Q&A for How to Become a Catholic Priest

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    How can I enter the seminary?
    Community Answer
    The best way to enter the seminary is to contact your local diocesan vocations director or the vocations director of the order you wish to join. He will meet with you and give you more information about the steps you are about to take. He can also help you through the process of filling out an application. You may need at least one recommendation from another priest, usually your pastor. But prayer and spiritual direction are also very important.
  • Question
    How do I become an exorcist priest?
    Community Answer
    To become an exorcist, you must be a Roman Catholic priest already, and you must have permission from your bishop to join the International Association of Exorcists.
  • Question
    Can an ex drug addict become a priest?
    Community Answer
    God chooses the most atypical people to be his prophets. If this is what you want to do, and feel God calling you to the priesthood, you will find your way.
  • Question
    If I was turned down for seminary due to my health, but my health is better now, do I have a chance to join?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you should apply again with proof that your health has improved.
  • Question
    I am 15 years old and I want to become a priest later in life, but can i still become priest if I become Catholic now?
    Community Answer
    Yes. As long as you follow the procedures stated above.
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    Do I need to go to college to become a priest?
    Community Answer
    It's not required, but it is recommended to attend college to get a bachelor's degree in philosophy or theology. That makes it much easier to get into seminary studies.
  • Question
    Can someone be both a priest and a military soldier?
    Community Answer
    As a chaplain yes, but keep in mind, you will be unarmed and usually not on the front lines.
  • Question
    Do you still need to know Latin to be a priest?
    Community Answer
    You don't have to be fluent (although it helps) but knowing the basics is a must, but not much more than what would be said in mass and morning prayer along with other services.
  • Question
    Can I become a Catholic priest if I am in the armed forces?
    Community Answer
    Of course, you just need to go through training for the priesthood.
  • Question
    Do I have to be a holy man before I can think of priesthood?
    Community Answer
    God chose quite a few of the most atypical people to be his prophets. So no, if this is what you want to do, you will find your way!
  • Question
    Can I become a priest in the Catholic church if I am an orphan?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Being an orphan doesn't change anything. Ask a Catholic priest how to enter a seminary.
  • Question
    I live in India and I want to become a priest, but I am not Christian. I know about Jesus and I'm beginning to believe in Jesus. If I try to become a priest in India people will vex me, but I would like to join your sermon. What do I do?
    Community Answer
    You have to be a Christian (Catholic, specifically) to become a priest. So first you must look into converting to Catholicism.
  • Question
    I am 60 years old and Catholic. I have been divorced for many years and would like to become a priest now. What should I do?
    Community Answer
    Apply to your diocese and then apply to Sacred Heart Seminary in Wisconsin.
  • Question
    Can I be a priest after only one year in seminary?
    Community Answer
    Most likely no. Unless you have some extraordinary qualifications, you will not be able to complete all the seminary requirements in one year.
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    I want to become a priest. I am the only son of my parents. What should I do -- serve my parents or god?
    Community Answer
    Serve God by serving your parents. God says, "Honor your father and mother." It may seem a lowly and mundane thing to serve you parents, but God will honor you as you honor His principles. Seek hard after God, and He will show you how to serve him in the seemingly small things of life, and you will have the opportunity to impact your sphere of influence in a way that you never imagined.
  • Question
    Can a person who is new to religion become a priest too?
    Community Answer
    Of course. Just keep in mind that it is a big decision and major commitment so you will want to be certain before you start down the path. Seminary is hard work and you will have to gain a lot of knowledge quickly, since you are coming in without a lot of background.
  • Question
    How can I enter a Catholic seminary at the age of 63?
    Lakeisha Meriez
    Community Answer
    If you fit into all of the requirements and are in good health, you may still be allowed to enter. It may help if you also have an education background in religion, such as a degree in theology or philosophy. Inquire at the seminary directly.
  • Question
    I am 35 years old and unmarried. Can I join a seminary?
    Community Answer
    You are certainly qualified to begin the process.
  • Question
    Do all seminarians study for a year in Rome before ordination, or is it a select few (chosen by a bishop)?
    Community Answer
    No Seminarian studies in Rome, unless they live and study in Rome. Otherwise, they study in their local seminar.
  • Question
    What is the maximum age limit to become a priest?
    Community Answer
    There is no age limit as far as Catholic law goes. Check with your Diocese.
  • Question
    I have a couple of tattoos before Jesus saved me. Can I still become a priest?
    Community Answer
    A lot of priests have tattoos. You might need to cover/remove them if they are offensive though.
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    If I have been married twice, once at a Pentecostal church and once by a city judge, will that keep me from becoming a priest?
    Community Answer
    Unless your wives have died, you'll have to get the marriages annulled by the Catholic Church before you can become a priest, otherwise the Church will consider you married, even if you have had a civil divorce.
  • Question
    Why are some priests allowed to marry, but not others?
    Community Answer
    Eastern rite priests can get married, but those in the Latin rite can't. This is because they have different disciplines for their priests.
  • Question
    Can an orphan become a priest?
    Community Answer
    Yes, you do not need parents to become a priest. You just have to meet the requirements.outlined in the article.
  • Question
    If I am already ordained through another Christian church, can I still be a Catholic priest? Or do I have to be re-ordained through the Catholic church?
    Community Answer
    Unless you are a priest in an Eastern Orthodox church, you would need to re-ordained by a Catholic bishop in order to be a Catholic priest. This is because the Catholic Church does not consider an ordination valid unless it was done by a bishop who can trace his ordination back to the Apostles (Apostolic succession). It is still possible to become a Catholic priest if you were ordained in another tradition, but it depends on your personal circumstances, what denomination you were part of, and the discretion of the Bishop.
  • Question
    What happens if an ordained priest decides to have an intimate sexual relationship with a woman?
    Lakeisha Meriez
    Community Answer
    Once caught and found guilty of the act, he would most likely be kicked out of the priesthood.
  • Question
    How do you recommend I start this process?
    Community Answer
    Go to the website or similar resource for your diocese and contact the spiritual director there. If you are still discerning, most diocese have discernment retreats or Andrew Dinners for young men who are discerning.
  • Question
    Is it more difficult to enter the seminary if I have finished college?
    Community Answer
    Not necessarily. People join at different ages because God calls them at different times in their life. It is best to talk to your vocations director.
  • Question
    Why can't a priest be homosexual, but still make a vow of celibacy?
    Community Answer
    Because according to Catholics, it says plainly in the Bible that homosexuality is an abomination.
  • Question
    I have had sexual relationships in the past but am unmarried. Can I still be a priest?
    Community Answer
    Yes. Talk to the head of your seminary to learn more about how your sins can be forgiven.
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