Q&A for How to Make a Wind Vane

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    What does a wind vane measure?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Wind vanes measure the direction that the wind comes from (e.g., if the wind is blowing from the north, the pointer will point north, into the wind). You need a different kind of tool, called an anemometer, to measure wind speed.
  • Question
    What kind of materials do you need to make a wind vane?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
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    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Traditionally, wind vanes are made of metal. However, you can make a simple wind vane with materials such as a pencil or stick, drinking straw, and cardboard.
  • Question
    How does a wind vane work?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    Wind vanes work by catching the wind and spinning around, so that the arrow points to the direction that the wind is blowing. The wider end of the arrow acts a bit like a sail, since the wind pushes it and forces the vane to rotate.
  • Question
    How could I improve the wind vane and make it turn better?
    Community Answer
    Make the the top lighter and the bottom heavier. This will allow it to move more easily.
  • Question
    The wind vane is awful and rigid. Why is that?
    Community Answer
    Most weather-vanes are made out of stamped sheet metal -- not something easily done by people without expensive machinery. Make the arrow lighter, and give it more surface area for the wind to grab onto. Add bearings to help it turn more easily.
  • Question
    What does the wind vane do?
    Community Answer
    The wind vane will show you the direction of the wind. It will show north, east, south, west, and the directions in between.
  • Question
    Can I make a tornado?
    Community Answer
    Yes, using a water bottle with water of course, glitters and joy, and if you shake it in a rotating way a tornado happens in the bottle.
  • Question
    How do I make a hole in the center of a wind vain for a dowel?
    Community Answer
    Follow the instructions listed in the article above.
  • Question
    Can I decorate a wind vane? How do I do it?
    Community Answer
    Use markers or glitter glue.
  • Question
    How do I make a wind vane without a pencil?
    Community Answer
    You could use a piece a wood instead.
  • Question
    Can I replace the straw with a chopstick?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can. The vane will work as long as the chopstick is lighter than the pencil or rod you use, as well as whatever base you have.
  • Question
    What can I use instead of chart paper for a wind vane?
    Community Answer
    It says in the article to use a cardboard box.or anything else that's a little sturdy. Wood could be another option.
  • Question
    Can I use barbecue skewer instead of a straw?
    Community Answer
    Yes. It is just much harder to push the pin through the skewer than it would be a straw.
  • Question
    Is there an alternative to a straw?
    ths 130028
    Community Answer
    You could use a rod you can poke a pin through. It doesn't really matter if you use a straw or not. You could even take a cardboard cutout of an arrow.
  • Question
    Instead of the pin, what else can l use?
    ths 130028
    Community Answer
    You can use whatever adhesive you have. Here, the pin is used to hold the straw to the stand. You could also use tape or glue.
  • Question
    How will it move since the pencil is stuck in the clay?
    Ishan Dwivedi
    Community Answer
    Since the pencil is tightly fitted with the rubber and straw, it can move freely. It will move with ease.
  • Question
    I only have a tiny straw. Can that work or what else can I use?
    ths 130028
    Community Answer
    Yes, it will work. In this case, the size of the straw doesn't matter, unless it is really small or too small to experience the wind.
  • Question
    Will Styrofoam work?
    Community Answer
    For the arrow and the compass. Is that what you were going to use it for? If you are worried about your cardboard getting wet, then this would be water resistant.
  • Question
    Can I use cardboard instead of a paper plate?
    Community Answer
    Yes. It doesn't really matter for that, as long it is strong. You could also use foam.
  • Question
    How do I estimate outdoor temperature?
    Community Answer
    Air temperature is measured with thermometers. If the sun shines on the thermometer, it heats the liquid. Then the reading is higher than the true air temperature. Also, when you take the thermometer outside, give it enough time to adjust to the outdoor air temperature.
  • Question
    What can I use besides a styrofoam cup?
    Community Answer
    A paper cup can also be used, or any other light object that would trap the wind passing.
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