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Q&A for How to Grow Boysenberries
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QuestionWhat is the difference between a blackberry and a boysenberry?Maggie Moran is a Professional Gardener in Pennsylvania.They are part of the same berry family, and the boysenberry is a blend of blackberry, raspberry, and loganberry. The blackberry is a true berry and not a mix of any.
QuestionAre boysenberries good for you?Maggie Moran is a Professional Gardener in Pennsylvania.They are healthy in many ways. They contain fiber, vitamin K, and a modest blend of manganese, iron, calcium, and potassium.
QuestionWhat do boysenberries taste like?Maggie Moran is a Professional Gardener in Pennsylvania.They have a great juicy flavor and taste like a mix of blackberry and raspberry.
QuestionDo boysenberry plants have thorns?Maggie Moran is a Professional Gardener in Pennsylvania.Most boysenberry plants do have thorns, but there are some varieties that can be bought thornless.
QuestionMy boysenberry plants are four years old, in direct sunlight all day, thriving, bramble like, are trained on a trellis, but I have only gotten one single boysenberry. How do I get more fruit?Lauren Kurtz is a Naturalist and Horticultural Specialist. Lauren has worked for Aurora, Colorado managing the Water-Wise Garden at Aurora Municipal Center for the Water Conservation Department. She earned a BA in Environmental and Sustainability Studies from Western Michigan University in 2014.Prune your boysenberries annually in the fall or winter. Prune out all of the old growth that has already fruited as these canes will not fruit again. Fertilize every spring with a balanced fertilizer or mix some compost into the soil.
QuestionShould I prune the tips of this year's growth to stop the plant from growing?Lauren Kurtz is a Naturalist and Horticultural Specialist. Lauren has worked for Aurora, Colorado managing the Water-Wise Garden at Aurora Municipal Center for the Water Conservation Department. She earned a BA in Environmental and Sustainability Studies from Western Michigan University in 2014.It is recommended to cut back some of this year's growth to the ground to thin out the plant.
QuestionMy boysenberry has lots of canes and leaves not a lot of fruit. I want to cut the brambles back. It is 2 seasons old.Community AnswerThe canes that produce fruit this year, you need to cut off in the fall and remove them. For the new canes that start growing in the spring and summer, these are going to produce fruit next year.
QuestionIf the canes are longer than what I am tying them to, do I cut them off at the same height?Community AnswerNo need to cut them. Simply train them to grow back down, and then back up again on the same post.
QuestionShould boysenberry plants be partially shaded, or is direct sun best?Community AnswerThey thrive in direct sunlight.
QuestionWhen will my boysenberries be ripe?DonaganTop AnswererThey will ripen in mid-to-late summer.
QuestionIn what season do the vines flower?DonaganTop AnswererIn the spring.
QuestionWhat time of year is best to plant?Community AnswerIt depends upon the climate and soil of your place. Rainy season is better for its growth and development.
QuestionCan I grow a new boysenberry plant from the trimmings of an older plant?Community AnswerStart a new plant in the spring by placing the tip of a new cane in the ground. It will root and can be transplanted in the fall or next spring as a new plant.
QuestionWhat do I do if the leaves are yellow on my boysenberries?Community AnswerCheck nutrient levels, boysenberries are heavy feeders! You can add 20-20-20 early in the season as they begin to grow out. You can water with fish fertilizer or another fertilizer.
QuestionShould I cover my boysenberries with a shade cloth to provide a little shade if they appear to be burned?Community AnswerThey may appear to be burned but more likely it is a nutritional deficiency. They require a lot of nutrients to continue to grow vegetation and fruit. Make sure you are watering at least weekly, more in the hot and dry weather.
QuestionIs it okay to plant my boysenberries next to the blackberries?Community AnswerYes, as long as they aren't too close. Make sure to space all plants 3-5 feet away from your boysenberries.
QuestionWhat is the life of a boysenberry vine?Community AnswerThe life of a boysenberry vine goes from seeds to seedlings to young plants and finally to mature plants which produce the berries.
QuestionIs it okay for ants to be on my boysenberry leaves?Community AnswerYes, ants won't do anything to your boysenberry plants. They're probably just there to find food.
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