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Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) is a hormone naturally produced in the body. It is responsible for the development of certain masculine characteristics including body hair, muscle growth, a deep voice, and the prostate. Typically less than 10 percent of your body's testosterone is converted to DHT, and most people don't need to worry too much about their DHT levels. However, an excessive amount of DHT has been linked to hair loss and prostate cancer. You may be able to control your DHT levels through diet and lifestyle changes. Medications and supplements can also be used to block the production of DHT. [1]

Method 1
Method 1 of 3:

Controlling DHT through Diet

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  1. Tomatoes are high in lycopene, which is a natural DHT blocker. Lycopene is absorbed more efficiently from cooked tomatoes than from raw tomatoes. While a slice of tomato on your sandwich will help, a hearty tomato sauce over pasta is better. [2]
    • Carrots, mangoes, and watermelon are also good sources of lycopene.
  2. Other substances in food that naturally inhibit DHT, including L-lysine and zinc, can be found in almonds, peanuts, pecans, walnuts, and cashews.
    • Including nuts in your diet on a daily basis can help naturally reduce your DHT levels.
    • Zinc is also found in leafy green vegetables, such as kale and spinach.
  3. Green tea is rich in antioxidants, and also helps slow or even stop the conversion of testosterone into DHT. Other hot beverages, including black tea and coffee, have a similar effect. [3]
    • For best results, drink organic, whole leaf teas. Avoid processed green tea "drinks," which may have less than 10 percent tea. You also want to avoid adding sugars or artificial sweeteners to your tea.
  4. Sugar causes inflammation and increases your body's production of DHT. Too much sugar in your diet will cancel out any benefit you get from other foods.
    • Staying away from added sugars and sweets, such as cookies and candy, may seem pretty easy. But watch out for packaged and processed foods, which may contain sugar even though they don't taste particularly sweet.
  5. Your morning cup of coffee can help lower DHT production. However, consuming too much caffeine can have the opposite effect. Too much caffeine may also lead to hormone imbalances and dehydration, which inhibit hair growth.
    • Stay away from caffeinated sodas, which also have sugar and other chemicals that can actually increase DHT production.
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Method 2
Method 2 of 3:

Using Medicines and Supplements

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  1. Saw palmetto naturally blocks DHT production by inhibiting the function of 5-alpha-reductase type II, the enzyme that converts testosterone into DHT. Taking a 320-milligram supplement each day can also improve your hair growth. [4]
    • While saw palmetto won't work as quickly as prescription medication, it costs less and may be more convenient to take.
  2. Pumpkin seed oil is another natural DHT blocker, although it may not be as efficient as saw palmetto. Unlike saw palmetto, the effects of pumpkin seed oil have been studied primarily in rats, rather than in human test subjects. [5]
    • Pumpkin seed oil is licensed as a treatment of prostate disorders in Germany and the United States. [6]
    • You can also eat a handful of pumpkin seeds each day if you want to consume more pumpkin seed oil, although you won't get as much of the oil as you do if you take a supplement in pill form. Roasting pumpkin seeds can reduce some of the beneficial properties.
  3. Finasteride, which is also sold under the brand-name Propecia, is a medication approved by the FDA to treat hair loss, specifically male pattern baldness. You can get injections or take it in pill form. [7]
    • Finasteride acts on enzymes that concentrate in your hair follicles, inhibiting the production of DHT.
    • Finasteride can stop baldness from progressing, and in some cases cause new hair growth.
  4. One potential consequence of high DHT is hair loss on the top of your head. Treatments like minoxidil or Finasteride can help reduce hair loss and even encourage hair growth in some cases. Talk to your doctor in advance of starting a new medication, though, to make sure it won't interact with any drugs you currently take or cause other unwanted side effects. [8]
    • Some potential side effects of these treatments may include a reduction in libido, reduced ability to maintain an erection, and a decrease in ejaculate.
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Method 3
Method 3 of 3:

Making Lifestyle Changes

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  1. Being overweight and living a sedentary lifestyle puts you at an increased risk for prostate cancer. Start a regular exercise program, even if it's just walking for 20 minutes every other day.
    • Add resistance training to strengthen your muscles. Interval training may be a good choice if you don't have a lot of spare time to devote to training and exercise.
  2. Not having a good balance between work and play can increase stress levels, which in turn causes your body to produce more DHT. Set aside 15 or 20 minutes each day to do something that is fun for you.
    • Choose a restful, calming activity, such as reading a book, coloring, or working a jigsaw puzzle.
    • You also want to make sure you're getting enough sleep. Too little sleep can also increase your stress level, leading to increased DHT levels.
  3. Stress may cause your body to convert more testosterone to DHT. A massage not only reduces overall stress, it can also stimulate and improve circulation, which can encourage hair growth.
    • Try a massage every other week for a couple of months and see if you notice any improvement in your overall stress level.
  4. On top of the other health risks of smoking, smokers also have higher DHT levels than non-smokers. If you have elevated DHT levels and you smoke, quitting can help normalize your body's DHT production. [9]
    • Because cigarette smoking increases levels of DHT and other hormones, it may cause an increased risk of prostate cancer (although some studies have shown the opposite). Smoking does increase the likelihood of death from prostate cancer.
    • Smoking in and of itself also causes hair loss, regardless of the effect of smoking on DHT levels. [10]
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      Article Summary X

      To reduce your DHT levels, try eating tomato sauce, since cooked tomatoes are a great source of lycopene and naturally block DHT. You can also snack on nuts, like almonds and cashews, which inhibit DHT. If you prefer a hot drink, try green or black tea, since this will help to slow or stop the conversion of testosterone into DHT. You should also cut down on sugary foods, like cookies, candy, and soda, which increase your body’s production of DHT. In addition to monitoring your diet, try to schedule 15 to 20 minutes of relaxation time every day, as increased stress levels can cause your body to produce too much DHT. For more tips from our Medical co-author, including how to reduce your DHT levels using supplements, read on!

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