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Many recipes call for skinless almonds. Whether you’re baking up your favorite cookies or making a batch of almond butter, skinless almonds have a pleasing texture. By blanching the almonds or toasting the almonds, you can remove almond skins easily for your favorite recipes.

Method 1
Method 1 of 2:

Blanching the Almonds

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  1. Fill a medium-sized pot with cold tap water. There is no specific quantity of water needed to blanch almonds, but there should be enough water so that when you add your almonds, they are fully submerged. Use a larger or smaller pot as needed. [1]
    • Never use hot tap water to prepare food. The heat can leach contaminants from your pipes, adding dangerous metals to your food. [2]
  2. Turn your stove on high, and bring your pot of water to a boil. This may take a few minutes. [3] Wait for your water to reach a rolling boil, when many large bubbles are reaching the surface.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Remove the Skin from Almonds
    Pour your almonds into the boiling water gently, so you don’t splash yourself with hot water. Set a timer for 10 minutes. While you wait, set a colander up in the sink. [4]
  4. Watermark wikiHow to Remove the Skin from Almonds
    Using a potholder to protect your hand, remove the pot of almonds and hot water from the stove. Pour the pot into the waiting colander to drain the hot water. [5]
  5. Rinse the almonds with cold water until they are cool to the touch. It should take only a minute or two. [6]
  6. Pour the cooled almonds onto a paper towel on the counter. Gently blot them dry to remove any excess water. You may notice that the almond skins look a bit shriveled. That’s okay! [7]
  7. Watermark wikiHow to Remove the Skin from Almonds
    Gently squeeze each almond between your thumb and forefinger to pop the almond out of its skin. The almonds can shoot out of the skins away from you, so if you like, you can pinch them into your cupped other hand. [8]
  8. Use the blanched almonds immediately in your favorite recipe. If you’d like to store them, place them in a zip-top plastic bag in your refrigerator. The almonds will keep for up to two weeks. [9]
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Method 2
Method 2 of 2:

Toasting the Almonds

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  1. Preheat your oven to 400 degrees F (204 degrees C), so it will be the correct temperature when you put the nuts in. While the oven heats up, you can lay your almonds and sheet pan out. [10]
  2. Watermark wikiHow to Remove the Skin from Almonds
    Pour your almonds on a baking sheet, running your hand over them until they’re in a flat, even layer. If you can’t put the nuts on the pan in a single layer because there are too many, use two sheet pans or do the nuts in batches. [11]
    • Overlapping your almonds will cause them to heat unevenly and may make removing the skins more difficult.
  3. Watermark wikiHow to Remove the Skin from Almonds
    Place the nuts in the oven and toast them for up to 15 minutes. Look through the oven glass for any areas that become overly dark, as this can make your nuts bitter. If you notice overbrowning, remove your almonds. It can help to shake the pan every five minutes while toasting to keep the nuts from burning. [12]
    • The nuts are ready when the exteriors turn golden brown.
  4. Using an oven mitt to protect your hand, remove the sheet pan from the oven. Cool your almonds until they are no longer hot, but still warm to the touch. It’s best to cool the pan on your stove or another heat-safe area away from pets and children. [13]
  5. Watermark wikiHow to Remove the Skin from Almonds
    Pour the almonds into a tea towel on the counter. Using another tea towel, rub the almonds vigorously from the top to loosen the skins. The friction created by both towels will cause the now-flaky exteriors of the almonds to come off.
    • If any stubborn bits of exterior cling to your almonds, rub them individually with the towel to remove the skin.
  6. When all the skins have been removed, pick the clean, skinned almonds off the towel and put them in a bowl to use in your favorite recipe. [14] The toasted, skinned almonds will keep for up to two weeks at room temperature and up to 6 months if stored in a zip-top bag in the freezer. [15]
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      Things You'll Need

      • Almonds
      • Colander
      • Pot
      • Paper towels
      • Sheet pan
      • Tea towels
      • Potholder
      • Zip-top bag

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      About This Article

      Article Summary X

      To remove the skin from almonds, start by submerging the almonds in boiling water for 60 seconds. Then, drain the almonds in a colander and rinse with them with cold water. Next, blot them dry with a paper towel, then gently squeeze each almond between your thumb and forefinger to pull back the skin. Use the almonds immediately, or store them in a zip-top plastic bag in your refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. For instructions on how to remove the skin by toasting the almonds, scroll down.

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