Q&A for How to Go to Confession

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    What if a forget how to say the Act of Contrition because I am nervous?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Don't worry! The priest will understand and help you recite the prayer. They've performed the sacrament many times, and know how nervous you might be.
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    If you are not a Catholic , can you confess? And what and what will you say? Or is there a particular statement to recite?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    Only baptized Catholics can take part in the sacrament, but you may be able to speak to a priest about your sins anyway. Call your local church and explain your situation, and see if they can schedule a less formal meeting.
  • Question
    During confession, do you recite the Act of Contrition by heart or read from a prayer book?
    Community Answer
    If you know it by heart, that's great, but if you need to read from a prayer book, that's totally okay. The only thing that matters is that you mean the words you are saying.
  • Question
    Can I write down my sins and give them to the priest for confession?
    Community Answer
    Write them down if you're afraid you might forget them, but you have to say them out loud.
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    How do I confess a mortal sin?
    Community Answer
    As with any other confession, you will enter the confessional and kneel. Make the sign of the cross and the priest will tell you when to start confessing. When you actually confess, don't be scared or embarrassed. There is not a sin that the priest hasn't heard. Say (approximately) the number of times you have committed the mortal sin since your last confession.
  • Question
    How do I confess an extremely embarrassing sin if I suffer from social anxiety disorder?
    Community Answer
    Before you go into the confessional, pray to the Holy Spirit to give you the courage to make a good confession. Remember that the priest is bound by the seal of confession, so he cannot tell anyone.
  • Question
    Will God hurt me if I don't confess? Will I go to hell?
    Community Answer
    If you die with an unrepented mortal sin on your soul, you will go to hell. But if you have committed a sin, sincerely repented of it, and died before you could make it to confession, then God will have mercy on you.
  • Question
    What penance might I receive for committing assault and destroying the evidence?
    Community Answer
    That depends on the priest you see.
  • Question
    Can I confess my sin to myself if my sin is a mortal sin?
    Community Answer
    If you committed any sin, whether mortal or venal, for it to be forgiven you must go to confession and confess it to the priest.
  • Question
    Can a child go to confession?
    Community Answer
    Yes. In the U.S., most Catholic children celebrate their first confession in the fourth grade.
  • Question
    Can I take Communion after a confession even though the penance is not done?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. Sometimes you don't have time to do you penance before Mass starts, and so it's fine to receive Communion. Just make sure you don't forget to do all your penance.
  • Question
    If I think a curse word to myself, is that a sin?
    Community Answer
    No, that's not a sin, but I would consider it a sin if you said it out loud. You should try to avoid thinking about curse words as much as possible though.
  • Question
    Could there be a rude priest?
    Top Answerer
    Priests are humans and all humans occasionally act rude, unfortunately. Some people (priests and nuns included) are mean and unfair to young people. Talk to another priest and pray for the priest who was rude to you; God will bless you for it.
  • Question
    What type of sin can I confess to a priest?
    Community Answer
    You can confess any sin to a priest.
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    Can a non-Catholic go to confessional?
    Community Answer
    A baptized Christian may go to a Catholic priest for confession.
  • Question
    What is the difference between a mortal sin and venial sin?
    Community Answer
    A venial sin is a minor sin; mortal sins are extremely serious sins, like murder and adultery.
  • Question
    How do I say I have doubts about God when going to confession?
    Community Answer
    You can say something like: "Father, I'm not sure I believe in God, what can I do about it?" Don't worry to be feeling this way, many saints have passed through this "dark night of the soul": it is just a test from God to clean your love for Him from the love for His gifts. This is for you to develop a pure love for God for God's sake only.
  • Question
    Can I receive communion the same day I confessed and completed penance?
    Community Answer
    Yes, this is appropriate to do. The moment that you finish confession, your soul is clean.
  • Question
    How do I go to a confessional for the first time as someone who converted to Catholicism?
    Community Answer
    In order to go to confession, you have to kneel down in the confessional. You start by saying "Bless me, Father, for I have sinned." The priest will ask you how long it has been since your last confession. Since this is your first time, you can say that. The priest will ask you what sins you have committed. You can then tell the priest what your sins are. When you are done, he will ask you to recite the Act of Contrition. Most confessions offer a prayer card with the Act of Contrition on it. The priest will give you a penance, which is something you have to do. It is usually a prayer. After that, the priest will dismiss you and you can go.
  • Question
    If you don’t know exactly how long since your last confession, what is correct way to say it?
    To Lazy To Make A Name
    Community Answer
    Using the format seen above you could say, “Forgive me father for I have sinned, I do not know how long it has been since my last confession”. The priest will be understanding.
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