade up, but if you want to know for sure, just approach him/her before or after class and say something like, "I was just wondering if there was any way I might be able to raise my grade to an A before the semester ends. Do you think this is possible?"
  • Question
    I am trying to raise my grade from an 89% to a 90%, however I have never asked before, and my teacher only feels sympathetic for those with Ds or below. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    You could try by asking for extra credit, but be prepared for the teacher to say no. Your grade is very good as it is, and bumping it up by just 1% isn't really a big difference.
  • Question
    How do I bring my grade up if my teacher rarely gives assignments and I already have a bad grade?
    Community Answer
    See if they're willing to give you any extra credit assignments. When you ask, tell them that you want to make sure you understand the material instead of saying you're trying to bring your grade up.
  • Question
    What do I do if my teacher doesn't care when I'm trying to raise my grade?
    Community Answer
    It may not be that the teacher 'doesn't care'. Has your work really improved? Grades are given for a reason; a lot of teachers won't budge unless you can prove that your work is worthy of a higher grade. Try to get better marks on your homework, study to get higher scores on tests, etc., then the teacher will have concrete evidence that your grade deserves to be raised.
  • Question
    What can I do about an unreasonable teacher who doesn't give due dates and takes points off?
    Community Answer
    I'd bring this up with your head of school (whether it be a dean, principal, or a headmaster). If enough is done, the teacher could either be fired (in which case you'll have a reasonable substitute for the rest of the year), or required to give due dates (in which case your teacher will start being reasonable). There's no immediate solution for this, however.
  • Question
    What should I do if my have parents think anything but an A is bad, and have teachers who think B's and C's are good?
    Community Answer
    Try talking to your parents. Maybe they can schedule a meeting with your teacher to talk about expectations for grades. It might help to have everyone on the same page.
  • Question
    My grade dropped during the second nine weeks progress report from an A to a B+. My teacher called out this kid for asking for extra credit, and I think she will yell at me too if I ask. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Ask them before or after class when no one else is around. Perhaps you could ask without saying those exact words. You could say something like, "I've been working really hard, but I've noticed my grade has slipped from an A to a B. Is there anything in particular I can do to bring it up?"
  • Question
    In my math class, I have a borderline B+, and I need to boost my grade 0.9%. The teacher told us that we should not whine about our grades, so how can I convince him?
    meg xo
    Community Answer
    If you're unable to convince your teacher to raise your grade, you should refrain from asking him to do so. Instead, approach him either before or after school and ask him, "I want to know what I can do to understand the material better in this class. I currently have a B+, and I'd really like to make it an A. Do you have any advice for me?"
  • Question
    I missed a large assignment, know my grade will be a D or F, and midterm grades come out tomorrow. Should I talk to my parents about it?
    Community Answer
    Yes, definitely. Just calmly explain what went wrong and how you plan to bring up your grade before the end of the term.
  • Question
    If I have an 89.2, is it reasonable to ask my teacher to round my grade up?
    Community Answer
    You could try, as some teachers are sympathetic to students just missing out on the next grade up. Make sure you have many examples of really exceptional work and that all your recent assignments came back with As. Then you can say you've really worked hard toward getting better marks, and a B doesn't reflect how much you've improved.
  • Question
    What do I do if my teacher took my project and said my name wasn't on it when my name was on it and is probably going to give me a zero? Please help!
    Community Answer
    Arrange a meeting with the principal over what has happened. As the principal has the most authority of anyone in the school, they should be able to get hold of the project as proof that you wrote your name on it.
  • Question
    How do I raise my grades in two weeks from C's to B's?
    Community Answer
    Devote as much time as you can to doing homework and studying for tests. Participate in class - be sure to raise your hand and be ready with an answer when a teacher asks a question. Teachers love students who pay attention, behave themselves in class and do well in their assignments. Having them like you can help them have a good impression of you.
  • Question
    I forgot to do an assignment, and report cards come out tomorrow. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    If you have a good reason for not doing the assignment, tell the teacher why you didn't do it and ask if you can submit it late for partial credit, or do an alternative assignment to make up the one you missed. Even though it's worth asking, be warned that not all teachers will allow this.
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