Q&A for How to Use a Sewing Machine

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    The pressure foot has dropped. How do I reattach the foot?
    Community Answer
    Some feet are attached by simply hooking it back onto the arm. Others have small levers behind the spot where the foot attaches. Those will allow you to hook the foot back on. It really depends on the machine, but those will be the two most common methods.
  • Question
    How do you know if you're an expert on sewing?
    Community Answer
    You'll know when your finish product(s) comes out nice and neat (thread is in a straight line, corners are nice and neat etc.).
  • Question
    Should I learn how to sew before I get a sewing machine?
    Community Answer
    No, you can also learn how to use a sewing machine through online videos after you buy the machine. Most machines come with an instruction manual on how to use them or even an instruction DVD for the specific model.
  • Question
    The needle does not move up or down, what can I do?
    Community Answer
    If it is threaded, and has gone down to the bobbin thread, try cutting the thread. This will release the needle.
  • Question
    If I don't have a bobbin cover, will that affect the sewing?
    Community Answer
    Yes it does. I recommend that you find one before you start sewing.
  • Question
    Even after all the procedures have been done, the cloth is not moving. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    If the cloth is not moving, you are either not pressing on the pedal properly, your needle is broken, or your sewing machine is broken.
  • Question
    What do I do if the needle does not move up or down?
    Linda Robidoux Edmonds
    Community Answer
    If it is threaded and has gone down to where the bobbin thread is, you may need to cut the threads to release the needle!
  • Question
    Shouldn't there be a stand for the bobbin and the thread?
    Community Answer
    If you mean the bobbins come undone when you put them in a box, some people use toe separating pads to stop this from happening. They are cheap, but they work.
  • Question
    My thread always cuts when I start sewing. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Re-thread the machine and check the bobbin to make sure you have it wound right and going the correct way.
  • Question
    How can I lower the feed dog?
    Community Answer
    On some machines, the feed dog lever is placed near the bobbin and just underneath the feed plate. Use the lever there to lower the feed dog.
  • Question
    How do I sew if I don't have a sewing machine?
    Community Answer
    Use a plain needle and thread.
  • Question
    What do I do if the needle will not move up and down on my machine?
    Community Answer
    You may still have the machine set for winding thread onto a bobbin.
  • Question
    What should I do if my bobbin winder isn't working?
    Community Answer
    Place it in the bobbin cage below the needle, on the lower half of the sewing machine.
  • Question
    I have mild to moderate cerebral palsy that effects my right side. Could I still use a sewing machine if my hand isn't that steady?
    Community Answer
    Yes you could, but you may have to go slowly to make sure your stitches are straight.
  • Question
    How do I add thread to my bobbin?
    Community Answer
    Check the instructions that came with your machine.
  • Question
    My sewing machine is manual. It moves, but the thread doesn't stick to the dress. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Do you have a threaded bobbin under the needle plate?Thread doesn't "stick", it locks itself in place by looping the thread from the needle around the tread from the bobbin under the machine. The fabric then becomes sandwiched between top and bottom threads.
  • Question
    What do I do when a bottom thread keeps tangling and eventually stops the sewing on a sewing machine?
    Community Answer
    Adjust the tension. Check your manual if you have one; some machines differ on the location of tension adjustment nobs.
  • Question
    How do I do a straight stitch?
    Community Answer
    Most sewing machines have a selection of stitches, with a knob to select one. If you're not sure how to do this, or your machine is different, check the manual.
  • Question
    What do I do if the thread keeps cutting from the stitch while sewing?
    Community Answer
    Either your sewing machine isn’t threaded correctly or your thread is too thin
  • Question
    Do I need to tie the thread after sewing?
    Community Answer
    If you press the reversing button, it does that for you. Do this at the beginning and end of the run.
  • Question
    What do I do if the sew isn't being completed when using a sewing machine?
    Community Answer
    Do you mean it doesn't sew, or do you mean it has a top run, but not a bottom run to the stitch. At a guess, I would say the the bobbin isn't hooking the thread offered by the needle. If it is too loose, then you need to adjust the tension if the seam falls apart along with the stitching.
  • Question
    Why is the thread gathering at the back?
    Community Answer
    This means you need to reset the tension. Tightening the tension will stop the bunching.
  • Question
    What is the size of needle to be used in sewing jeans?
    Community Answer
    Be sure to get a rather thick needle. Jeans are tough on needles and will resist their penetration to the point that jeans will break a thin, delicate needle. Be sure that the jeans may move easily under the presser foot, as if the feed stalls, you may be tempted to help it along, bend the needle and it will break on the next stroke. Do try a test piece if possible, and don't be surprised if you end up hand stitching to finish the job.
  • Question
    How do I start sewing ?
    Community Answer
    When the machine is threaded. Either press the foot pedal or turn the hand wheel.
  • Question
    What kind of sewing machine should I buy if I want to learn how to sew?
    Community Answer
    It depends on the type of work you're sewing once you've learned to sew. A basic sewing machine will work for almost everything. I have moved abroad a few times during the last two decades, and every time I sold my almost-basic Brother sewing machine, I've bought the same model once again. For me, it's important to have the option of automatic button-holes, not necessarily different models of button-holes. I love the auto-threader option, so I don't spend any time threading. If you want to sew children's clothing, for instance, then the more stitches the better, because of the decorative possibilities. If not, you'll end up using basically the straight stitch.
  • Question
    How do I finish off my sewing?
    Community Answer
    Press the reversing button to seal the machine run. I do this at both ends. If you are dealing with a high stress area on the garment (e.g. a crotch in a pair of slacks or trousers), you may need to bar stitch to prevent the seam being torn apart. The beginning and the end of a seam run are the most vulnerable spots where your work will be tested to the full. To make really sure that nothing will shift, you should operate the swing needle and reduce the stitch size so that swing is greater than feed. This will produce a reinforced ending to the seam. This is not always possible, however, as it may spoil the look of the garment ... be careful.
  • Question
    What do I do if my sewing machine isn't working?
    Community Answer
    1. Check it's correctly plugged. 2. Check the cord is not damaged. 3. Check the power source is working. 4. Check the main power switch is on. 5. Make sure the bobbin-winder shaft is in sewing position, not winding position. 6. Use the foot pedal properly. 7. If nothing works, take it to service.
  • Question
    Thread bunches up on one side of the fabric that I sew - why?
    Community Answer
    Your machine isn't threaded properly. Check out some videos on how to thread your machine.
  • Question
    When I start the sewing machine, the thread normally clumps. What do l do?
    Community Answer
    Turn up the tension on the needle thread if it's "clumping" at the bottom of the fabric.
  • Question
    What is a function of machine pressure?
    Community Answer
    It is for making sure the fabric feeds through the machine properly. Different pressures are used on different types of material; for example, a different pressure is used for sewing silk compared to sewing denim. There should be some mention of it in your machines instruction manual and your sewing machine manufacturer's website.
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