Q&A for How to Thicken Sauce with Flour

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    What can I use to thicken sauce?
    Drew Hawkins1
    Community Answer
    You can use flour as a quick and easy way to thicken up a sauce. Make a simple flour slurry by combining 2 tablespoons (about 16-18 grams) of flour and .25 cups (59 mL) of water for every 1 cup (240 mL) of sauce. Stir the flour slurry to combine it well and then stir it gently into your sauce. Cook the sauce on medium heat until it reaches your desired thickness.
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    Does simmering thicken sauce?
    Drew Hawkins1
    Community Answer
    Yes, simmering does work to thicken a sauce. As the liquid cooks and simmers, the water is cooked and evaporated away. That makes caused the sauce left behind to get thicker and thicker as the amount of water gets lower and lower. Keep the heat low so the sauce doesn't burn and let it simmer until it's as thick as you want it to be.
  • Question
    Is it better to thicken with flour or cornstarch?
    Drew Hawkins1
    Community Answer
    Actually, both flour and cornstarch are great thickening agents. But, because cornstarch is a pure starch, it has about twice the thickening power of flour. If you need to really thicken up a sauce or soup, reach for the cornstarch. If you need just a bit of thickening, using flour may be your best option. It all depends on your needs and what you happen to have in your kitchen.
  • Question
    What can I use to thicken sauce?
    Drew Hawkins1
    Community Answer
    There are a few thickening agents you can find in the kitchen to thicken up a sauce. Cornstarch is a pure starch that works as a great thickening agent, but you can also use all-purpose flour as well. Mix together a quick slurry of about 2 tablespoons (about 16-18 grams) of flour and .25 cups (59 mL) of water for every 1 cup (240 mL) of sauce. Then, slowly stir it into your sauce and let it simmer until it reaches your desired thickness.
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