Q&A for How to Start a Love Story

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    How can I give the characters of my love story depth?
    Grant Faulkner, MA
    Professional Writer
    Grant Faulkner is the Executive Director of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo) and the co-founder of 100 Word Story, a literary magazine. Grant has published two books on writing and has been published in The New York Times and Writer’s Digest. He co-hosts Write-minded, a weekly podcast on writing and publishing, and has a M.A. in Creative Writing from San Francisco State University. 
    Professional Writer
    Expert Answer
    I think it's important that an author know what is driving each character. Understand what motivates them, what they desire, and what is standing in the way of their ability to achieve their desires.
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    I want to write a sad epic story which will make the reader cry. What can I do?
    Community Answer
    Start by reading other stories of the same genre. For example, read Letters to Peyton by 11tay99 on Wattpad. This will give you ideas about how other writers approach love stories that are sad and include elements to cause a reader to cry. Also draw on the things that make you feel like crying when you think about them.
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    What should I write on the first page?
    Community Answer
    Start with something like introducing the characters, setting a scene to begin the story, or something small and cute, like a crush.
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    I don't know how to start my story and how to make the story interesting. My idea is about a boy who is cold to everyone and a joyful girl with the opposite attitude. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Obviously your goal is to get these two together, but you're not going to do that right away. Maybe you could start with the two of them having a negative interaction, like the first time they meet, it doesn't go well. Then you can move on to filling in their backstories (why is he so cold?) and working on how they will ultimately become drawn to each other despite their opposite attitudes.
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    The problem of the two lovers in my story is that the guy acts like he hates her but he actually loves her. The girl receives mysterious love letters in her locker who are secretly from the guy. Is this a good conflict?
    Community Answer
    Sure! Think about how to portray his inner turmoil, and even consider mirroring this inner turmoil with an external, more tangible conflict. For instance, the girl could become convinced the letters are from someone else, and the guy has to decide whether he's going to admit his affection.
  • Question
    Should I introduce the love interest of my main character at the beginning or later on in the story?
    Serenity Pickard
    Community Answer
    Most people usually introduce the love interest in the beginning, but if you bring the love interest later on, you can hook the reader with a new character and build up suspense in the meantime.
  • Question
    How do I get my readers to fall in love with the guy/girl in my story?
    Community Answer
    Make them relatable, yet different. Give them flaws and advantages. If that doesn't work, try to base your character off someone you know, like your best friend, or your crush perhaps.
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    How do I deal with an angry or jealous lover?
    Community Answer
    There are many ways to do this.The best thing, is to imagine your character's personality including how they'll react in anger or jealousy.
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    I am stuck in a situation in my story. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Think about how you can approach the situation from a different character's perspective. Alternatively, jump back or forward in time and start working from a different section of the story's narrative.
  • Question
    Is this a good start for a love story? "The wind was blowing gently though the soft beautiful blonde hair of a young teenager."
    Community Answer
    That's a lovely story starter! It makes me desperate to know what's coming next.
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    Can messages be secretly described in the story?
    Community Answer
    It depends on what you have in mind. For instance, let's say you want to put the message across in your story that love is an amazing force. To do that, add situations your character(s) are in, make them make tough choices, and more, to gradually bring the point across.
  • Question
    How should I approach starting a young school romance? Do I introduce the love interest first?
    Community Answer
    Have the main character sitting in a boring lesson and looking out the window, when suddenly the love interest catches their eye.
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    How can a male overcome the loss of his only male friend?
    Community Answer
    Slowly build it up over time. Don't make him devastated the first day and happy the next. He'll obviously be in grief, but slowly, over time, he'll begin to accept it.
  • Question
    Can I write a love story between a hero and an anti-villain?
    Tilly Wolff
    Community Answer
    Yes, this is one of the classic love story plots in a superhero type world. It is done a lot so try to vary some things or make it modern with things like lgbtq or family conflict and such.
  • Question
    One of my my lovers is a girl who likes to do things on her on term. She is wild and unpredictable and the guy she falls for is egotistical, sly and a charmer guy. Does that work?
    Navya Pandey
    Community Answer
    Of course! You know, opposites attract! Maybe you could also adjust their personalities. For example, when the guy sees the girl, he becomes nicer towards her.
  • Question
    My story isn't a romance novel, and the two characters have known each other and have been friends for years. How could I best bring their relationship to the next level?
    Navya Pandey
    Community Answer
    Start off with a simple crush. Then, try to make them interact alone, maybe even admit their feelings fro each other.
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