Q&A for How to Overcome Your Fear of Public Speaking

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    How can I stop shaking of nervousness when I'm in front of people?
    Community Answer
    Take deep breaths and remember that you are going to be fine. Think of how relieved you will be when it is over. Think about how quickly that 5 minutes will go by.
  • Question
    I'm scared that I'll fumble over the words and people will laugh at me! What do I do?
    Community Answer
    If you fumble over a word, make sure you keep on going as if there was no mistake. If people laugh at you, laugh with them, that way they know they are not causing harm to you.
  • Question
    When I talk to someone or explain anything which is connected with me, I get very tense. My heartbeat raises and I find it hard to find the right words. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    It's possible that you're frightened of them judging you and finding you wanting. Think for a moment: Are they really going to judge you? Is this going to last forever? Take a few deep breaths and talk in the same way that you'd talk to your friend. If it continues to be a problem, consider seeing a therapist as you may need help to let go of unresolved issues and learn to better articulate your needs by building up your self worth.
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    What are some strategies to help in keeping me from stuttering?
    Community Answer
    Stuttering is a common result of stage anxiety. The best way to prevent it is to take some steps to calm yourself down before and during the presentation. Some light meditation or breathing exercises in the minutes before you go onstage can help to keep your nerves in check. If you feel a stutter coming on while presenting, stop for a second and take a deep breath. If you have a water bottle with you, take a sip of water to wet your throat and give yourself a second to calm down.
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    What if the audience is bored?
    Community Answer
    If the speech is too long, wrap it up with essential details and fun facts. If it's just not interesting for them, maybe make an on-topic joke.
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    Where should I be looking when doing my public presentation? Should I try looking at the people in the audience or not?
    Community Answer
    Look at various people in the audience right above their eyebrows so you won't be distracted by meeting their gazes directly.
  • Question
    When I am public speaking, I find myself starting to heat up, mainly in the face, then my face turns as red as a tomato. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Take a few deep breaths and pretend you are alone in your room or somewhere where you feel relaxed, and continue the speech.
  • Question
    How can I stop feeling uncomfortable when I talk to my friends?
    Community Answer
    Talk to them about something you feel confident about. The more you talk with them, the more comfortable it will become.
  • Question
    I have recently been feeling like I have depression, and I suddenly have a problem with public speaking. I used to be outgoing, but it's changed. Is this caused by depression? What do I do?
    Danielle Husband
    Community Answer
    It's best to talk to a therapist. They can help you figure out what's happening and how you can fix it. Try not to worry because you can overcome this issue, but it may take some time.
  • Question
    How can I write a good speech?
    Community Answer
    Find good information on your material and make sure you have details to go with it. Inject some emotion and pride to your speech.
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    I am not able to remember the material I prepare. Is there any way I can remember it better?
    Community Answer
    You can try using some sort of mnemonic device to remember your key points. A song or a poem that reminds you of your material as you mentally recite it can be very helpful. If you have a PowerPoint presentation, you can include basic bullet points or pictures that help to keep you on track. If allowed for the presentation, you can also bring note cards or a clipboard with some basic notes. Just make sure you're not reading directly from any materials you bring with you.
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    What if I don't like the way my voice sounds through a microphone?
    Community Answer
    Try to focus your brain on what you're saying instead of how you sound. A microphone is usually necessary for public speaking, so the best thing to do is adjust to hearing your voice over the speakers without letting it distract you from your speech.
  • Question
    If I have a lisp. How can I talk effectively to a crowd without being judged?
    Community Answer
    You can share about the problem up front with audiences before you go on to the main speech. Explains this is something you're working to overcome, and that you appreciate in advance their patience and understanding.
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    How do I get over the fear of people laughing at me while public speaking?
    Community Answer
    First of all, it takes practice to build confidence. Also, a mature audience does not laugh unless the speaker has deliberately made a joke.
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    How can I keep my audience focused without me fumbling with words?
    Community Answer
    The audience are just a room full of people, so speak with passion and it doesn't hurt to get loud. The crowd are people too so just think of how you would want someone to speak to you and do it.
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    What if I pause for a while while public speaking?
    Community Answer
    Even if you get paused for some time, don't panic! Don't show your audience ever that you've stopped because of some sort of nervousness. Just pick up where you left off.
  • Question
    I usually forget my lines and mispronounce words while speaking in public. How can I overcome this?
    Danielle Husband
    Community Answer
    Practice giving your speech beforehand. You can even film yourself to help you check your performance.
  • Question
    How do I stop being shy with public speaking?
    Community Answer
    Just take a deep breath and focus on your topic. Practice your speech ahead of time.
  • Question
    I have to present to the CEO of my company next week. They expect me to talk for an hour. I am terrified I will not sound professional. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    The only way you won't sound professional is if you stand up there looking terrified. Just look at a clock or something in the room and say your speech confidently. Make sure you have prepared accordingly.
  • Question
    How do I overcome stage fright?
    Community Answer
    It's hard to overcome, but there are many strategies people use. The first is practice. Practice all the time. Knowing that you know your stuff will make you more relaxed when the big day comes. The second is relieving stress. Try not to think too much about it if it just makes you nervous. Instead, let your friends take you out for a night. Have some fun, and make sure you are relaxed. Third, breathe deeply and make yourself feel calm. Leave no opportunity for self-doubt or fear. Finally, find someone in the audience to focus on. Talk right to them. Pretend that they are the only one in the room with you.
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    I do great, but when I go up I can't speak loud, and I stutter a lot. What can I do to stop this?
    Selfie City
    Community Answer
    Try How to Stop Stuttering . That article may help you with the stuttering problem. Speak Loudly and Confidently when You Always Hesitate While Speaking might help as well.
  • Question
    What if people make fun of me?
    Sillystringyspaghetti S
    Community Answer
    No one will make fun of you. Think about it. What reason do people have to judge you? Imagine you are the audience for your speech. Would you make fun of yourself? Practice your speech as much as you can and you'll feel more confident.
  • Question
    I have a presentation today and I had a dream that I went first and made a fool of myself. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    While very rarely some people may have prophetic dreams, there is a 99.99% chance that this dream is nothing but your fears manifesting themselves into a nightmare. Just relax, I’m sure you’ll do fine.
  • Question
    I'm confident in my presentation and my speech, but I get anxious when I know VIP people will be attending, like the regional CEO, the president, etc. What do I do?
    Alexandra Summers
    Community Answer
    Honestly, unless you have to address them and make their presence known, it's better to just pretend they're not there. It's easier said than done, but if you focus on being confident and telling yourself that you know what you're doing instead of stressing about VIPs, you will be a lot less nervous.
  • Question
    How can I overcome shyness so I can talk to girls and succeed in job interviews?
    Community Answer
    Check out wikiHow articles Overcome Shyness , Overcome Shyness with Girls , and Not Be Shy for some advice more tailored to your situation.
  • Question
    How do I avoid shivering in front of people when I am afraid to speak?
    Snowflake Berry Squad
    Community Answer
    Don't worry. Almost everyone experiences this. You can take deep breaths and relax. Pretend you're the only one in the room.
  • Question
    How do I overcome my fear and tendency to want to cry at the thought of public speaking?
    Community Answer
    If you feel like you're going to cry, take deep breaths and close your eyes for a little bit in order to lower your stress levels. Don't think about anything negative, and picture happy thoughts. Imagine the audience applauding when you're done speaking.
  • Question
    I mispronounce words when speaking in public, how do I overcome it?
    Ally Wieck
    Community Answer
    Practice, practice, practice. And remember that it's okay to mess up a little, no one is perfect. Speak slowly and don't rush.
  • Question
    How can I do this if I am really terrified of public speaking, not just nervous?
    Ally Wieck
    Community Answer
    Practice on your friends and parents first. Then remember when you give the presentation that it will be over soon and you will be very proud of yourself. Take deep breaths. When I present at school, I watch one of my friends in the audience and pretend I am only presenting to them. Public speaking is really scary, so don't force yourself to do something that makes you feel awful. Just remember that with practice you will feel better, and the better you've memorized your speech, the less nervous you will feel.
  • Question
    What can I do to stop my voice from shaking during a presentation?
    Community Answer
    Try the methods in Stop Your Voice from Shaking .
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