Q&A for How to Open a Locked Door with a Bobby Pin

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    How do you pick a deadbolt with a bobby pin?
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    This answer was written by one of our trained team of researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.
    wikiHow Staff Editor
    Staff Answer
    A deadbolt lock has pins and tumblers, so you’d use the same method covered in this article. You will need 2 pins, or a second thin, narrow tool that can act as a tension lever.
  • Question
    Does it work on window locks?
    Community Answer
    If the window lock has a keyhole, then yes, it does work. It only works if there is a keyhole.
  • Question
    The bobby pin is stuck in the car lock. How do I get it out?
    Community Answer
    Try a jigsaw blade or a small hacksaw blade to pry it out. The small, sharp teeth should grab it.
  • Question
    Do you take the pick out of the door after you are done lifting up all the knobs inside the lock (once your door is unlocked)?
    Community Answer
    It doesn't really matter. It will work either way. Remember: do not do this without permission of the owner. Otherwise, it's a felony.
  • Question
    Is this legal?
    Aubrey Gee
    Community Answer
    Only if it's on your own property. Don't go around picking other people's locks. That's illegal.
  • Question
    Why can't I get my tension lever to fit into the bottom of the keyhole?
    Anna B
    Community Answer
    If your tension lever isn't fitting into the bottom of the keyhole, it could be due to a few reasons. It may be too large for the specific lock you're trying to pick, or it could be oriented in the wrong way. Locks can have varying sizes and designs, so not all tools will fit all locks. Remember, tampering with locks without proper authorization is illegal and unethical. It's best to consult a professional locksmith for assistance.
  • Question
    After bumping a lock, would you still be able to use a key in it?
    Anna B
    Community Answer
    In general, lock bumping should not damage a lock or prevent a key from working afterwards, as long as it's done correctly. However, repeated bumping or incorrect techniques could possibly harm a lock's internal components over time. Lock bumping is considered a lock-picking method and should be used ethically and legally. If you're having issues with your lock, consult a professional locksmith.
  • Question
    I tried doing this to my bathroom door and the pin broke! Do you know why?
    Community Answer
    There could be a number of reasons, such as being too hard with it. Make sure that it's the right pin to use. Look for a different set of pins. some with better durability.
  • Question
    Do you need an extra-large bobby pin in order to unlock a door?
    Community Answer
    No. A regular-size bobby pin will work. An extra-large pin might not even fit into the lock.
  • Question
    How do you unlock your bathroom door with a hairpin?
    Community Answer
    It really depends on what type of lock your bathroom has. If it has the kind where it is just a hole that you have to push a nail into, you might be able to unbend the bobby pin and use the flat side and push that in.
  • Question
    Can you relock a deadbolt once you have picked it open?
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    Usually a deadbolt has a "thumb-knob" or "lever" on the inside of the door and you could use that to relock the deadbolt. Otherwise, such as where there is another key cylinder on the inside of the door, you may need to pick the lock closed in much the same you as you picked it open.
  • Question
    Are the any other ways to pick a lock?
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    Yes, there are hundreds of types of locks and keys and many require different ways to unlock without a key. Some require specialized tools, techniques, knowledge and practice.
  • Question
    Has anybody else tried this on their bathroom door? Because I tried this by myself with just a bobby pin only one and kept it the same shape.
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    Bathroom privacy locks don't usually need a key -- just a sharp thin object like a skewer or ice pick that you insert into the hole and press the internal release spring to unlock the knob.
  • Question
    What if the knob is sideways?
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    This makes no difference. The same technique applies for picking the keyway to release the lock.
  • Question
    What if I do it with a door handle that has a little hole for the key like a bedroom door handle?
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    A privacy lock that you describe is typically opened with a sharp tool inserted into the hole, finding the release button, and pressing it to release the spring that unlocks the handle. Such releases may be required on bathroom doors for safety/rescue purposes.
  • Question
    Does this work with different locks or just the one shown in the picture?
    Community Answer
    This will work with most types of locks, so basically most locks with pins and tumblers.
  • Question
    If i pick a lock will it malfunction the locking mechanism in the future?
    Community Answer
    No, your lock will still function with the original key after being picked.
  • Question
    Can you do this with a car door?
    Community Answer
    No. Car door locks usually have completely different mechanisms. And even if you could, it would most likely be challenging AND you would have to continuously do it to be able to start the car.
  • Question
    If I pick the lock exactly like in the pictures, will the lock break?
    Upnorth Here
    Top Answerer
    Probably not, but your picking may leave microscopic evidence inside the lock.
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