Finding a charge you don't recognize on your bank or credit card statement is always worrying. It's even concerning when the transaction name is something unrecognizable—like "WUVISAAFT!” If you've seen this charge, you may be wondering what it is and whether you initiated it, or if it could be fraudulent. In this article, we explain what WUVISAAFT means, why it appears on your statement, and when to contact your financial institution about it.
Why is there a charge for WUVISAAFT on my statement?
WUVISAAFT is a charge that appears when you or someone else withdraws funds from your Western Union account to send to a VISA card. This can happen when you send money to someone or pay a bill to a company that uses Western Union Visa Direct. If you don't recognize the charge, contact your bank immediately.
What to Do If the WUVISAAFT Transaction Isn't Yours
Call your bank and ask them to shut off your card. The first thing you should do after seeing a WUVISAAFT charge you think is fraudulent is reach out to your bank. Their first step will be to shut your card off to prevent any other unwanted charges from coming through. They may also ask you some questions about your recent spending to make sure you didn't use Visa Direct and forgot.
- Some banks offer a mobile app where you can shut off your card yourself. If your bank offers this feature, log in and shut the card off yourself before calling customer service. That's the quickest way to stop any other fraudulent transactions from coming through.
Call the Western Union Fraud Hotline at 1-800-448-1942. Tell the fraud agent you noticed an unauthorized Western Union charge on your bank statement. They can investigate the matter and let you know your next steps, which could include shutting down your Western Union account (if you have one). Just know that Western Union doesn't guarantee refunds, especially if you sent the money of your own free will (even if you were scammed). [4] X Research source
How to Use Western Union Visa Direct
Register an account with Western Union or log into an existing one. To register a Western Union profile , all you need to do is set up an email address and password. Make sure the password is at least 8 characters long (you can also use a password manager to generate a strong password for you). [5] X Research source
2Start a money transfer and select "Visa Direct" as the receiving method. When you start the transfer, Western Union will ask for your bank account or credit card number so they know where to withdraw the funds. They'll also ask you to enter a destination country for the money and the amount you want to send. [6] X Research source
- Fill out the send amount carefully so you don't send more (or less) than you intended by accident.
3Enter the recipient's name and Visa card details. Ask the recipient ahead of time to send you their full card number. You'll also need them to send you their name as it appears on the card, including any middle initials. It's important to get this information right, or the transaction may not go through. [7] X Research source
4Confirm the payment and track its progress. After you confirm the payment, Western Union will begin transferring the money to the recipient. They'll also give you a 10-digit tracking number called an MTCN, which stands for "Money Transfer Control Number." Enter your MTCN on the Western Union Money Transfer tracker to follow the transfer's progress and make sure it goes through. [8] X Research source
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