Q&A for How to Be a Spy

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    What if I'm a kid and I want to be a spy?
    Community Answer
    Of course. Lean and practice until your late teens or when you legally become an adult. Practice makes perfect, and as a kid you might be better off starting with spying on a friend to see if you're capable of actually performing as a spy.
  • Question
    How do I tell if someone is lying?
    Community Answer
    Lie detection requires paying close attention to the person talking, ideally to the microexpressions that flash across his or her face for an instant at a time. Other signs include talking too quickly or too slowly, blinking rapidly, or rubbing the nose or eyes.
  • Question
    What gear could be helpful for a spy?
    Community Answer
    Spies can do well with spare cash, a cell phone, scarf, tape recorder, digital camera, extra batteries, flashlight, compass, robe, safety pins and string.
  • Question
    What should I wear?
    Community Answer
    It depends on where you are spying. You should wear something that helps you blend in, depending on the situation. For example, if you are spying at school, you could wear jeans, sneakers, and a t-shirt. If you are spying at a formal event, you could wear a suit or fancy dress. Avoid bright colors, such as neon or red, as they will draw attention to you.
  • Question
    How do I choose a good spy partner?
    Community Answer
    Your partner should be be completely loyal and able to keep secrets. If you aren't tech-savvy, look for someone familiar with finding information online.
  • Question
    How can I find spy headquarters for my spy group?
    Community Answer
    Look for a place that is private and off-the-beaten path. It may be an empty classroom at school, a corner of a park that is less frequented than others or an abandoned building that no one goes into any more.
  • Question
    Do I need spy gear?
    Community Answer
    Many spying missions don't require anything more than a pair of binoculars. If you enjoy spy gear, you can make a hidden camera or install keylogging software. Careful: these tools may be illegal to use for some purposes.
  • Question
    How do I hide things if I share a room with a sibling or room-mate(s)?
    Community Answer
    You can have a special place outside of your house where you can keep your things. Or, keep things in places that seem normal but are really hiding your spy stuff. For example, hollow books or shoe boxes.
  • Question
    What should I tell people when they ask why I am carrying a notebook?
    Community Answer
    Instead of telling them it is spy gear, tell them the notebook contains your journal, drawings or school notes.
  • Question
    How do I blend in as a child?
    Community Answer
    Get a friend in their teens. Ask them to take you to the place so that, if anyone asks why you're there, you can just say you're with a family member/friend.
  • Question
    What do I do if someone is spying on me?
    Community Answer
    Try to lose them by hiding in plain sight within a crowd or group of people, or even by hiding in a cabinet or other enclosed space. If that doesn't work, call the police and say you're being stalked. Or, if you're not in danger, go up to the spy and ask them why they're spying on you and if they would like to talk about your personal life over a cup of coffee -- then make up fake details to share with them.
  • Question
    What do I do if I can't find a trustworthy partner?
    Community Answer
    If you can't find a trustworthy partner, I suggest going solo. You can still do it on your own just as well. Just keep your eyes peeled for a partner in the future, if you want.
  • Question
    What if I tell my best friend and she tells the whole class?
    Amelia Awan
    Community Answer
    Don't. Look back on your time together beforehand, and try to remember if she's ever been a blabbermouth, a liar, or anything like that. If so, tell someone who you can absolutely trust.
  • Question
    What if I need to open a door while I'm spying?
    Community Answer
    Turn the knob slowly and quietly. If you do it right, they won't notice. If they do happen to notice, take your hand off the knob and step away and hide for a second. After you have successfully turned the knob, open the door about 3/4 inch. A good method is to gradually open the door. Open 1/2 inch every 45 seconds so they will not notice. Also, you can record what someone is saying by putting the bottom of your phone by the bottom of the floor. Carefully place it on the ground. Lastly, if you put the top of you phone under the door abut 1 inch with the camera enabled you can see what is in the room.
  • Question
    How do I stop getting caught when trying to spy?
    Community Answer
    Try to be sneaky by taking off your shoes, so there will be less noises. You can also walk really slow and on tip toes.
  • Question
    What subjects should I study if I want to become a spy?
    Community Answer
    Martial arts, technology, science, foreign languages, and sociology. All of these subjects will help you prepare for your missions and better understand your targets.
  • Question
    How do I trust someone with information?
    Community Answer
    You can't, unless you are working with them, working for them, or absolutely trust them.
  • Question
    Can I be a spy alone? Do I have to belong to a specific group?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you can be a spy alone. You don't have to belong to any group.
  • Question
    Where do you find spy gear?
    Community Answer
    You can find it on online stores like Amazon, eBay and Flipkart. You can also find it at a toy store or gadget store. You can download spy gear apps on your phone and even make your own gear at home.
  • Question
    My friend knows I have a secret but I can't tell her I'm a spy. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    Don't let her manipulate you into admitting it. Friends should respect your right to keep a secret. If someone's close to discovering you, you can attempt the fake reveal: "admitting" a secret that isn't true so she stops being suspicious. Trying this on a friend is not recommended, as it may ruin the friendship if she figures it out.
  • Question
    What if I want to be a spy, but I'm not good enough?
    Community Answer
    Practice, and believe in yourself. Have confidence and stop thinking you're not good enough.
  • Question
    I'm 12 and always wanted to b a spy. What training can I start doing now?
    Community Answer
    Try spying on your friends, making a secret spy group or spying on someone else. You can also work on your fitness tracks. Once you are sure about your training you can start handling cases like who is stealing your money on Christmas when all your relatives are at home, or who steals things from your class when your class goes to the library.
  • Question
    How do I build a spy club?
    Community Answer
    Ask friends you completely trust if they have an interest in spying. If any say yes, ask them to join your group.
  • Question
    Do spies die earlier than normal people?
    Emma Venn
    Community Answer
    Not normally. Unless you are on a really dangerous mission where you might die.
  • Question
    If I wanted to spy on my brother or sister for example, I would just need to be really stealthy and only need a pair of binoculars and a camera?
    Community Answer
    It depends on if you share a room or not. If you share a room then no, if you don't then yes.
  • Question
    Can I be a spy when I am 8?
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    How old do I have to be to become a spy?
    Community Answer
    Most agencies require spies to be at least 18 years old.
  • Question
    How will baby powder expose fingerprints?
    Community Answer
    Baby powder sticks to the oils left behind by fingerprints.
  • Question
    Which books do you recommend for one to read?
    Community Answer
    Read books about James Bond, Nancy Drew, and Hercule Poirat. Those are good spy and mystery books.
  • Question
    What do I do if I always get caught when I spy?
    Community Answer
    Work on your skills and try to improve. It also helps to make maps and plans before missions.
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