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BBCode is generally used on forums, but sadly many people don't understand how to use the coding tags that are provided. This article explains how to upload images directly into a forum post, using BBCode, instead of attaching images.

  1. These directions work with any forum that uses BBCode formatting.
  2. Before you can place your image into your forum post, you need to upload it onto a site like TinyPic or Imgur. Both sites are very simple, and allow for uploading images from a user's computer.
  3. With tinypic and imgur, this link will appear to the right-hand side of the image.
  4. Most forums have a [img] tag button that you can use, if not you can do it manually by typing [IMG]--direct link to your photo here--[/IMG].
  5. For more tips and side notes, refer to the sections below.
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    Can videos be uploaded to a forum?
    The Kingslayer
    Community Answer
    Yes, a video can be uploaded to a forum. Your main issue is whether or not a particular forum gives you permission to do so. From there, they will give you the maximum file size, format, and jpeg DPI resolutions, as well as the dimensions allowed for posting.
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      • For Advanced Users. You can manually resize an image by using the [img={width}x{height}]{url}[/img] tag. (Ie. [img=250x250]foreveralone.jpg[/img]
      • If your forum does not offer a button that automatically inserts coding tags, type [IMG][/IMG] before you get your image link, and then paste the link between the two sets of brackets.
      • If your image is excessively large, you may want to resize it before posting. TinyPic offers a 'resize' option when uploading the picture.
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      • It is not recommended to use PhotoBucket for uploading photos, as the images sometimes do not appear due to over-traffic, and copyright violations.
      • If you are using an image that is directly taken from the internet, you should ensure that the image link ends with a photo format. (.jpg, .png, .gif, etc.)

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