Q&A for How to Live on the Street

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    How do you stay safe?
    Community Answer
    Safety can be hard, depending on where you are. Keep your distance from other homeless people and any shady characters; always carry something small to protect yourself; and hide your money in a secret compartment such as a sock. Sleep in public places, and remember, some people are vicious, so be careful with whom you associate.
  • Question
    What do I say if someone asks me if I am homeless when I live on the street?
    Community Answer
    You can just say yes and explain that you don't currently have anywhere else to live.
  • Question
    What do I do if I was kicked out of my home and didn't have time to grab any of my belonging or supplies?
    Community Answer
    You have the right to get your things. Call the police to stand by while you retrieve your possessions. Then find the someplace to stay while you regroup -- you may have to head to the local shelter if you have no other options. Ask other homeless folks for help -- where to stay, where to get clothes and food. The homeless understand homelessness.
  • Question
    Would it be safe to go to school if I ran away?
    Community Answer
    When (not if) the school found out you were not living at home, then they would send you back, or make a call to social services.
  • Question
    Is it smarter to travel by bike if I don't have a license?
    Community Answer
    Yes. It gets you around quickly without any illegal activity.
  • Question
    Would it be wise to scream at people if they look at me?
    Community Answer
    Not really, because someone could take this the wrong way and physically attack you.
  • Question
    What should I do if I am caught?
    Community Answer
    If a police officer approaches you and wakes you up, cooperate fully and be very respectful. It's for your own safety.
  • Question
    What do I need to pack when running away?
    Community Answer
    Pack simple things you'll need to survive, like money, water, non-perishable foods, and warm clothes. Think it through carefully, though. You should only run away if you're in a dangerous/life-threatening situation.
  • Question
    What kind of bag should I carry to hold as much clothing as possible?
    Community Answer
    Carry a gym bag or duffel bag. Roll every item up instead of folding, and place the rolls in the bag vertically. This creates SO much room. Backpacks with two straps hurt your back less while traveling, but don't hold as much.
  • Question
    What can I do if I can't find a place with a shower?
    Community Answer
    Fill a cup of water in the restroom. Without making it suspicious, get a little soap, take a towel and wash yourself bit by bit in a toilet stall, using the cup of water.
  • Question
    What can I use to find out where to go?
    Community Answer
    Go to the nearest public library to use a computer, or go to the nearest Government or municipal building to find information and resources.
  • Question
    My group used to not steal, but then left me to do it. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    You should find yourself a new group or go it alone. Don't compromise your integrity just to be a part of a group. It's not worth it.
  • Question
    Can I stay on the beach?
    Community Answer
    It's better to only try the beach during the day, as most are scouted by choppers and trucks at night. People can get run over by beach patrol at night. There may be a few beaches out there that are good for sleeping at night, but then there are issues of weirdos, or a possible fine from the city.
  • Question
    Would it be smart for me to carry a laptop, and then use it at local cafes or a McDonald's in the area?
    Community Answer
    You could do that, but there's a very good chance it would be stolen from you at some point.
  • Question
    How do I find a safe place to sleep?
    Community Answer
    Try to find where you'll sleep during the day so you don't have to scramble. Shelters and churches are your best bet, but in a pinch you should look for a place on the ground or on a flat rooftop so that you don't roll in your sleep and hurt yourself. If you're worried about other people you should try to find somewhere to sleep where no one will come across you.
  • Question
    What is it like, day to day, on the street?
    Community Answer
    Cold, don't underestimate how cold you will get at night. It's not as dangerous as some make out, although I am basing this on my experience of being homeless in London, a densely populated, well-patrolled area. As long as you sleep somewhere sensible, and not where you are in peoples' way or in front of someone's property, people tend to leave you alone. Food and warmth will be your biggest issue. Hygiene only becomes a problem when applying for jobs.
  • Question
    How and where do I wash my clothes?
    Community Answer
    Do it by hand in a restroom and wring it out as much as possible. Go to a park or somewhere you can air dry them on benches or a tree. Some day shelters have laundry days. As a last resort, some Salvation Army stores give clothes to the homeless.
  • Question
    Should I have a group of friends who are also homeless? If so, what kinds of people should I be friends with?
    Community Answer
    Typically the best people to associate with when living on the streets are dogs. They love you unconditionally and provide an ally in defense and awareness. Additionally, on cold nights your four-legged companion will provide warmth. Pro tip: Be sure to keep your companion well fed, bathed, and groomed as he is a good boy and deserves nothing less.
  • Question
    Is it fun being homeless?
    Community Answer
    No. For most people, being homeless is not fun at all.
  • Question
    What kind of jobs can I do as a young teen if I want to live on the street?
    Community Answer
    The best jobs to get as a teenager are fast food restaurants, grocery stores, gas stations, etc. You won't get much money, but it'll be enough to sustain your needs.
  • Question
    What can I do for entertainment if I get bored?
    Community Answer
    Go to the library and play on a computer (if you have a library card).
  • Question
    How do I figure out a safe place to park and sleep if I am living in my car?
    Community Answer
    Most Walmarts allow overnight stays for RVs, so they are a good place to park your car and spend the night in relative safety.
  • Question
    How do I do laundry?
    Community Answer
    Do small loads (3-4 items) in public bathroom sinks. Bring the clean, wet clothes to a park and lay them on a bench or hang them from a tree until dry.
  • Question
    How can I go to school without being caught?
    Community Answer
    There is a law saying that the homeless can go to school. It is not suggested you go to your old school if you are a runaway, however.
  • Question
    Is it illegal to sleep in single stall bathrooms that lock?
    Community Answer
    I don't think so, but even if its not, it's really gross. I would encourage you to find a better alternative.
  • Question
    Can I use public transport when homeless?
    Brad Ny
    Community Answer
    In cases of medical emergency, yes. Otherwise, you can use it, but you have to pay for it like everyone else. If you're willing to share some personal information, you may qualify for a reduced fare 30 day bus pass.
  • Question
    I'm 12 and can't find anywhere to get food without paying. I ran out of money. I'm afraid of stealing, but the group I'm with thinks we should steal. What should I do?
    Golden Owen
    Community Answer
    If possible, move on to a new group. Stealing makes you a criminal and then police will 100% become a threat, rather than a safeguard. Find a group that also disagrees with stealing, or (if possible) alert police of your stealing group's activity and get them out of your way (arrested). Chances are if you're with a group like that, they’ll use you rather than care for you. If there aren’t any groups in your area and you have to go along with the stealing act, just be very wary. One mistake could be the difference from eating food on the streets to being locked into a cell.
  • Question
    What should I do if I see someone I know (like my parents) in a store or on the street?
    Brad Ny
    Community Answer
    It's not as common as you would think, but, should it happen, just go with it. Their reactions may surprise you.
  • Question
    Could I live in an abandoned building?
    Community Answer
    Yes, but be very cautious, as there might be other homeless people living inside who might be dangerous. Scout the area during the daytime to make sure it's safe.
  • Question
    I'm still young, is there a way to keep people from asking questions about my parents, or a good lie?
    Community Answer
    Just say that you're an orphan. It might make people question you more, so you need to know your story well. It has to be the same to everyone you talk to.
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