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Fast Switch in Counter-Strike allows you to immediately select your weapon when you press the corresponding number key on your keyboard, without having to confirm that you've selected it. This feature can be enabled from the developer console, and in the menu in some versions. In Counter-Strike: Global Operations (CS: GO), this feature is enabled from the start and cannot be disabled.

Setting Up Fast Switch in Counter Strike

  • Open the “Options” menu and then click “Game Settings” or “Advanced.”
  • Enable the developer console. Then, press “~” to open the console.
  • Type “hud_fastswitch 1” and press “Enter” to turn on fast switching.
Part 1
Part 1 of 2:

Enabling the Console

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  1. This console allows you to enter commands that change the game, including the fast switch command. The console is disabled by default. [1]
    • CS: GO - Open the Options menu and select "Game Settings." Set "Enable Developer Console" to "Yes." Note: Fast Switch is enabled by default for CS: GO and cannot be disabled. [2]
    • CS: Source - Open the Options menu and select "Advanced." Check the "Enable developer console (~)" box. You can also check "Fast weapon switch" in this screen to enable it without having to use console commands.
  2. ~ key to open the console. You don't need to be in a game for it to appear.
    • This has been known to cause problems on keyboards using a French layout. If you can't get the console to open and you use a French layout for your keyboard, you'll need to change layouts when playing.
  3. You may need to force the console on the game's shortcut if you can't get it to appear:
    • Right-click on the game in your Steam library and select "Properties."
    • Click "Set Launch Options" in the "General" tab.
    • Type -console into the field. The console will appear whenever the game is started.
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Part 2
Part 2 of 2:

Turning on Fast Switch

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  1. If you didn't open the console in the previous section, press ~ to open it now. It will appear as a smaller window inside Counter-Strike.
    • You don't need to be in a game to enable fast switch, but it may help for testing purposes.
  2. hud_fastswitch 1 and press Enter . This will enable the fast switch feature so that you'll pull out the selected weapon as soon as you hit the corresponding number key.
    • Remember, CS: GO has this feature enabled by default, and it cannot be disabled. There is no need to enter a fast switch command for CS: GO.
  3. Press one of the number keys assigned to your weapons (usually 1-4). Your weapon will be pulled out immediately without having to confirm with another click. If you have more than one grenade, you'll still have to select which one you use.
  4. If you can't get used to fast switch, you can turn it off with basically the same command:
    • Open the console and type hud_fastswitch 0 to turn off fast switch.
  5. Many players find using the mouse wheel to scroll through all three weapons and grenades to be a waste of time in combat. You can bind mouse wheel up and mouse wheel down to your primary and secondary weapons, allowing you to switch in the middle of a fight without moving your fingers: [3]
    • Open the console by pressing ~ .
    • Type bind wheelup slot1 and press Enter . This will make scrolling up on the wheel automatically switch to your primary weapon.
    • Type bind wheeldown slot2 and press Enter . This will make scrolling down on the wheel automatically switch to your pistol.
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  • Question
    How do I enable dynamic crosshair in CS 1.6?
    Johannes Kenway
    Community Answer
    Open the console and type cl_dynamiccrosshair 1, though disabling it makes the crosshair static, making your aim more steady.
  • Question
    I was looking for the no animation reload, as can be seen in some professional matches, without any downloaded script. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Usually, professional matches in 1.6 are just edited after the demo file is completed.
  • Question
    How can I bind two keys to switch to last weapon in CounterStrike?
    Community Answer
    You need to use console to bind these keys. Enable developer console in the settings and open it. Command to bind keys is: bind "your_key" "your_command". You want to switch to last weapon, so command is lastinv. For example, type bind q lastinv and bind 1 lastinv to console, and you have two lastinv binds.
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      • In Counter Strike Source, this option can be checked under the advanced options in the keyboard configuration menu.
      • If you have more than one grenade type, then pressing 4 will not auto switch to the grenade - you will still need to confirm and select which one you want manually.
      • There is no such thing as a "no-animation reload." Switching weapons after shooting will cancel the animation for the bolt action, but you'll still have to wait the regular animation time before you can shoot again.
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